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OMG Sony did it


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I said as standard. Could you put Master system games in to a Mega Drive with out a connector? If you could, I don't remember it


I meant Sony were the first to use the media for a games console.


and dvd games?


did sony also invent dvd movie playback? (which has no bearing on the games you play anyway and was a cynical ploy to shift more ps2's when the spftware was shite in the early days) *cough* blu ray

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The conference was a total bomb. It was badly set-up, very few decent games were shown, the comments that were made were hilarious and then the whole fact that they had to ask the auidence to clap was just a joke.!


Are you serious???

They had to ASK people to clap?

*laughs hysterically*


*imagines a cheesy sign that lights up with the word applaud on it*

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I recently heard sony have claimed to invent the whole concept of *games* and *play*


in fact every past console has been copying sony all along. even those from before the playstation.


who. would. have. thought.

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Are you serious???

They had to ASK people to clap?

*laughs hysterically*


*imagines a cheesy sign that lights up with the word applaud on it*


Yeah seriously. They showed clips of up and coming PS3 games then it ended and the guy walked back on stage and said something along the lines of feel free to clap or something like that. It was embarresing to watch but me loving Nintendo I thought it was priceless.

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Are you serious???

They had to ASK people to clap?

*laughs hysterically*


*imagines a cheesy sign that lights up with the word applaud on it*



yeah went kinda like this:


"Yeah....uhhh, great demonstration......uhhhh a round of applause there folks??"




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If you're all confident that Wii will suceed, then this thread isn't necessary. All this thread is showing at the moment, is insecurity.


Nothing wrong with being optimistic besides you are on a Nintendo site what did you expect. Its like when you support your favourite football team you always rip apart your rival club.

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Nintendo are my favourite too. I just don't see the point in bashing the competition, especially when they're all only in it for money, and would all sell us a brick for 300 quid if they could.

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If you're all confident that Wii will suceed, then this thread isn't necessary. All this thread is showing at the moment, is insecurity.


You are right, there are a lot of fanboy comments in here, but then again what did you expect?


Go to a hardcore sony website and you will see a load of Sony Fanboys.


And I think Wii has a very good chance of doing well.


Nintendo are my favourite too. I just don't see the point in bashing the competition, especially when they're all only in it for money, and would all sell us a brick for 300 quid if they could.


I think anyone/company would sell a brick for £300 if they could. :)

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Nope. First trigger was in N64 controller.



Sorry boys, first trigger was on the Virtal Boy which came out marginally before the N64.


Also another thing for everyone to think about. No developr will want to port their game to the PS3 cos it's architecture is a nightmare. Wii controlled games will be awesome and PS3 "tilt'n'rumble" control will just fade into gimmickiness, just like UMD movies.

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Not read any of the other replies so sorry if I'm repeating anything...


I thought Nintendo took legal action to ensure that this kind of thing can't happen? Surely they knew that Sony would copy them. Although Sony did dismiss the FHC as a gimmick, now they're trying to cash in on it.


I don't think we really have that much to worry about, anyone who would be brought in by the thought of a motion sensitive controller would go the the Wii because it's the real deal. The Playstation 3 is merely a Nintendo Wii starter kit. Once people experience a taste of the fun you can have with the PS3 controller, they'll sell their PS3's and be able to get a Wii... Or even 2!


I can accept that the controller is bound to be copied as it's so innovative and takes gaming to a whole new level. I expected every console to have it, or a somehow advanced version, in the generation after this but what Sony is doing is completely contradictory to what they have said about the Wii controller. I hope Sony aren't going try to pass this off as their idea.

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Nintendo fanboys need to stfu, seriously. I do NOT feel sorry for Nintendo at all. This is a business, Sony and Nintendo are both companies who only care about money, and don't really care about our happiness at all. Nintendo would eat Sony and Microsoft up if they could, and you all damn well know it. So don't give me any of this ethics crap.


I'll still buy a Wii, but all consoles will have this sorta technology in the future, get over it.


Mikey, if this is true, why are nintendo the only ones to take a risk this gen and try something new? both sony and M$ are to the tried and rested formula

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Sorry if this has been posted before, but GamesRadar published an article on the PS3 controller.




Notice anything familiar next to the USB port? XD The motion sensing wasn't the only thing they pinched from Microsoft/Nintendo. No idea if the USB port was in the original boomerang or if Sony decided to try making their own pad attachments after seeing the Wiimote.


... You know, if PS3 is said to support 7 players, why does the pad display only count up to 4? :P

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I had money on this happening! The bastards!


We all though they would try and copy, but we sorted of duaghted that even they would sink this low, even more so after critissing the so called "gimic", sony are just trying to create an ubber console, which has a hard-drive (didn't they critise the 360 ones at first), HTDV, blue ray, and now copy nintendos title feature, they are just going to fail, they are not focusing on one area, there to spread out:


The motion sensor won't get used

Blue ray will flop

No one will afford it

It will never use it's full potential, before gtting outdatted by a ps4



Now we know why nintneod siad they wanted to hold stuff back, I bet the only things on sony's mind at the moment, is "will we have enough time to rip off nintendo's new sectret, when it's released".


What next nario128, Qelda:tp, supper mash bros. -would not supprise me in the slightest...

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Ha ha, Sony's marketing idea with PS3 seems to be pissing on the customer's eye real good...


What else does that great rip-off motion-sensing system bring out? No Rumble effects at all!? Ha ha, Dual "Shock" my ass!


With the cheaper, 20Gb 499€ priced set you WON'T get:




-Memory Card Reader/port


What does this mean? No WiFi = No netplay? No HDMI = No HD-picture in movies?


So basically you are forced to get the more expensive version, the one with 599€ price tag. 600€ for a fu*king game console!? Fony, you are doomed and I'll be swinging my Wii on your grave and peeing all over the place. F U!


Well Memory card slots are not existant seen as it will have a removable HD-drive, plus it still has 1 or 2 ethernet ports to plug cables into

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Sony are doing what they do best: ticking boxes "What have we stolen from Nintendo?" list.


Well, on the bright side, if their tilt sensor is anything like the other stuff they've nicked off Nintendo, it'll be massively worse.

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First it was a bit naiv to think sony would just copy the "revolutionary aspekt", as a chinees company copy western clothing, bags and games... but they freaking did... and they are just pretending its there own... I was about to puke when that fucking asshole (ken from sony japan) stood there on stage talking about inovation and new ways to play... :woops:


I really hope they'll pay for this... there had to be a lot of gamereporters among the audience getting the exitment down the wrong thrugt... Do Sony think people are stupid? I hope the worlds gameing comynity will prove them wrong : peace:

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I tthought the atari one only worked in 8 directions?


God, i am selling my ps2 a.s.a.p now, i don;t want anything with their fucking logo on it.

(except my ps1, that won't fetch a quid)


I would do the same but I need it for it's DVD, when the wii's out that will change.


I may go and smash my other ps2 for a laugh and post the picks. :laughing:

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This 'new controller' by Sony is not going to do them any favours. Maybe people owning PS3's may get the odd game that enhaces it and makes the game better but most won't use it well (probably - just my opinioin)


however MOST IMPORTANTLY it will not attract gamers to it as the FHC will for Nintendo. They aren't going to tap into the non-gamer market due to a tilt sensor and even gamers aren't going to look at a tilt sensor and say WOW I need that console - as I predict is what will happen with the FHC


Basically IT SUCKS and I think most people can see that

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