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Xbox 360 Console Discussion


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1Up says Xbox Natal is actually for the new Microsoft console that out is next year. :blank:


Earlier this week gaming blog Kotaku quoted Microsoft's Shane Kim as saying that the launch of Natal, Microsoft's new controller-free motion control technology, would be as big as the launch of a console. Not surprising. That's because Natal is going to be a new console.


On this week's Listen Up podcast we discussed Natal, and David Ellis and I talked about what we've been hearing regarding the new technology -- and how it's actually the cornerstone of Microsoft's next evolution of the Xbox. Microsoft will not only release Natal as an add-on for the Xbox 360, it will come standard with the next Xbox console.


Yes, there will be a new Xbox console next fall.


However, the new console won't just be an Xbox 360 with a camera, though -- we've heard it will be considered a new platform and carry a new name (Xbox Natal?). It's not clear what sort of upgrades we might see, but some have suggested it will be an slight upgrade of the current Xbox 360 technology. Current Xbox 360 games would be playable on it, but future games would be able to take advantage of the added muscle. Similar to what we see in the PC space, games played on the more advanced Xbox would look or perform better, but publishers will still be able to support owners of both systems. Some developers have complained that they've already maxed out the Xbox 360; perhaps this will give them room to expand.


Make no mistake, we wouldn't be talking about the sort of hardware leap we've seen with Xbox (or most other) platforms in the past, and we're not talking about Microsoft ending one console cycle and starting another. We're talking about an evolution of the Xbox 360; similar hardware but upgraded, repackaged, and rebranded. It's actually not that unlike what Nintendo did with the Wii, where it essentially took the GameCube hardware, stuck in motion controls, and successfully relaunched it. The new Xbox console is said to be aimed directly at a mainstream audience -- and will launch before Nintendo is able to release its Wii HD.


What's interesting is that Nintendo and Microsoft are on a course to deliver very similar products yet are coming at them from opposite directions. Microsoft currently has the HD hardware and will in the future introduce motion controls, while Nintendo has motion controls and will in the future introduce HD hardware. Sony's PS3 will also be providing motion controls next year, though as a peripheral for its EyeToy camera.


As John Davison pointed out on the podcast, the Wii was the first console to do this, but it's likely that all future hardware will be more iterative than substantive. The distinction between new consoles will become far less marked -- similar to what we've seen in the handheld space, such as with the transitions from the Game Boy to the Game Boy Advance, the DS to the DSi, or the PSP to the PSP Go.


So when would we first hear about this new Xbox console? Our sources point to next year's Game Developer's Conference as the target for its unveiling and Fall 2010 as the target for release.

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There's no particular reason it couldn't happen. I'm not saying I buy into the rumour just yet, but the iterative path makes more sense than having entirely new hardware in a couple of years, especially given that Microsoft's true objective has always been about "getting into the living room", not just being the most successful console.

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Didnt they say the 360's hanging around till 2015 in at e3?


I read on kotaku that they're going to hype up the natal as much as a console release, but i doubt theyll be releasing anything new and improved on the console front, its too soon, personally i want a slim 360 that doesnt overheat and includes natal in the box, thatd be a crackin idea :P

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Didnt they say the 360's hanging around till 2015 in at e3?


I read on kotaku that they're going to hype up the natal as much as a console release, but i doubt theyll be releasing anything new and improved on the console front, its too soon, personally i want a slim 360 that doesnt overheat and includes natal in the box, thatd be a crackin idea :P


I think a redesigned 360 would be quite likely for when Natal releases.

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The 360 will be 5 years old next year so I wouldn't say it's too soon. Besides, Microsoft wouldn't be dropping the Xbox merely releasing a revised and rebranded version. It would still play all existing games, but any new games that came out might be a bit shinier or run a bit faster. It's like a far, far simpler implementation of the PC model: different machines run games at different settings.


