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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Rise above is awesome. And the only song which title I remember^^' But to get in, doesn't it need a character from the game to be in Brawl?


No. Remember Mach rider and Balloon Fight musics were in Melee and, considering music is even more important in Brawl, it wouldn't be a surprise.

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Rise above is awesome. And the only song which title I remember^^' But to get in, doesn't it need a character from the game to be in Brawl?


Rise Above really is pretty cool. It's slow, but can still fit in a fight.


But the character is not required. Remember that Melee had music from Mach Rider, Balloon Fighter and Super Mario Bros. 3. And those games were only referenced in trophies and Sound Room.


Plus, with the "My Music" option, any music has a chance to get in, rearranged or not.

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Franchises first appearing in Super Smash Bros.

1. Smash Bros.

2. Donkey Kong

3. Star Fox

4. Kirby

5. F-Zero

6. Metroid

7. Earthbound

8. Pokemon

9. Legend of Zelda

10. Mario

11. Yoshi


Franchises first starting in Melee

12. Fire Emblem

13. ???(Game and Watch?)

14. Ice Climber


Franchises introduced in Brawl

15. Animal Crossing

16. WarioWare

17. Metal Gear

18. Kid Icarus

19. ???

20. Sonic

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Does anyone know what the post about Meowth means on the Dojo? Says something about what they call the charm on his head in Japan, and says we should check out the Japanese site as long as you can read Japanese.

I can't, obviously.


Can anyone here give me a hint or is this just me being sad :-S


Also - the sideways control scheme looks a little... limited. I'm sure it will work but I'm much more interested in the other control schemes, especially the motion controls.

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As noone seems to have noticed, here goes:





Meowth. It’s considered a major Pokémon, but it did not show up in Melee. It now makes its first appearance since the original Smash Bros.




Meowth appears!




It unleashes a slow coin barrage!


They call this Pay Day, but it’s not like it’s getting any coins out of it.




It doesn’t appear to be throwing the coin on its forehead.


Huh? That definitely appears to be a coin on its forehead, but what do you suppose they call it in Japan?


Maybe if you check the Japanese version of Smash Bros. Dojo you can find out...


Believe it or not, but you can use four controller types with this game! But everyone seems to wonder the most about how the Wii Remote works when held sideways.


Please allow me to explain.





+Control Pad : Move


Press left or right to walk and press up to jump.


If you’re in a real hurry, press twice. Press left or right twice to run and press down for a short time to fall through some floors.




Press sideways twice to dash!


2 Button : Basic Moves


Just press the button for a standard attack. Press it while pressing a direction on the +Control Pad for a strong attack.


You can perform smash attacks in one of the following ways:


1: Press the 1 Button and the 2 Button at the same time.

2: Press any direction on the +Control Pad and the 2 Button at the same time.

Just pick whichever one is easiest for you!!




Press the 2 Button at the same time you press up,

sideways, or down!


1 Button : Special Moves


The direction you press will determine what kind of special move you do.




You have four special moves depending on the direction you pick: neutral, up, sideways, and down.


B Button : Shield


This is in a kind of hard-to-press area, but the button for your shield is near your left index finger.


To dodge, hold down the B Button and press in a direction.


To grab, hold down the B Button and press the 2 Button.


To throw an item, hold down the B Button and press the 2 Button.




Using the – Button is the same as pressing B Button and 2 Button. Grab away!


A Button : Taunt


That’s all!


Right now, to grab a Smash Ball, you have to beat on it—not just touch it. Don’t forget!




Be the first to pummel it!


When you get a Smash Ball, try a standard special move. In other words, just press the button for your special move without a direction. You will then perform your Final Smash.


This is the same for all control schemes, so keep that in mind.


On October 18 at the E for All (Entertainment For All Expo) in Los Angeles, people will be able to play Brawl. And (perhaps boldly), it will be available for play with the Wii Remote. Is that really going to be OK?


No need for concern—I bet you can play it quite smoothly and simply...maybe. How about a little mental training before the time comes when you actually control it?

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I think its just a Koban (Japanese gold coin) often a Manaki Neko holds one:










Confirms the above.


Reminds of that Meowth Party Spaceworld demo that never made it to a final game, although featured in Pokemon Channel...

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Franchises first appearing in Super Smash Bros.

1. Smash Bros.

2. Donkey Kong

3. Star Fox

4. Kirby

5. F-Zero

6. Metroid

7. Earthbound

8. Pokemon

9. Legend of Zelda

10. Mario

11. Yoshi


Franchises first starting in Melee

12. Fire Emblem

13. ???(Game and Watch?)

14. Ice Climber


Franchises introduced in Brawl

15. Animal Crossing

16. WarioWare

17. Metal Gear

18. Kid Icarus

19. ???

20. Sonic


So there is at least one more series that hasn't been announced. Let's hope it's Golden Sun ^^

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Not a large update today, but at least Meowth was confirmed to be a PokeBall character instead of playable. I never expected him to be playable but there were people who did.


And about the icon list, like I said when Sonic was announced we got another new franchise and I'm guessing it to be Pikmin or Megaman.

