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Rate the last film you saw


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Gracie's Choice


Knowing it was a Lifetime made-for-TV film (the kind middle aged housewives tend to watch) I wasn't expecting much but it was suprisingly good. Am curious about the true story on which it is based; a 17/18 (as the film takes place over a few years) year old girl (played by Kristen Bell) fights to relieve their crappy mother of legal ownership of her younger 'bastard' brothers (as in different fathers) and take on ownership herself.


Apart from being slightly creepy in a hillbilly "my sister is my mother" kind of way, it was quite sweet. Very girly I know but still.



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Almost Famous


Great study into the rock and roll lifestyle and the assholes that come with the music.

I'm afraid I don't like the main protagonist though, seems a bit too...young, and annoying.




Priscilla Queen of the Desert


Hugo Weaving and Guy Pearce shine in 3 drag queens journey across the australian outback meeting ignorance and understanding along the way.

It may not sound like much of a film but it is pretty damn quirky.

The scenarios they get themselves into are crazy and I enjoyed the flashbacks into each of there childhoods, portraying to some extent the way they are today.


Although it's not as action filled as I would have liked, with alot of back talk and empty scenes.


In all, Fun and quirky. For those who liked Transamerica, 8/10




The first 30 minutes are really shit. It's just a frat boys wet dream that could have been conveyed easily with less screen time.

Afterwards though it actually does create a good film. Not a slasher flick per say, but the whole set up and reveal of the motivations behind these murders makes actually a quite interesting story that isn't developed as much as it could have been.




Ichi the Killer(Anime)


I threw it out after I watched it.



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Dreamcatcher 8/10



Really enjoyed it, strange plot at first but once I got in to it it was great. Quite freaky in places. Morgan Freeman was brilliant in the movie, and so was the one from "My name is earl".

The "monstor's" in the movie were awesome, very strange/freaky moment involving a toilet.

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Crash is probably the most cliched film I have ever seen. ZOMG EVERYBODY IS RACIST ROFLS!!!1!:indeed:


I don't think you know the defenition of cliché.


Dracula 3000




BEST MOVIE EVER! And that ending! I'm having orgasms just thinking about it.

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Has anyone here seen "About A Boy?"

I saw it when I noticed Chris Weitz (the director) was directing the first His Dark Materials movie. It's not half bad. It's okay, I guess. Nonthing too great, but a nice flick to watch on a sunday afternoon. (in other words, "meh").


Dracula 3000




BEST MOVIE EVER! And that ending! I'm having orgasms just thinking about it.


x2 :bowdown:

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The first 30 minutes are really shit. It's just a frat boys wet dream that could have been conveyed easily with less screen time.

Afterwards though it actually does create a good film. Not a slasher flick per say, but the whole set up and reveal of the motivations behind these murders makes actually a quite interesting story that isn't developed as much as it could have been.


Sequel FTW.


Itll go more into the people doing it, and how the business is run etc. Will be teh excellent.

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I don't think you know the defenition of cliché.


Dracula 3000




BEST MOVIE EVER! And that ending! I'm having orgasms just thinking about it.



Are you just kidding or is it really good because I had a quick look at IMDB and it got an 1.8 rating. I don't find the ratings too trustworthy but 1.8 is quite low.

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Rambo III

Rambo completes his transformation from troubled Vietnam vet to indestructable American superman who can control grenade timers with the power of his mind. In this instance, our steroid-pumped hero is sent in to suport the Mujahedeen (Founders of the Taliban, more recently rebranded as "Al-Qaeda") as they fight for independence from a major superpower uncaring about the death and destruction it causes to the defensless civilians of Afghanistan. Has George Bush seen this?


Deep political irony/Post-September 11th age.


"You talk peace and disarmament. And here you are wiping out a race of people!"

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Carrey's best work is either Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind or Truman Show.


This response is about 3 weeks late but ah well.


Good point. They are both excellent films and Carrey is surprisingly good in the respective roles.


However, Liar Liar holds a special place in my heart, its most likely pure nostalgia but Liar Liar is the film I would associate with my childhood. So yeah, my statement stands and I clear myself of heresy. Do you share this sentiment.


Bollocks, I'm 20 and I still love most of the blockbusters. All you guys were slagging off Spiderman 3 but I thought it was great.


Stop looking for all the deep meaning and other shit and just enjoy it for what it is!


Just a question, not a missile. Did you enjoy X-Men III, Did anyone enjoy X Men 3?

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Are you just kidding or is it really good because I had a quick look at IMDB and it got an 1.8 rating. I don't find the ratings too trustworthy but 1.8 is quite low.


He's kidding... I mean, the movie's great, but it's a "so bad, it's good" kinda movie. It just blows everything out there away. :D

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Are you just kidding or is it really good because I had a quick look at IMDB and it got an 1.8 rating. I don't find the ratings too trustworthy but 1.8 is quite low.


He's kidding... I mean, the movie's great, but it's a "so bad, it's good" kinda movie. It just blows everything out there away. :D


Ah I see. Then I think I should watch it when I get the chance to.

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Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas.


Fuck, this was a total trip. Amusing, bemusing, disturbing and meaningful.


The narration was really well done, I thought...kinda has some parallels with The Great Gatsby...with all the speculation on the futility of the American Dream...


Anyway, best film I've seen for some time. 10/10.

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Meh. Harrison Ford, so it was ok and the daughter is a girl from a movie I've seen, or something so I'm going to look that up. The storyline however, pretty mehish. Had Paul Brittany as bad guy, I love it when hes a bad guy. 6/10

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Pirates 3


Really disappointing, and makes the second film look really good. So confusing too, and eveyone seem to betray one another 3 or 4 times each in the film, and get forgiven straight away about it.The first hour was slow, the second hour was boring and the third was only worth watching for the pretty cool action at the end.


Didn't like the "quest" to save Jack Sparrow. They just sailed there and piked him up. Was expecting some cool set-piece like a battle against the Kraken or something....


Calypso's story was pointless..and so was Keith Richard's cameo in all fairness


There should have been more scenes with Governer Swan i.e a scene were we see him killed.


The "wedding" scene was cheesey as hell, and so was Turner's new look arrival from beneath the waves :mad:




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