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Does anyone know if/what freebies you get with your second repair? The customer service guy muttered something but I couldn't understand a word of it.


2 1/2 hours till cheap GTA preorder!!

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  CooInTheZoo said:
Does anyone know if/what freebies you get with your second repair? The customer service guy muttered something but I couldn't understand a word of it.


2 1/2 hours till cheap GTA preorder!!


after my friends 3rd repair they gave him crackdown..


Just Crackdown? I had a choice of Microsoft games and a piece of hardware. It was like both Viva pinatas, Crackdown, PDZ, Kameo and hardware choices included a play and charge kit and a controller

  Dante said:


TBH thats about right currency convertion-wise. The US price is plus tax and everything is cheaper than it should be over there right now, part of they're economy being down the shitter. There's also the shipping costs, which i imagine aren't cheap!


Realistically they're farming an extra £10-£20 out of us. Not great, but pretty normal for the UK really :hmm:


Ah fudge, my 360 is refusing to read discs.


Here's hoping that if I arm myself with my extended warranty the evil lord at my local Game will swiftly replace the console.


I emailed them, and they said that all going smoothly, they will dispatch it a few days before launch.


Either way, its not the end of the world for me, gotta ship my console back in the next few days for repair. Bad timing, eh?

  Babooo said:
Saw Bioshock for £25 in HMV....might pick it up sometime next week, loved the demo!


I did that, plus student discount! Best £22.50 I ever spent.


at £25 bioshock is defo worth a look its an awesome game


will be getting GTA4 from a shop would go nuts if i ordered online and it didnt arrive on the friday. (its my most anticapatied game of this year)

  CooInTheZoo said:
I emailed them, and they said that all going smoothly, they will dispatch it a few days before launch.


hmm, the site looks a bit amateurish, and game.co.uk pre-order comes with free MS points... and have always got my pre-orders to me a day or two early. But 365games saves me £7... argh, what to do? mhh I think I'll stick with what I trust. (if you get GTA IV before me I'll be gutted)

  BeerMonkey said:
at £25 bioshock is defo worth a look its an awesome game


will be getting GTA4 from a shop would go nuts if i ordered online and it didnt arrive on the friday. (its my most anticapatied game of this year)


I am one of the few people who don't actually like the GTA series. :heh:


Doesn't do it for me.

  spirited away said:
Same, I'm not mad about them either...but this one looks like it may do it for me!


I couldn't give a damn about GTA 3, VC or SA. But I'm getting GTA4.


People on Vista what Xbox Live 'gadgets' do you use? At the moment I'm using the 'Xbox Friend Watch' (the one made by the guy in MS and it uses Silverlight) but it can only show 5 people. While there is that Slaine which lets me have as many as I want it only shows their gamercard not if they are online or not. So is there any gadget that allows for as many gamercards but actually shows the status at the same time?

  Cube said:
I couldn't give a damn about GTA 3, VC or SA. But I'm getting GTA4.


Seconded, playing the previous ones seems somewhat redundant.

  BeerMonkey said:
at £25 bioshock is defo worth a look its an awesome game


will be getting GTA4 from a shop would go nuts if i ordered online and it didnt arrive on the friday. (its my most anticapatied game of this year)


Isn't GTAIV released on a Tuesday? I fear the intershop I ordered at will ship it on Monday, meaning I will get it on Wednesday. So I might cancel it and go to the city instead.

  Gizmo said:


I've decided that I will get Ikaruga. Even though I'll probably never get past the first level.

  Cube said:
I couldn't give a damn about GTA 3, VC or SA. But I'm getting GTA4.


Same. My friends made a massive fuss about GTA:VC, so I got the double pack for the Xbox 180, and I was left with a feeling of disappointment and confusion (about the fuss).


I'll probably get GTA4, but with my exams coming up, it can wait until the summer.

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