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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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As for Mario he remains vulnerable during his attack. So if anyone doesn't get hit by him he might attack him.


Yes it seems that Mario can easily be hit in his back while doing his Final Smash. So he'd have to make sure he hits everyone with it, and that can be difficult.

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I'd hoped Pikachu would momentarily evolve into Raichu and unleash a screen filling blast of THUNDER (a bit like Mario's fire, but blasting out in all directions)!




Opportunity wasted!


And what's with having a Final Smash that could, if used untimely, lead to your death? Mario and Link don't have that!


How does a POkémon evolve and de evolve?

Wow volt-tackle, wasn't expecting that, coolio.

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The following message doesn't have a whole lot to do with Smash Bros. Anyone remember King Boo? Anyone noticed his absence? Well, he added me on MSN and requested I post this in this thread. I guess he forgot to post a parting message himself. I don't really care, but because he asked me, and you know me, I'm a nice guy, I'll post it. Anyway, here's what he has to say:


Hello N-E. Ive just been on MSN to Echo to explain the reasons why I left N-E. The main reason I left was because I thought I was spending way too much time on the forums. It was at the point that I couldnt stop myself from visiting even if I didnt want to. We all know how N-E is a very addictive, a class A drug if you will, and it was beyond me to just say to myself 'stop'. So therefore I asked to be banned, which would securely stop me from posting.


Being on the forum didnt allow me to relax at all at home. If I saw something new and interesting i'd be compelled to make a thread about it no matter if it was something i was interested in. For example if a new TV programme was starting or i felt like i wanted to share an opinion, i would have to stop whatever i was doing and go and post it.


A good example of this was when i was watching the MU vs Roma game. Whenever Manu scored i had to rush upstairs and post that there was a goal, it was like getting the satisfaction from posting something first, even though everyone will know it anyway. The happyness of the moment was ruined, and my actions felt stupid and unjustified. It caused me to miss other goals in that game whilst spending time on the computer for no reason.


And thats what some of it is about. I miss out on things for the sake of being on a virtual forum. None of the people really felt like close friends, and that isnt the forums fault, i still had a couple of mini buddies i could share thoughts with, but that was all. You can only be yourself to a certain extent on a forum. People put on masks and pretend to be people they are not. Arguing goes on a lot over something trivial, and things that people say can be exasperating, but why should I get annoyed or frustrated over something on the Internet which is so small? To me it seems childish to be on the forums for the amount of time I have.


No disrespect to anyone who's been here longer than me, its just my opinion that if you are on here a long time and you make thousands of posts, it can only sad and be a bit sad and pointless in the long run. I understand some here feel about games very stongly here, and i do to some extent, but I dont feel that i need to know all of the latest news anymore. It makes it a much better surprise and games will feel a lot more special once you get to play them. Lots of the information you learn and think is interesting on the news page is actually not very useful and its a bit of a waste of time and effort.


Im now putting more time towards social life now, such as more sports clubs, revising more, and going over friends houses more, and although itll be a slow process im sure it will be a lot more use to me. Having said all of this though, Im still very glad that Ive been on the forum. Ive absorbed a lot of skills and important information that will help me in life, and i thank all those that have given me a few laughs and shared stuff with me. I wouldnt have missed it for almost anything, but now it seems like i should move on.


I hope everyone here is all doing well. And if your thinking 'if boo has left this forum, by his reasoning there is no point of him saying all this', well youd be wrong. this forum has meant a lot and i will miss it for all its worth. Bye


Also thanks to echo, Mcj Metroid, Fierce, DCK, Shadow, Tellyn, and stefkov (plus anyone else who ive forgotten, which is probably a lot, because there are a lot of cool people here).

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;479736"]Interesting. Broke it into paragraphs though. A big block of text tends to get overlooked.


Oh right, sorry about that. That's some deep shit isn't it? Usually I'm not a big fan of these "I'm leaving for good" messages, I think they're a bit vain, and the member in question returns pretty soon anyway. But he requested to get banned, and that takes some balls.


So, SSBB, ... balls..


Those Smash Balls look interesting, to say the least.

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June 20 Wed. 2007 June update = Wario.


Many fans clamored for Wario to join the fray, and so now he finally makes his appearance...in his WarioWare costume.


It’s rumored that this unpredictable character will give birth to a form of martial arts that other characters cannot even see.



The final smash of Kirby will be unveiled next I reckon before other characters as notice in the final smash image, the two characters on the left have had their final smashes unveiled as has Mario, so now naturally with the progression forward moving to the right, the remaining character being Kirby on the right should be unveiled next...

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The final smashes of Mario and Kirby will be unveiled next I reckon before other characters as notice in the final smash image,
Mario has already been shown.
How does a POkémon evolve and de evolve?
Smash Bros doesn't have to make perfect sense, and anyways Pichachu uses a thunderstone to evolve, so the smash ball could have turned into a thunderstone when you activate it causing him to evolve, and then just say he de-evolves when it runs out.
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With today's update being Wario, I think we only have 2 more characters that have previously been shown - Snake and Metaknight, right? After that we should finally get to see new versions of veteran fighters and maybe even brand new characters. :D


EDIT: Oops, forgot Zero Suit Samus (assuming she is seperate).

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Mario has already been shown.


Just realised that, edited the previous post, but I still reckon they'll show Kirbys final smash next...


With today's update being Wario, I think we only have 2 more characters that have previously been shown - Snake and Metaknight, right? After that we should finally get to see new versions of veteran fighters and maybe even brand new characters. :D


EDIT: Oops, forgot Zero Suit Samus (assuming she is seperate).


In the newcomer section the areas only wide enough to fit two more characters on the same line, so Meta Knight and Snake will definitely fill in those spots. Regarding whether Zero Suit Samus is seperated from traditional Samus, your guess is as good as mine...

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Aaaahhhh!!!! Get that rare trainer away from me. Nightmares about those things.


Typical example of my childhood ;


*ReZ goes into WHSmith and buys 4 packs of Pokemon cards*

*Rare trainer, Rare trainer, Ooohh! Non shiny jigglypuff, Rare trainer*


*Random kid buys 1 pack*

"Sweet Charizard!"



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Many fans clamoured for Wario to join the fray, and so now he finally makes his appearance...in his WarioWare costume.


It’s rumoured that this unpredictable character will give birth to a form of martial arts that other characters cannot even see...








Hehe... he looks so scary now. Screw Manhunt 2!

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