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Flight of the Phoenix (2004 remake)


Not bad at all. Has Miranda Otto in it who is hot in my eyes :love: ,the great Dr House himself, and Harrison Ford wannabe, Dennis Quaid. Saw the original a few weeks ago, so this was a decent remake, and the changes in it were acceptable in my view.



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Spider-Man 3


The first was good, the second was better and the third is meh.

I was really disappointed with the story, it lacked a lot of things I found interesting in the first one. The reason for their actions - they could do so much more with Harry, the Sandman, Emo-Peter and even Eddie Brock but especially Harry - is almost completely lacking, instead there's so much lovestory and useless talk. Then there are no philosophical elements to their action and why they choose their path and also the action sequences are far too few except for the last fight.

Instead of bringing all the loose ends together Raimi made lots of loose ends at the beginning of the film that tied together more or less towards the ending. Either he should make the film a lot longer or cut quite a few things out but currently it feels very lacking and boring.



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The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Extended Version

Felt like watching it, truly a king among movies. We were lucky to witness these great movies in film history. Phenomenal.


absolutely love this film :)


the arrival of the riders of Rohan at Gondor is my favourite cinema experience :)

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the arrival of the riders of Rohan at Gondor is my favourite cinema experience :)


One of mine too. I still get chills watching that scene.


Panic Room


Very enjoyable thriller and very tense. An original idea which actually worked on film. Was suprised to see Forest Whitaker in it too. Ending was a bit weak tho, I wanted to see more! Highly recomended!



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Tee hee. I like your nonsensical ratings.:bouncy:

But think about it, are they any more nonsensical than a number out of ten? Yeah, it's deep.




Spider-Man 3


Too many enemies. I think that rather succinctly sums up this film.


Venom proved little more than a sideshow, not the nemesis he should have been. Perhaps the symbiote will get a movie all to itself yet, but I feel it's presence here diluted the movie by making it seem very rushed. If the film had focused purely on the New Goblin and the Sandman I feel it would have been a far better movie for it — the symbiote could have stayed in, but Venom should have been saved for his own feature.


Still, passed the rather contrived plot and functional dialogue, Spider-Man 3 is a very watchable film that I'm sure fans will enjoy — if they can get over the retconning. It is just a shame that trying to cram two movies into a single viewing has, in my opinion, left us with less value for money.


Overall I give this film 6 screaming Mary-Janes out of a high drop.

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A sweaty Kevin Bacon and a finely haired Earl Bassett take on some bad ass burrowing mother humpers. Great, consumable, monster-comedy action





"I vote for outer space. No way these are local boys."

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Assault on Precinct 13


Nothing special. First film I've seen with Ethan Hawk in it, and ugh, was he annoying! Why do all remakes nowdays try to have some kind of gangsta/rap theme? Didn't care for any of the characters and the big twist at the end didn't make me go 'wow' at all. Some allright action scenes in it tho.



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I thought it was crap, it was more 3D than anime, it forced filosofy down our throats instead of doing it in a smooth way and the plot sucked. Anyway


Bridge to Terabithia

Wow. Seriously wasn't expecting this much from the movie. Great concept, great young actors, the main girl will be smoking hot in a few years, it covers a lot of things. Really loved it.

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Suicide cirle


I could not make heads nor tails of what was going on, but the gore was enjoyable, if a little fake.




You know, it's actually called suicide club, they just changed the name to circle, outside of japan, cos' it fitted better. There's not much to understand, relax... it's just nonsense, mainly.


I thought it was crap, it was more 3D than anime, it forced filosofy down our throats instead of doing it in a smooth way and the plot sucked. Anyway


Bridge to Terabithia

Wow. Seriously wasn't expecting this much from the movie. Great concept, great young actors, the main girl will be smoking hot in a few years, it covers a lot of things. Really loved it.


She was already hot in Charlie And The Chocolate Factory and she was only 12 years old then. =D

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This is England


The kid is very good in this. The thing that stands out is that the film is very natural and realistic aswell as incredibly disturbing.

Also liked the way that the film felt incredibly like it actually was an 80's movie as opposed to a movie about the 80's.

The soundtrack was awesome too.


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