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But which one :o


Icarus or felix or someone else? (I think those are the names)


Also we haven't seen anything to suggest that golden sun will even appear at all in this game what makes you think theres a chance of it being in? :smile:


Of course. It's owned by Nintendo and even if it weren't, Camelot is in good terms with Nintendo. The chance is definately there.


By the way, since Jill was deconfirmed, I'll update my most wanted top 5:



5-Isaac (I prefer him over Felix, but either one's fine)


4-Blue (Pokémon Rival)


3-Megaman (Original)





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I think he has a chance of being a costume change of PT.


At least that. It's not like Blue using the starters is weird. It fits him just as well as Red.


I've just realised that I've never played a game with Megaman in it...


Go play Megaman 2, then. Or Megaman X. Those are pretty good.


ISAAC! I knew it was that, I don't know why I typed icarus :S


Didn't know golden sun was owned by nintendo. Its been so long since I played it :p


I think it's owned by Nintendo. Or at least Nintendo must have some kind of copyrights.

Camelot is Second-Party, right? So are Gamefreaks, the creators of Pokémon and Drill Dozer.

I think it's plausible to say that Isaac has a nice chance.

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Isaac or someone else from Golden Sun would be a perfect fit for Smash Bros. A bit of sword slashing on the A button, the psynergy stuff would fit brilliantly to the B button. Then theres the summons, which would be perfect final smashes.


Also, don't forget that there could well be another series, or several other series, after Sonic.

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Little Mac




Once there was a legendary man. He knocked heavyweight boxers many times his own size to the mat en route to a WVBA title.


Little Mac appears from Punch Out!




I can do it! I’m the one!




...But isn’t he a little small?


He may be small, but don’t underestimate him. He’s a real fighter.




A fierce dash!




One! Two! Powerful jabs!




And his special move is his uppercut!


Resurrecting this legend for the current generation is something we can all enjoy just a bit. He is an Assist Trophy.


Little Mac was already known since last week to be an AT. Now he's on the site as well. This crushes a lot of people hopes for him being playable, I don't really care about him ,although he looks cool, but at least he made it in.

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Reminds of that Meowth Party Spaceworld demo that never made it to a final game, although featured in Pokemon Channel...

It even had a trophy in Melee :)




You know what!?!?...I'd completly forgotten about Lil Mac, BUT he would have made an awesome payable character; with just punches and such. He could have even been almost a "multiclone", but he wouldn't rip them off exactly like the clones :)


^B - Coin Punch like uppercut

B - Captain Falcon like/DK like punch

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Little Mac was already known since last week to be an AT. Now he's on the site as well. This crushes a lot of people hopes for him being playable, I don't really care about him ,although he looks cool, but at least he made it in.


He would have been cool as a playable character...but perhaps they are worried he doesn't have enough crazy moves...

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[Conceptualised by Petey Piranah]


***UP SPECIAL MOVE*** I thought along the same lines as you Kurtle regarding the up special move. It would be something along the lines of a mid air uppercut similar to Marios coin punch but not rotating Ryu style, a straight mid air uppercut. It'd be difficult to do anything else considering that the up special move needs to have some form of upward air motion to be able to recover.






***DOWN SPECIAL MOVE*** His down move would be rather boring as it would be defense move where he he positions his arms in such a way it guards most of his face and tummy, pulling back with that famous motion and swirvy sound just like in Punch Out. If timed well, the move can even protect you from the effects of final smashes! Although timing would be crucial for this move to be effective.




***STANDARD SPECIAL MOVE*** His standard special move can be a charge punch move with extra power not as much as the final smash though which I detail below




***SIDE SPECIAL MOVE*** His side special move would a combo slurry where depending on the timing of hitting B, you can get a number of varied punches in one moveset/combo, much like Marths sword combos.




***FINAL SMASH*** The final smash would be simple. Some white or yellow stars appear, all merge into one, disapper into Little Macs chest and his gloves start flashing indicating full power, Little Mac is now able to deal KO punches. One punch from Little during his final smash and its an instant KO, no two buts about it, although the disadvantage is, for having such a powerful final smash, as homage to the original game, one hit and you lose that power straight away, plus the punches are a bit slower than regular punches... Thats the trade off for having such a powerful Final Smash.




And of course, his taunt:




The conclusion you can draw with this character is that he would be a superb character for anyone that is an expert in close combat as his attacks would be of greater power than normal to compensate for his lack of far reaching and projectile style attacks. While I am disappointed to see him as an assist trophy, I guess theres always Super Smash Bros Ruckus!!! (i.e. sequel to Brawl).


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wow, you really really wanted him as a playable character


Indeed I did. I believe that its been an injustice hes not been a playable character in the Smash Bros series. Little Mac singlehandely is Nintendos greatest ever fighter. Period. Unlike more popular Nintendo heroes such as Link and Samus, Little Mac doesn't need weapons/projectiles to defeat his enemies. He fights the proper way using his bare fists. He is a testament to the little guy conveying the message that you need not be big to be successful and he is an absolute legend because of it.

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