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Sherlock Holmes

Robert Downey Jr was on great form, but Jude Law didn't impress me as Watson, thus proves yet again he's just a pretty face for the ladies. The odd funny moment and 2 good-ish set-pieces, but I was bored throughout mostly, as were the rest of the audience who seemed more intrested in their phones than the big screen.


As goafer said a few posts back, "meh...."


I wouldn't mind seeing this, but from what you've said it doesn't seem too good.


Kill Bill Volumes 1+2

First time watching these in Blu-Ray, and oh my good lord.


The movies look STUNNING, seriously, probably the most gorgeous films I have seen on Blu-Ray (if you don't agree tell me what to watch dammit!).


Anyway, back to the movies itself. I forgot how bloody good these are, I could watch over and over and over, I love how incredibly hilarious some scenes are, for example when the little girl gets off the bus and is walking to the front door, AMAZING.


Has to be one (two?) of my favourite films ever :love:




Last night I watched...




At points it was a little bit obvious what was going to happen... oh look... he's standing near a glass door... oh look, it's dark and suddenly a light is going to be turned on, I wonder what will be standing in front of him...


The Great Debaters


I love these sort of films. They're a bit obvious, etc... and I've just complained about that. But for these types of films I'm okay with that.


12 Angry Men

Double plus good/10

Brilliant film.


I'd like to think I would be the good man.




Billy Elliot


Nothing was on the telly so I decided to watch this on BBC Three and I'm glad I did. It's fantastic, absolutely loved it. How did I not watch this before? How did I miss this?




Kramer Vs. Kramer


I expected way better. Having Meryl Streep like screaming on the front and various "OSCAR FOR X" on the front etc. The two mains (Dustin Hoffman and Meryl) were both good, and it was..fine. But left me with so little and really uninterestingly filmed/directed. One of those emotion manipulating ones. Eh. Not bad or anything.


Haunting in Connecticut

Shite. It's even hard to say the title.



The Hangover

Good. Numerous funny moments, generally enjoyable. Fat guy was actually amusing. The Chinese dude wasn't though, because he tried to abuse his ethnicity too much in order to appear humorous.


Kramer Vs. Kramer


I expected way better. Having Meryl Streep like screaming on the front and various "OSCAR FOR X" on the front etc. The two mains (Dustin Hoffman and Meryl) were both good, and it was..fine. But left me with so little and really uninterestingly filmed/directed. One of those emotion manipulating ones. Eh. Not bad or anything.


Yup. Most disappointing oscar win in the last 30 years along with Chicago and Slumdog.

The Hangover

Good. Numerous funny moments, generally enjoyable. Fat guy was actually amusing. The Chinese dude wasn't though, because he tried to abuse his ethnicity too much in order to appear humorous.



I don't think I've ever found him funny in anything I've seen him in.

The Hangover

Good. Numerous funny moments, generally enjoyable. Fat guy was actually amusing. The Chinese dude wasn't though, because he tried to abuse his ethnicity too much in order to appear humorous.





He's Korean-American. :o:heh:


Ghostbusters on Bluray


I remember ReZ ranting about how ace it was. It's still Ghostbusters, so by default it's ace, but Bluray was really wasted. All I saw was horrible pixellation, especially on the darker scenes. It's not like it was the TV either like in some cases, it was like someone had put a TV Static filter over the top of it.


Film: 9/10

Bluray: 2/10


Watched Avatar. It was alright. But the 3D didn't work particularly well - kept looking blurry / generally dodgy and really not visually pleasing. Which is a shame what with that being the whole point of the film. Also the cinema's copy kept cutting out which was irritating. And the plot was generic as. And the characters were ridiculous caricatures. Owell at least it was quite good fun.


6 / 10




The Final Destination in 3D


It's much better when it's 3D than it is in 2D. I watched it in 2D and I thought it weren't bad but in 3D it's much better. Funnily enough, after watching it in 3D, I only started thinking it was the weakest in the series but the 3D paid off well and wasn't overused.


3D effects: 8/10

Movie itself: 6/10


My God. You gave that a 6? Hell I LOVE the series and thought it was abysmal. I'd rather sit through an eternity of Tom Welling internal monologue than see that shit again.

My God. You gave that a 6? Hell I LOVE the series and thought it was abysmal. I'd rather sit through an eternity of Tom Welling internal monologue than see that shit again.


It would have been a 4 but the lead girl in it was quite hot so it's a 6 :D

Seriously, what earned it those 4 points?! :heh:


Mostly the death scenes and the bad acting which was a laugh to watch (the escalator part is a massive example to this) :heh:

Mostly the death scenes and the bad acting which was a laugh to watch (the escalator part is a massive example to this) :heh:


Ha! Fair enough. The escalator bit was pretty ace. :grin:




Still very entertaining, even though we had to skip most of the ending because it was too scary for my little brother. My cat was also goggle-eyed at the screen for most of the film, and tried to attack the pigeons. I was also surprised at how black the blacks were on the projector even though it's in the middle of the day.




Speed Racer Bluray


Massively glorious. The best Bluray I've seen so far.




Has anyone found a Bluray where they force you to watch trailers like on DVDs? I haven't found any trailers at all yet, not even skippable ones. I love Bluray.

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