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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Anyone else thinking what character they're going to go for yet?


I was a Sheik regular last time, but I like the look of Sonic this time, especially because he is apprently so hard to master.


Yeah, Sonic looks cool. And I think he's really hard to master. I might go for Link, as he's been my favourite character for the last two Smash Bros. games.


Fox looks cool too. I just don't like his Final Smash. He should've jumped in an Arwing and start shootin' stuff.

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Another daily update from Smashboards. Today it's pikachu :) It's ironic how smashboards updates done by Gimpyfish have been so awesome and are probably better than smashbros.com's update (both good though lol).


Let’s do the little rat character next. Pikachu is back and he’s certainly seemed to receive some buffs, or perhaps I should say some… alterations. Pikachu is pretty quick in this game, compared to the rest of the characters in the game he is probably still about the same in this regard (please note that this does not mean he is the exact same speed, but when compared to the rest of the cast, the speed between everyone puts him in a similar spot). Pikachu seems to have a lot of combo ability. His down throw looks like one of the only throws that has a potential chainthrow (although it can be DI’d out of from what we saw) and it also is one that you can combo with (with the apparent new throwing mechanics that seems like a bigger deal than I can make of it through this writing). Pikachu’s up airs combo better than they did in melee in this game from what I can tell, they do decent damage and it is easy enough to string them together. It also does NOT spike in the same fashion in this game. It hits the opponent straight up and not very far – perfect for comboing. Pika’s forward air seems to work more similarly to the smash 64 version than the melee version, meaning it looks like it will be a little bit more viable for comboing than it was in Melee. Pikachu’s up tilt also has received a nice buff; it has more range on all sides and is a nice setup; overall Pikachu seems like he’s a pretty good character.


Now let’s move onto his specials, which appeared to receive some nice buffs, well, at least one of them did. His neutral b seems to be just as effective (or ineffective) as it was in melee. Still does basically the same thing, doesn’t seem to be much faster or do any kind of extra knockback or anything. His over b does more or less the same thing. According to T0MMY it can be charged for longer in this game than in Melee, but it doesn’t seem to be too drastic of a change. Keep in mind that you CAN sweet spot with this move now due to the new sweet spot mechanics. Pikachu’s up b seems to be the same as it was in melee, doing the small percentage of damage and knockback after quickly passing through an opponent. The most massively and obviously improved move of Pikachu’s is his down b thunder. This move is MUCH faster to activate and has VERY little lag. From what we saw it doesn’t look like it has the cloud at the top, I’m unsure if it actually comes down from the absolute top of the screen, but it does go noticeably higher. The knockback on the move is also more vertical, it seems like killing off the top for Pikachu has become much easier through this move. His Down B is simply more viable now, I’m sure that this move will find a lot of uses in Brawl.


Let’s get back to his regular moves now. I’ve already discussed some of his combo moves and now I’ll move onto his smash attacks. Pikachu’s might up smash from Melee has sadly seen some nerfs, and its more than just the characters living for a higher average percent, the move just doesn’t seem to have the power that it did in melee, although the speed and applications seemed mostly the same. His forward smash has more range, I’m not really sure if it has any changes to knockback. The big one here is his shiny new down smash. If you were looking for Peach’s dsmash you wouldn’t find it on peach, you’d find it here. Pikachu’s down smash is MASSIVELY improved in brawl. It is likely going to be one of the primary ways you’ll get kills with Pikachu. This move sucks you in, if you shield it sometimes it damages your shield well enough to get a hit out of it. The move does a good amount of percent (around 25% or so I think) and does an absolute ton of vertically knockback. Festizzio was one of the main players using him at the event and he remembers doing a down smash on a fox at around 90% and it killed him off the top.


Overall Pikachu is better than he was in Melee, compared to the rest of the cast at the demo at least. The one big thing that Pikachu seemed to lack in Melee, range, was increased substantially in Brawl. His priority also seems to be better, and he might have even more killing potential this time, he doesn’t seem to have to spam up smashes or neutral off the stage exclusively to get kills this time (calm down Pikachu mains I know that’s not exactly how it is), but he just generally seems to have some nice improvements, he seems to be good in almost every regard. Speed, knockback, setups, recovery - Pikachu is good, not great, in all of these areas.

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Pikachu was my character of choice in both Smash games already- but then I've since moved onto Marth and Roy. I was looking forward to using Ike in this because I think Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance is class, but of course I'll still be partial to unleashing some Pika thunder so its good to hear he seems improved.

