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Rate the last film you saw


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300: just came from seeing it and to put it simple, it´s absolutely fantastic!

Stays very true to the comic book and of course added a lot of stuff because the book wasn't exactly very long.

The first part of the movie as calm and shows why the war started and why the Spartans couldn´t avoid it.

The acting in the movie is superb and the environment is incredible and reflects at how the movie is, extreme, epic and harsh.

It´s very hard not to deny that the movie starts kinda slow but not that slow that it gets boring the wait for the fighting parts are well worth it.


When you see this movie keep in mind that the event it´s based off are showed from the stories that the Spartan told of this event not from what we learned about what happened. Keep that in mind because everything is very extreme and cool.

I wen´t to this movie expecting that it would be good i was wrong.... it´s fantastic!

I´ll propaly go see it again and buy to watch it again and again

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If u dislike it so much? Why have you watched it 4 times then? lol


Everytime I watch it, is an attempt at understanding where the "greatness" of it lies. Everytime was a failed attempt. I don't deny the film is entertaining, but that doesn't mean it's good. ^^ Even Air Bud is entertaining, and that's CLEARLY the best film ever made.

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Yeah, I don't understand the praise Kill Bill gets. I don't understand the praise Tarantino gets either though. The only great thing Tarantino has done is the speech about Superman near the end of Kill Bill Vol 2. Everything else is just ripped off from elsewhere.


Hell the Superman speech is probably ripped off from elsewhere.


"Just how good are you.. Quentin."

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Kill Bill sucks. That's all.

The only thing I liked was the end talk in Kill Bill 2 about Superman.

Most people like it because it's

a) a Tarantino movie

b) sort of a live action anime, so it must rock! Everything that has to do with Japan rocks!

I'm not implying that everyone is like that, tastes differ, but a lot of people think this way.

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I didn't get it myself. The pacing was terrible, editing was boring, the film it tries to say more that it can and is ultimately quite pretentious. How people see it as one of the best films in the last year I cannot see.




Dazed and Confused

I think this is probably the 3rd time I've rated this film on this thread, so I should probably give it a rest now, but still, it's a fantastic film about the 70's. the soundtrack is just an amazing collection of classic 70's songs everyone will like, all placed perfectly within the film, and Linklater (the director) brings the spirit of 70's high school kids to life so well. Still one of my favourite films of all time.




Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

I never realised how great an actor Robert Downey Jr. was until I saw this film. I knew he was good, but man, how great was he in this movie? Anyway, a lot of people have been saying how overlooked this film is, and I have to agree, although probably because it's a prime example of a neo-noir film, which is the genre which fills up about half my DVD collection. The script is sharp, as you'd expect from a neo-noir, and is pretty funny. In fact, at times, it can be a riot. Never seen that in this sort of film. All who appreciate a smart, witty movie should see this.






Oh, and for the record, Kill Bill is awesome.

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Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

I never realised how great an actor Robert Downey Jr. was until I saw this film. I knew he was good, but man, how great was he in this movie? Anyway, a lot of people have been saying how overlooked this film is, and I have to agree, although probably because it's a prime example of a neo-noir film, which is the genre which probably fills up about half my DVD collection. The script is sharp, as you'd expect from a neo-noir, and is pretty funny. In fact a times, it can be a riot. Never seen that in this sort of film. All who appreciate a smart, witty movie should see this.






Oh, and for the record, Kill Bill is awesome.


I agree with Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang being a quality film. If you like black comedies then this is hilarious.

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Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

I never realised how great an actor Robert Downey Jr. was until I saw this film. I knew he was good, but man, how great was he in this movie? Anyway, a lot of people have been saying how overlooked this film is, and I have to agree, although probably because it's a prime example of a neo-noir film, which is the genre which probably fills up about half my DVD collection. The script is sharp, as you'd expect from a neo-noir, and is pretty funny. In fact a times, it can be a riot. Never seen that in this sort of film. All who appreciate a smart, witty movie should see this.





I say this everytime somebody mentions this film in this thread, but anyway, it is awesome and is pretty much my favourite film of this decade.

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The Science of Sleep


From the same people as Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind naturally I went in expecting grand things that even before the movie begun I knew would fail.

Always happens

see a good movie - movie further down the line has previous movies name plastered all over it - can't see said movie without drawing comparisons - end up being let down

That said SoS was actually quite good, doesn't hold a candle to ESotSM however but has some quite interesting character depth alongside some surreal dream visualisations.

The first half the dreams feel more like MTV music videos but afterwards they start to have some real meaning intwined with them and beauty that struck a few chords with me.

Distinctly similar to Eternal Sunshine but with enough unique qualitites to stand on its own I give it 7/10

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The Departed. Sheer fucking class all the way through, especially the soundtrack by the Dropkick Murphy's. DiCaprio has recently proved himself to be such a fucking class actor. Jack Nicholson, is his usual domineering self. The last scene in the movie is so fucking hilarious I almost wet meself :heh:

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Wing Commander


Got it on DVD yesterday. It feels like a computer games obviously. I found the space fights to be quite entertaining although a little confusing and the story was easy too simple. The actors are low average with the exception of Tchéky Karyo.

Somehow I still liked it. It was quite entertaining and had constant action going on. But nowhere close to the BSG episode "Scar" for instance.

The Kilrathi not only looked terribly puppet-esque but you coudn't identify with them in any way. The film didn't tell you anything about them except that they were hostile.



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The Number 23


This turned out better than i thought it would. Some of the 23 references were not that interesting but the rest of the film was very enjoyable with great serious acting from Jim Carrey and from the supporting cast.



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Blind Beast

Japanese flick from 1969 about a bilnd artist who, with the help of his mother, kidnaps a young model. Not as odd as I expected, probably would have been better if it had been from the artists perspective. Seems to be a big influence on Cronenberg though, deals with sadomasochism and all the usual Cronenberg themes. Despite being slightly disappointing, it's still a brilliant film which is genuinely shocking at times. Worth watching just for the amazing warehouse set and the jarring final 20 minutes.




Morvern Callar

Exceptional, odd and quite bleak. The narrative isn't explicit, it's more of a character study. I won't go into any details other than the fact it's quite brilliant and has a fantastic soundtrack. Better to watch the film with no knowledge of what's to come, becomes much more powerful that way.



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Saw Gladiator last night with someone who has never seen it before.


I really, really love this movie. I'm probably into double figures with the amount of times I've seen this film, but it doesn't get worse the more you see it. It probably does get better, infact.


Love the fight scenes, and every scene with Oliver Reed is fantastic. He truely acted like this was his last film, and he's bowed out well.


9/10. Bluddy love it.

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RE: The Departed.


Fan-fucking-tastic. Great performances, great direction, great action, superb soundtrack. Only disappointment is that it lacks some of the subtlety of Infernal Affairs, and the ending isn't as good.


Re: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.


Hell yes! this film is ace. It also has the funniest on film dead woman in a carpet being thrown off a building and missing a dumpster moment going!

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Ghost Rider


I'm not as disappointed with the film as I expected to be but my expectations weren't high to begin with. The story isn't innovativ and quite predictable, there are too few scenes with the actual Ghost Rider and the fights are over too soon. Also Blaze gain control over his powers more or less from one moment to the next, but still I found it quite entertaining, although I doubt I'll watch it again any time soon.

Ah and the soundtrack was pretty good actually.



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