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I enjoyed that episode. Amy Pond is kind of starting to annoy me so less of her was good. Matt Smith was great, again.


Next week's episode looks really quite exciting.


Agreed. At first I thought she was cool and now she's starting to get on my nerves. I personally thought the episode was great and it's put the series back on track for me. Let's hope next week don't mess things up!

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I was hardly going to be enthralled by this episode, I have no interest in James Cordon. He may have cowritten a successful show, but where I've seen him act he just James Cordon (and his less than graceful retort to Patrick Stewart just showed him for what he really is; attention seeking and rude). Tonight was no exception. James Cordon being James Cordon is getting really quite boring now - even in Doctor Who. His casting is easily the worst from the revived series.


For me, while the premise was interesting, it was a slow episode. We had a hint last week that The Doctor doesn't really like the passing of time, so why not this week have him thrust into an eathlings daily life more. Loved the scene with The Doctor in the call centre, why not run with it? Shops? Underground? Party? The Doctor playing football was a bit dull, with Cordon pulling the 'disappointed James Cordon look' and wobbling around like the Abzorbaloff


I said earlier in the year that The Beast Below was my least favourite episode since the show returned in 2005 - its now my second least favourite. Tonights was just abysmal.


For me, while we've has some of the best writing and stories this season - Weaping Angels, Eleventh Hour, and Van Gogh - we've had to put up with toot like this. Russell T Davies could pull off these twee episodes well, but Moffet doesn't seem to be able to (which wouldn't be a bad thing if he'd just not bother with them).


I am sure the next two episodes will be outstanding - but as an overall series its certainly not hitting the dizzying and brilliant heights of series four.

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Russell T Davies could pull off these twee episodes well, but Moffet doesn't seem to be able to (which wouldn't be a bad thing if he'd just not bother with them).


To be fair, Moffat didn't write any of the less-than-spectacular episodes in this series (in my opinion). In fact, considering he's the lead writer, I'm surprised at how few episodes he's written (though maybe it's always been that sort of ratio).


I thought yesterday's was okay. I don't think there is such thing as a really terrible Doctor Who episode, just sub-standard ones. I think this will be a less memorable one for me.


What annoyed me was that I'd watched Doctor Who to get away from the football...

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Agreed that Amy Pond is getting annoying... but I've never been much of a fan.


And also, whilst this is a bit difficult to explain, the Doctors 'not knowing how to behave around humans... social awkwardness... almost earth stupidity' thing is kinda frustrating me this series.


I completely understand the thought behind it... but the thing is, he's been around humans and earth for so long now that it's kind of difficult to accept.

Sure he's a new Doctor, but he's still the same Doctor... he still has all his memories of everything else (mind merge this week for example) and has no difficulties elsewhere, and thus he's kind of just coming over as completely stupid.

Ecclestone and Tennant's Doctors integrated so well amongst earths societies... and you could say that that was where the mistake was in the writting, that the Doctor lost his alieness... but then again he's on his 11th incarnation... and has worked with humans and U.N.I.T. throughout his existance, that's it's like where has this suddenly come from.




Anyways moving on... seems this really is a series to spilt the fans, because again I enjoyed this episode, and (along with a couple of others on here) seem to have had almost an opposite opinion on most episodes...


My favourites being... The Eleventh Hour, Amy's Choice, The Hungry Earth (Part 1), and The Lodger.

My least favourites being... Victory of the Daleks, The Time Angels (Part 1 & 2), The Vampires of Venice and The Hungry Earth (Part 2).

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To be fair, Moffat didn't write any of the less-than-spectacular episodes in this series (in my opinion). In fact, considering he's the lead writer, I'm surprised at how few episodes he's written (though maybe it's always been that sort of ratio).


He's showrunner though isn't he? Which means taking care of ALL aspects (casting, post, filming etc). Fingers in all pies and that so it would be difficult to write more than 3 or 4 (the typical number I believe).

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He's showrunner though isn't he? Which means taking care of ALL aspects (casting, post, filming etc). Fingers in all pies and that so it would be difficult to write more than 3 or 4 (the typical number I believe).


You're right, and looking back, it seems Russell didn't write so many as I thought he did, either.

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So. This Pandorica malarkey. There's not just going to be some evil goblin tucked away inside it, causing all these cracks, surely that's a little deus ex machina, and it's never that simple with Doctor Who (think of the Bad Wolf/Rose twist, Daleks and Cybermen emerging from the Void, the Master waiting at the end of the universe - and the Toclafane being the last of humankind, Davros stealing planets, Time Lords trying to bring about the end of time, etc.). I have a sneaking suspicion that the Doctor's little prophecy actually refers to himself.