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Pikachu is still one of my favs, used him since the original Smash. I'm disappointed that his up air spike has been dropped though, it's one of my favourite moves.


Have to admit I smiled when i saw it doesn't spike :heh: That said, Pikachu seems to be a better character now; might give him a shot.

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I didn't read everything, but it seems Pikachu improved. Specially his Thunder move. I'll look forward to using him, since he's fun to use and I always liked Thunder (even if slow).



About the character I'm going to main, I currently main Ganondorf. Ike seems to be on the same boat with incredibly powerful, yet slow moves.


Since I'm also a Fire Emblem fan, yeah, I'll look forward to maining Ike.

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:bowdown: :bowdown:STAGE BUILDER!!!:bowdown: :bowdown:


You can create your own stages this time?! No way. REALLY?! With a feature like that, won’t I be able to play this game forever?!




Apparently it’s true...!!!


Those who enjoy a little effort may be able to enjoy this stage builder for the rest of their lives.




First, start from the initialize setting.


You start by choosing the size of the stage, the background pattern, and the music that will play. Oops! Sorry. For music, you’ll only be able to choose from the songs you have available.




This is the edit screen!


Basically, you choose parts from the palette on the side and place them in the field.


The controls vary by controller, but each one can do the following:


Flip parts left to right

Enlarge or shrink parts

Zoom in or out on the screen

Swap palettes


...Among other things.




Just place terrain however you like. Chuckity-chuckity-CHUCK!




Then try it out!


Modify it and try it... Repeat as necessary. Make your own ideal stage!




Mmm... That’s amazing.




And you can save a name and a comment for the stage.


You can change the music on the save screen. Choose something that matches the mood of your stage.


And I’m happy that this is compatible with SD cards. You don’t have to worry about size, so make as many stages as you like.


Also, if you’ve finished registering someone as both a Wii Friend and a Smash friend, you’ll be able to send custom stages to each other.


Now, for those who hate putting effort into such things, we’ve also prepared something you can enjoy as well.




"Submit" ...?


That’s right! You can use your Wi-Fi connection to send stages you’ve made to Nintendo! (However, you can’t submit repeatedly. Maybe just once per day?)


And a stage selected from the entire daily collection will be sent from Nintendo to your Wii. A stage made by someone else will come to you over the Internet once per day!


DUN DUN DUNNNNNN! That’s the shocking truth. This means you’ll be able to experience a new stage every day—the flavor of the day, if you will. However, the plan is for that stage to vanish once one day has passed. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime encounter.


You can submit in both the Snapshots mode and the Stage Builder mode, allowing everyone to enjoy the creations of others. The fun of sharing is one of the ways that I wanted to take advantage of Wi-Fi for something other than pure battling.




Today’s stage has lots of traps...


This is our ideal current plan. We still don’t know the exact service period. And future tuning may result in changes to the spec.


But for now, please look forward to it!




This is greater than the online announcement for me. While online is a welcome feature, i've got a fairly crappy limited usage plan so my ability to use the feature is limited, but with this, its confirmed i'll be playing this game for pretty much the whole of 2008. Best value for money game possibly ever...

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This is amazing :o He manages to stun me every single time over how much there will be in this game. And we still have about 4 months of updates left.


but with this, its confirmed i'll be playing this game for pretty much the whole of forever. Best value for money game possibly ever...


fixed ;)

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Holy Florking Schnitt. Well, this will certainly extend the lifespan... I see stages with nothing but spikes, tiny platforms surrounded by an endless void...


I wonder if you can "Mario Paint" your own background?

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Hello Gamecube, 360, DS. Well I guess there's no need for you anymore.


*throws out the door*


This really is incredible. I mean this game has delivered everything I wanted from it, gone a step further and I haven't even played it yet. Well done sir, well done.

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damn this is the best update ever , smashbros brawl is a Fighting game dream for me everything i ever wanted in a fighting game is in it :D 4player battle , online mode , adventure mode , collectibles , nice cutscenes , best Characters in videogame history , create your own level , lots of music variation , personal entrance , destructible environments , smash attacks , i always wanted something like that in smashbros that every characters had a Special super attack ,


and the funny part from todays update i just talked with my brother couple days back and said that it would be awesome to make your own stage :S and now its anounced


finally nintendo is listening to their fans now only thing they have to anounce is Isaac ( from golden sun ) as a playable character then i have nothing more to ask from them hahah

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