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who likes teh chicken ?


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There's a place down from Uni called "Burp Killer Burritos".


I get spicy chicken with halapinos, mexican beans, sautayed (sp?) onion and capsicum, gucamole (sp? again!), sour cream, corn, and then a healthy helping of tabasco.


Hot as the fires of hell itself but my god, it tastes orgasmic.


No matter how much people tell me about battery hens and oestrogen enhanced chicken breasts, I'll never give up my chicken burritos.

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I'm always up for a chicken filet with estragon/cream/creammustard/oregano sauce, chicken breast as well with all aforementioned sauces and a classic here 'kip aan't spit', which is a complete chicken rotating in a hot oven, with a delicious roasted outisde, flavored with herbs, and a sweet inside. Then pour over some jus and you're in for a treat.

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m'eh; last time I had a KFC was for my 12th birthday-around 7 years ago!!


Don't eat much fast food tbh. I had a chicken tika deli sandwich from mcdonalds today, and that is about the first time i've stepped foot in there for 4 months(even though two of my sisters work there). Been at least a year since I've had something proper from there.

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What was said doco about exactly? Aside from the obvious "chicken" of course...


Oh it was about how chiken and fillets are made. Like in Holland for example they often use illeagle meet that wasent fit for animal consumption. As long as it was cooked properly you were all right but if nott...well you get the picture. (the pictures in this part were particulary grusome)


It also showed how the amount of added water was sometimes as high as 70% when on the packet it actually stated only 10%, you in a sense paying for mostly water.

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I don't want to you all off, but did you know that kfc in the u.s (not sure if it's the same here), have bread their chickens (as well as being in horrible battery conditions), but have bread them to have NO beak, and NO eyes, the are feed though a tube, this way they move around less and use even less energy so more profit.

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