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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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There is only one character that needs to be in it. Captain Falcon (or as I like to call him, Falconius Love Machine...)


Better be good. Online play better be cool. And if Nintendo ever wanted to they could make new characters for download.

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can't wait for this. I'm still playing mulitplayer with my bro and sis till this day. And I'm still whooping their asses with the almighty Samus. Got 10 KO's twice in our session today in games of stock, 6 lives.


This better be good. Its got a lot to live up to. :smile:

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omg nintendo seem to be doing everything right this time round! even wii has grown on me and i really love it now! the only thing they could do to mess up is to not anounce a 2006 european release for Wii!


woot SSBW and Zelda and Mario all at launch?! Nintendo are going to owe me a few new pairs of boxers if they confirm those launch games!


oh and Metroid Prime 3 . . . damn, Nintendo already owe me a pair :)

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Shame about MP3,probably to make way for Red Steel.Least we have Smash Bros.


Come launch aslong as Smash Bros is online that is the only game that I will need. Saying that after tonights announcements it looks like many a launch game will be bought, providing they launch in this country.

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I wasn't over impressed with SSBM but I am curious as to how this one is going to work out , especially with the controller.


With so many other launch games this may take a back seat for a while , although my opinions could well chance after this weeks through.

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I wonder if they'll go with the "wavebird-style shell" for it!!! I thought screens of it spilled today! I misinterpreted the title! EeeEeEk CANT WAIT TILL TOMORROW!!! And I'm gonna be in class.... GAAAAH!!!


But once its gone Wi-fi... I'll kick all your butts with the one and only, Mario!

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please use the shell please use the shell please use the shell please use the shell please use the shell please use the shell please use the shell please use the shell

Don't you worry, of course Nintendo will just use the Freehand.

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