"There was a goblin. Or a trickster, or a warrior. A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. Nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it -- one day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world."


Not totally nameless (unless they refer to his real name), but he did wipe out countless planets during the Time War, and he's arguably one of the most feared figures in the known universe. Of course, he doesn't tear planets apart. I just don't see Moffatt building the entire series up to some obscure, brand new alien threat that will be dealt with swiftly over the course of two episodes.


The Doctor as the enemy concept has also been explored with the Dream Lord.

Edited by Tellyn
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Tellyn i have been having the same suspicions as u! Obviously we know what the Doctor has done etc in the past but imagine all the terrible things he could have done if he was somehow evil?


They have once again hinted about what the doctor is like inside through 'Amy's Choice'.


Also at the end of the 2 part angels episode when River said she killed someone, i took that as she was refering to the doctor, but we know River killing the doctor would not be the last time she see's him as with the library episode with River dying. We know River is in the final episode's so that could fit in with her 'killing' him.


Maybe a alternative relality Doctor? Or maybe a far distant version of the Doctor turned bad?


Could be completly wrong though!! Looking forward to this 2 parter though! :)

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I like this new doctor.


Originally I didn't like him, nor amy pond, but I like this new awkwardness he has, how he has changed and how amy works with him, I like the new version of bad wolf.


My favourite episode was the Van Gogh one, very witty, I quite like how van gogh was portrayed! I also liked the episode tonight, although how they will continue this will be interesting.


I miss david tenant as the doctor, he had alot more authority as a doctor and I hope this new one will eventually go the same way. :)

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They can write their way out of it pretty much however they like. The audience has already proven to be resilient to cardiac inducing amounts of cheese, and even if you're basing things in 'reality' quantum physics and time travel are so out there it might as well be straight up magic.


As an example, every other episode has taken place after the TARDIS explodes, hence the presence of the cracks. That alone gives them enough leeway to shoehorn in all sorts of get out clauses, such as, say, the daleks planting a young female companion with false memories along the Doctor's path so that she would be in the right place and the right time to intervene.

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That was an amazing episode. I fully enjoyed it. I rewatched the whole season this past week and it's actually been really good in hindsight.


Though, did anyone else get a LOST vibe when the doctor was being dragged into the Pandorica, Amy getting shot and River in the TARDIS? The music was very LOST-esque and it was slowed down slightly too

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That was an amazing episode. I fully enjoyed it. I rewatched the whole season this past week and it's actually been really good in hindsight.


Though, did anyone else get a LOST vibe when the doctor was being dragged into the Pandorica, Amy getting shot and River in the TARDIS? The music was very LOST-esque and it was slowed down slightly too


Yeah it even had indiana jones films vibe to me.



Episode Twelve of Doctor Who, The Pandorica Opens, got an audience of 5.9 million viewers for episode 12, The Pandorica Opens, according to unofficial overnight figures. 5.4 million watched on BBC One with an additional 0.5 million watching on BBC HD.


The episode was the most watched show of the day, with the World Cup on ITV1 only bringing in 5.2 million for the Cameroon v Denmark match.


Overall Doctor Who stands as the 14th most watched programme of the week, with just Sunday's figures to come. The programme is likely to get a boost when the final figures, including details for those who recorded the program for later viewing, are released next week and a top ten place is distinctly possible.


Doctor Who Confidential rated well with 0.62 million watching the programme on BBC Three, making it the 5th most watched programme of the day on multi-channel Television. An additional 0.14 million watched on BBC HD giving a total of 0.78 million viewers.

Edited by Dante
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That last episode was amazing, just caught up as I can download them now our internet is back to normal, I'm liking Matt as the Dr more after every episode, he just works, yeah he'sa bit like Tennant but he makes it his own.


Now I'm trying to make a Dr who sig, bet it turns out shitty but who cares.

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I enjoyed that once more! :)


Great start with all the time travelling bring the story together.


Seems the Silence Will Fall stuff such as who controlled the TARDIS will be part of a two season arc though


Yeah quite interesting that they are carrying something over! I had almost forgotton about the silence and the voice heard in the TARDIS "silence will fall2 during that episode.


I chuckled at the forest scene, showing that 'all along' it wasn't a mistake showing the doctor without and then with his jacket in the scene with Amys eye closed!


Looks like we get to find out who River Song is next series and how they meet for the first time! :)


Overall a very enjoyable series, i like the new direction it's taken (i also loved the eccleson/tennent era!)... it's just a shame we have to now wait so long for another series to come about!

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