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Rate the last film you saw


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The Pursuit Of Happyness.

10/10, has to be said. Will Smith is the best actor out there, he can play absolutely any role. The whole movie was so moving i just wanted to break down and cry. Even with the happy ending, you just wants to burst into tears. Fantastic movie.


Funnily enough, im now watching MiB, Will Smith tw.

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Tom Cruise is too likeable as the bad guy. They should have made his role a lot more complex but instead concentrated on the taxi driver too much.

The conversations are amusing though and the character auf Tom Cruise is very interesting. It's totally clear though who his last victim will be and the ending is too Hollywood-like, which ruined the film for me.

I mean he is a professional and the other one didn't fire a gun before (briefly seen in the film) and still Cruise misses him.


The music was very good as well and the shots of LA at night were absolutely beautiful. Plus Cruise put a cool performance when he did his jobs.





Smokin Aces


Funnily enough I watched another hitman film but damn was that one good. It just kept getting better. The characters were really outstanding, especially the Tremors. Camera was also good and although there were many characters it didn't get confusing and everyone got enough screen-time.

Part of the ending was given away too soon though, if one watched carefully.

I didn't find Alicia Keys very fitting as a contract killer though but she doesn't get that much screentime anyways.

So all in all a very good film. I like it for the characters alone - all the brilliant gunfights are just a nice bonus.



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The Pursuit Of Happyness.

10/10, has to be said. Will Smith is the best actor out there, he can play absolutely any role. The whole movie was so moving i just wanted to break down and cry. Even with the happy ending, you just wants to burst into tears. Fantastic movie.


Funnily enough, im now watching MiB, Will Smith tw.


That movie ROCKS!

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Waking Life


Not so much a film in the tradition of character and plot, more of a series of lectures and moments set against the frame of a time and place where nothing has to fit unless you find relation with it. Watched bolt upright clicking a pen.


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Its on the new sky movies premiere this week and I saw it last night. Thats some screwed up stuff. I did like the torturings, but it was so creepy and scared me to the point that I'm so not going travelling on my gap year to a hostel! I thought the ending was a bit rubbish though.



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watched hostel last night for first time...easily the most disturbing film ive ever seen. But it was really good...bit over the top at times with the gore but presides that if you can bear it id recommend seeing it.


only turned my head once *cant watch a chick get hit by a train*



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The Pursuit Of Happyness.

10/10, has to be said. Will Smith is the best actor out there, he can play absolutely any role. The whole movie was so moving i just wanted to break down and cry. Even with the happy ending, you just wants to burst into tears. Fantastic movie.


Funnily enough, im now watching MiB, Will Smith tw.



Will Smith plays the same person in every film, just like Tom Cruise. Awful Awful actor.

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watched hostel last night for first time...easily the most disturbing film ive ever seen. But it was really good...bit over the top at times with the gore but presides that if you can bear it id recommend seeing it.


only turned my head once *cant watch a chick get hit by a train*




HAHAHA that was the bit you turned away from? Not the bit with the ankles, or the bit with the eye... I turned away a few times, ok maybe a lot :D

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watched hostel last night for first time...easily the most disturbing film ive ever seen. But it was really good...bit over the top at times with the gore but presides that if you can bear it id recommend seeing it.


only turned my head once *cant watch a chick get hit by a train*




Dude, your 24... that can't have been the most disturbing film you've ever seen.

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28 Weeks Later


Great opening sequence in vien of the first one.

In all it's an alright sequel however too many plot holes and cringe worthy moments for my liking.

Did enjoy the utter chaos potrayed though and the ending.

The copter guy was hilarious, reminded me of Chris Rock.


All in all above average 6/10

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Dude, your 24... that can't have been the most disturbing film you've ever seen.


i dont watch many horror films as far as i go in the genre is films like saw or evil dead.


o and beleive me ellmister its disturbing as fuk


my home is comedy or action


i watched hostel as i watched kill bill the other week and wanted to see more of tarentinos work

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Cowboy Bebop: Knocking on heaven's doors

God damnit, I've watched this movie so many times and it's always so a-fucking-mzing. Cowboy Bebop for life!

Hell yeah! Mental high five! o/

Lost track counting how many times... in fact i´m going to go watch in a bit


irreversible and audition r FAR more disturbing then hostel, try checking out either of them 2 flicks - they are fucked up to the core and when something is more fucked up then hostel, u know its a bit 'out there'...

Ever seen Cannibal´s Holocaust?

It´s a movie from 1985 and is disturbingly realistic compared to the time it came out. It´s that realistic that some of the cast members had show them selfs in puplic to proof that what happened in the movie wasn´t real.

Anyhoo this movie is about a man that tries to find out what happened to a group of film makers making a documentary about a tribe of cannibals somewhere in South America. It´s the most distgusting, vile, cruel, puke inducing movie i have ever seen!

get´s a 7/10 from me

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Yeah, when i heard about it first i just thought it was blood and guts a typical gore fest movie. But i felt seriously bad after i saw with it i don´t dare watch it again.


Gonna check on irreversible and audition when i can, gotta find ´em first.

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i dont watch many horror films as far as i go in the genre is films like saw or evil dead.


o and beleive me ellmister its disturbing as fuk


my home is comedy or action


i watched hostel as i watched kill bill the other week and wanted to see more of tarentinos work


Surely Tarantino had nothing to do with Hostel? Just the title of Producer to sell ticket sales

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I'm like beer monkey, it has to be comedy or action. I only watched it because my ex said it was screwed up and I thought might as well. but I'm not going to be trying to find audition, irreversible and all those other screwed up films.


Hostel was more than enough for me.


I like SAW and the evil dead were good, but I'll stick to comedy thank you very much :p

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2010: The Year We Make Contact.

A lot of people bad mouth this film, but I honestly thought it was a worthy sequel to 2001. It's obviously not as deep or meaningful, but it doesn't try to be. What you get it what you see. It was great to see more of the Monoliths and get a better understanding of what their purpose is and the scene where they jump to Discovery 1 (and if they miss, they'll land in Jupiter's atmosphere, which won't be pleasant) was almost as good as a lot of the stuff in the original.

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i dont watch many horror films as far as i go in the genre is films like saw or evil dead.


o and beleive me ellmister its disturbing as fuk


my home is comedy or action


i watched hostel as i watched kill bill the other week and wanted to see more of tarentinos work


You'de be surprised to know most disturbing movies aren't in the "horror" cathegory.


I'm like beer monkey, it has to be comedy or action. I only watched it because my ex said it was screwed up and I thought might as well. but I'm not going to be trying to find audition, irreversible and all those other screwed up films.


Hostel was more than enough for me.


I like SAW and the evil dead were good, but I'll stick to comedy thank you very much :p


Audition and Irreversible aren't THAT screwed up. They're actually two great movies.

But in terms of disturbing, Hostel is like a 7/10.

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Pretty much the only film to ever gross me out, and I cant remember its name. But anyway you see a scaple cut an eyeball and clear liquid runs out from it. Wish I could remember the film but its also imortalized in the Pixies song "Debaser".


Although having said that the eyeball moment in Hostel was pretty disgusting.

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