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Guest Stefkov

Of course not

They showed Youtube footage of the game on the Tv..

Blurry as hell.

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Of course not

They showed Youtube footage of the game on the Tv..

Blurry as hell.


That was probably to stop causing any 'offense' and since the game is 15 rated . . . the news at 10 ish had some nice quality footage of the game running, shooting little spidery alieny buggers in the church.


This Cathedral stuff is a bunch of bullshit. It really ticks me off.

If Aliens were to invade, I'm sure they'd respect the worship places of earthlings.


Whilst I can see the Church's point, I think it's a disingenuous one. The gun crime angle is ridiculous, and there have been far worse 'violations' of religious locations via film or literature which have never been contested in such a way. Call me cynical but the disagreement seems to be more that the Church haven't gotten any 'donations' out of the cathedral's usage and are hoping to wring some cash out of Sony — they really picked the wrong company.


Next week, the Church sue George Lucas for making a film featuring the Ark of the Covenant. That bastard.

Whilst I can see the Church's point, I think it's a disingenuous one. The gun crime angle is ridiculous, and there have been far worse 'violations' of religious locations via film or literature which have never been contested in such a way. Call me cynical but the disagreement seems to be more that the Church haven't gotten any 'donations' out of the cathedral's usage and are hoping to wring some cash out of Sony — they really picked the wrong company.


Next week, the Church sue George Lucas for making a film featuring the Ark of the Covenant. That bastard.


Couldn't agree more. Their thread of logic just doesn't make full sense: Playing computer game in which you shoot aliens (a part of which is set in a church) would make you associate the church with violence? And therefore undermine the church's efforts at gun crime? Uh weh? You can't make an internationally released game which may have some psychololgical effect on a relatively small community. And also it's not their responsibility really to help people who a re clearly psychotic who get hold of their game.


Anyway. Now worries for Sony. The crux of the issue is that they have the rights to depict it and you are shooting aliens not people. Sony have the best gaming lawyers in the universe. Crush maul destroy and win for Sony.


Well, it seem like that megaton is three announcements from Sony Online Entertainment. The first is The Agency, although haven't we known about that for a while? Anyway, there's a trailer doing the rounds and it looks quite interesting; it's very aesthetically similar to Team Fortress 2, which is cool.


Supposedly there will be two more online games unveiled today as well.


I have just been browsing a few posts on the PSP board on Gamefaqs and I came across a topic where a guy lists his most wanted PSP titles. Some of them I hadnt even heard of but after watching all the vids he posted im very excited about these games.


God of War: Chains of Olympus



Jeanne D`arc


Monster Hunter 2


Crisis Core



Brave Story




Silent Hill Origins


Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology


Final Fantasy Tactics


Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles



One of my mates has cracked their PSP and managed to get some emulators on there with loads of old school snes games and even Shining Force :D seriously considering getting on now, virtual console on the move!

Sony have started a new PSP ad campaign, dubbed "Dude, get your own". While the name sounds bad, the advertisements are actually probably the best Sony ads in a long long time, although that's not really saying anything after the mess that was "This is living".


View them here, I laughed at a few of them. Reminds me of a kinda The Office style humour.


Those actually made me lol a bit. +1 rep point for Sony.:yay:


Time Crisis 4, Guncon 3




Man, that looks horrible to hold. The nunchuck sticking out is horrid, why don't they just make it a seperate part. That would be much better. US/Europe get as bright orange version of the gun.


Oh, and it works via a kind of IR sensor bar.

Time Crisis 4, Guncon 3




Man, that looks horrible to hold. The nunchuck sticking out is horrid, why don't they just make it a seperate part. That would be much better. US/Europe get as bright orange version of the gun.


Oh, and it works via a kind of IR sensor bar.


Guncon info:


For the GunCon 3, you place two markers on the left and right sides of your TV screen. A camera inside the muzzle of the gun detects the position of the markers, and thus you can use it regardless of your monitor [type]. There are six buttons on the device and two analog sticks. One of them is placed on a "sub-grip" that you hold with your left hand, and another is on the barrel of the gun.


The Motorstrom 'Time-Attack' mode is now released for 'Europe'!


It's pretty good and adds more replay value, but i'd rather have more tracks and cars etc...


Also, next week (22nd June 2007) we have 'Calling All Cars' on the PSN store, AND after what seems like a very long wait, 5 PSONE games will be availible to purchase for use on your PSP system or PS3!


The five games are:



Jumping Flash

Syphon Filter


Crash Bandicoot


I actually want them all, not sure how much they cost though....


So, things are starting to happen on the PSN store, finally! :smile:


Yeah Im glad to see that Crash is there, but how does playing it on yur psp work? does it save to the memory stick? because if it does Im screwed mines the small one that came with it!!


I think you do have to save to a memory stick,

but keep your eyes peeled on e-bay and you just may find a geniune 4GB one for under £50. (No i'm not selling one)


I need to get one to as a matter of fact, hopefully we'll see Resident Evil: Directors Cut soon enough after.


Maybe a weekly - fortnight update in games?

Or has something to this extent already been announced?

Someone told me that once you have put a game into your PS3 its tied to your system, and no one else can play it, I presume it is BS can someone tell me?

It's some theoretical Blu-Ray copy protection, I seem to remember. For it to actually be used would be insanity, though. Not that Sony don't have a track record of incredibly idiotic ways of stopping 'piracy', but you'd hope they had learnt their lesson by now.

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