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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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About Roy and Marth would people like if they were placed by there look-likes Ike (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.) and Eliwood (Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword.)?

Also I hope that Nintendo add The Black Knight (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.) and add female Fire Emblem characters like Eirika, Titania or Jill.

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Amen to that.


Amen to your amen.


My character analysis:




Keep. Just upgrade his speed and possibly change his Down + B attack; its too similar to Yoshi's.


Captain Falcon


Keep. Can't think of anything to change on him, other than making him less sexual.


Donkey Kong


Keep. His moves are perfect for him.


Dr. Mario


Get rid of. He is just Mario with a different skin. Serves no purpose.




Keep. Of course I'm going to say keep, but he's more than just a Fox clone (such as Dr. Mario with Mario). Seeing as how he's a bird, his appearance and moves can change without a problem.




Keep. Maybe make his blaster actually effect people.




Keep. Instead of making him a Captain Falcon clone, give him his sword(s) and let him go at it. Obviously tone down some of his power and give him a bit more speed.


Ice Climbers


Keep. They add variation.




Keep. Is a punching bag until you take time and play with her. Keep the same moves, Down + B is the only thing that keeps her from completely blowing.




Keep. An original from SSB. Not much else to say.




Keep. Is already in the game. Perhaps give him a different Forward + B and a different B move.




Keep. Is somewhat like Falco to Fox. With a little work he can be his own character.




Keep. Thats all there is to say.




Keep. Don't know much about Fire Emblem to suggest anything.




Keep. He's the biggest badass of all Pokemon. Just give him some sweeter moves this time round.


Mr. Game and Watch


Keep. Although I didn't like him, he should stay due to the fact that he IS the beginning of video games.




Keep. I'd like to see a different Up + B move, though.




Keep. As much as I didnt like her, she should stay to help represent the female diversity. Just please, pleeeease give her better power.




GET RID OF! The only character to hurt itself, what more can I say?




Keep. One of the originals from SSB. Plus he's already confirmed.




??? Not sure here because once again, I don't know enough about Fire Emblem. Perhaps he could change, perhaps he couldn't.




Keep. Her moves fit her perfectly. Not much else to say about her.




Keep, although it is in a serious need of a make-over. Needs to upgrade speed, power, and coolness. If it were, lets say, Samurai Goroh, I'd definitely say to get rid of the character, but since its Yoshi he kinda has to stay.


Young Link


Change to WW Link. Although he won't really be changed much, I think that a visual change would provide enough to help bring in some freshness. Also, change some of the moves to make him not a mini clone of Link.




Keep. Perhaps make them two completely different players, but I really don't know. It'll be up to the developers on this one.

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Amen to your amen.


My character analysis:




Keep. Instead of making him a Captain Falcon clone, give him his sword(s) and let him go at it. Obviously tone down some of his power and give him a bit more speed.




Keep. Is already in the game. Perhaps give him a different Forward + B and a different B move.


Young Link


Change to WW Link. Although he won't really be changed much, I think that a visual change would provide enough to help bring in some freshness. Also, change some of the moves to make him not a mini clone of Link.


I agree with FalcoLombardi about the ssbb characters but replace Ganondorf (Zelda: Oot) with Ganondorf from Zelda:WW. :yay:







Keep. Don't know much about Fire Emblem to suggest anything.




??? Not sure here because once again, I don't know enough about Fire Emblem. Perhaps he could change, perhaps he couldn't.


This site can help you with infomation about the Fire Emblem series.

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Amen to your amen.


Keep. I'd like to see a different Up + B move, though.


But PK Thunder Torpedo thingy is the awesome!!!...If anything should change it's PK FLASH!!!...Make it more manuverable (sp?) and not...heavy!!:wtf:



Add Ridley to the game damn it!!...RIDLEY!!!

Waluigi would be funny to have...one of his victory dances could be the crotch thing from Football ;)


This time, the Wario you know from the "WarioWare" series makes an appearance.

In trying to embody the flavor of the original game, we've aimed to give him some rather...excessive movements.

What does that mean, you ask? You'll just have to wait and see.


Hmmm....A nose picking move?! I hope he's based around Wario World/Land Wario as well, he'd have some awesome grabs and such then.



Where's this supposed to be!?


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But PK Thunder Torpedo thingy is the awesome!!!...If anything should change it's PK FLASH!!!...Make it more manuverable (sp?) and not...heavy!!:wtf:



Add Ridley to the game damn it!!...RIDLEY!!!

I think Ridley should be the end of storymode boss for Samus;


Maybe, if they thought about each characters end of storymode boss carefully, those could be the unlockable characters!?




This isn't a pure character addition. Rather, under certain conditions, Samus will "remove" her Power Suit. Whoa! That's a woman under there!


Naturally, Zero Suit Samus loses power and stamina, so she should fight using the speed she gains instead.

Also, her gun transforms and can be used as a whip. Of the two, one might consider the whip to be her main weapon.


And don't worry—you'll still be able to play as standard Samus, too.

Sounds as though Samus may now be a transformable character! I really hope not!!


Also, I hope they haven't made it so that Zero Suit Samus loses health (similar to Pichu), that's what it sounds like!!

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Also, I hope they haven't made it so that Zero Suit Samus loses health (similar to Pichu), that's what it sounds like!!


I think they just mean that she will be weaker (i.e. the same attack on zero suit Samus will do more than the same attack on normal Samus, and that the damage she deals out will be lower) but make up for it in speed. Won't actually loose health like Pichu, kinda like the Adult/Young Link differences!

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Knights of The Round!

Aww thanks a lot man! :hehe: you don't know how long I've been looking for that :kiss: ...watching it after all this time, and it still looks so amazing...this has just made my day, thanks again!


And in a reciprocal gesture I'm gonna give you a hug...c'mere Mr silly bear...heeey, where's you goin eh? ::shrug:

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Yeah, it's deffo not Hyrule. Judging by the war in the trailer, I'd also say it's a Fire Emblem level.


The flags aren't Hyrulean for one.


I think maybe having Sami from Advance Wars would be an okay character to have. She's been seen with a Bazooka & Machine Gun, which would be 2 of her moves, the others could be war based in some other way. And her super calls in troops ;)

She's the only AW character you could incorporate easily because she actually has weapons and is a main character. I'd at least like to see an AW based level, Nintendo should use as many of their franchises as possible for characters and levels, Baloon Fight music only just didn't cut it, especially being on the worst level :heh:

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Sakurai actually said this in the 3rd update of the emails!


"Here it is: Sakurai starts by saying there wont be any manga characters. Then he starts talking about other companies characters to appear in the game. Among other things, Sakurai says that the character MUST have appeared on a Nintendo platform before. And to literally translate the last sentence (keep in mind this is in reference to the characters from other companies): "Anyways, at most we'll add another 1-2 characters, maybe?"


Sakurai said it as a question, so it could still change."


From SmashBoards.


Also the castle is from the Fire Emblem series.

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