I'd assume Microsoft's goal would be to position a new machine as a home entertainment system as opposed to a games console. Not to say that there would be fewer games coming out for it, merely that movies, music and the integration of social networks would be as prominent on the Dashboard as games are now. The functionality is already there and tested, so now it's just a case of selling it to the people that wouldn't buy a games console but might be interested in an all-in-one home entertainment solution that they can control via their voice or a wave of their hand.

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You can buy 800 points from Shopto.net for just under £7, cheaper than they are on the Marketplace. :)


TRELLYN when I got uyour message I was fucking crazy., Did you change your gamertag? I could have sworn it wasn't always tellyn245, something else, wtf, can't remember though, bah.


BUT ON THE PLUS SIDEL: I was epically happoy to see you bacxk online, truly. Look forward to you playing game swith us. GOW2 is beyond a azinbg.


I love your drunken posts. ;)


Apparently it's people on Sky Broadband that have the problems.


I was having a lot of problems last night, I was having trouble connecting to a friend who's on Sky broadband. Everyone else connected to his party and matches fine though.

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I got a text off my mate yesterday saying he was having trouble with the marketplace and yes he's with Sky aswell.


I snapped up the new maps for CoD:WaW yesterday and I love the new zombie map, its so intense and I find it more enjoyable than L4D. Its a nice change of pace being able to randomly spray weapon fire without the worry of hitting the other members of your team :)

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I got a text off my mate yesterday saying he was having trouble with the marketplace and yes he's with Sky aswell.


It seems to be fixed now. Although I've now decided that there's still too much to do in Saints Row 2 to bother with the DLC.

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I got a text off my mate yesterday saying he was having trouble with the marketplace and yes he's with Sky aswell.


I snapped up the new maps for CoD:WaW yesterday and I love the new zombie map, its so intense and I find it more enjoyable than L4D. Its a nice change of pace being able to randomly spray weapon fire without the worry of hitting the other members of your team :)

Howcome in your sig it has Privacy Mode on?

Never seen that before.

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I got a text off my mate yesterday saying he was having trouble with the marketplace and yes he's with Sky aswell.



ive been having probs with the marketplace as well and on with sky :(


takes forever for anything to load or it doesnt at all



got bully from lovefilm the ther day...tad dissappointed so far but its alright

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Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts arrived this morning. How is it that I haven't even played this franchise until Saturday?! I love it. :D I've got 100% on the first four worlds in Banjo Kazooie, and I'm just working my way through Nutty Acres on Nuts & Bolts.


Is the Live maintenance going on for 24 hours?

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Gears of Wars 2 is much, much better than I expected. They're pretty much improved every single aspect of the first game, and the levels are much more varied. The plot also comes across better - I had absolutely no idea why I was doing whatever it was I was doing in the first game. Oh, and giant worm FTW.


Edit: My exact thoughts at the time was "that looks like the Star Wars giant spaceworm form that angle. It would be awesome if we got eaten by it...






Edit: Also, the amount of colour in the game makes a huge difference.

Edited by Cube
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The 360 will be 5 years old next year so I wouldn't say it's too soon. Besides, Microsoft wouldn't be dropping the Xbox merely releasing a revised and rebranded version. It would still play all existing games, but any new games that came out might be a bit shinier or run a bit faster. It's like a far, far simpler implementation of the PC model: different machines run games at different settings.
But in which case all current 360 owners would need to buy a new £250 console to play the newer games... can't see Microsoft doing that. A redesign yes maybe, but not a console upgrade surely.
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Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts arrived this morning. How is it that I haven't even played this franchise until Saturday?! I love it. :D I've got 100% on the first four worlds in Banjo Kazooie, and I'm just working my way through Nutty Acres on Nuts & Bolts.


Is the Live maintenance going on for 24 hours?


Because you had no soul, but grew one on Saturday. Coincidence? I think not.


But in which case all current 360 owners would need to buy a new £250 console to play the newer games... can't see Microsoft doing that. A redesign yes maybe, but not a console upgrade surely.


The idea being there would be two graphical settings for games, one for 360 and one for 720 or whatever.

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1-up Mushroom

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