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New Moon

As you all know I'm not a fan of this series, but I hate the books more, cause at least the writing isn't visible in film adaptations. I saw this with friends, since they wanted to (get to see it again onj Tuesday with sister YAYAYAYA)


Really bad obviously, but better than the first, cause...something actually happened. AND I think it's Robert pattinson that brings the whole thing down. He's not in this one a lot, as most people know, which is a blessing. His scenes/character is preposterous and stupid, and nowhere near as interesting as Werewolves.


As with the first, the visuals were the saving grace. Maybe only for me...I love the setting and the perpetually white/grey sky. The landscape of forest and sea is very peaceful. Also some nice shots when they actually leave Forks for the first time in the series for a bit.


But yeah, the soundtrack was the only exceptional thing about it. Some questionable-bad acting, unbelievable and trite plot that I think presents an unhealthy message about relationships to young people (which is kinda backward, as Mormonlady who wrote it intends the whole thing to be promoting celibacy/no sex before marriage etc). But yeah, it's not good IMO. Going by one of the films own symbols, Romeo & Juliet, people forget that the titular characters aren't perfect or even that likeable. They're both naive and foolish/crazy in love. Eh. It rubs me the wrong way. The books are worse for this (from what i've been subjected to).


But yeah, might invest in the brilliant soundtrack. A scene where

the wolves chase Victoria in a stunning duel

is wonderfully set to the Thom Yorke song from the soundtrack.


But yeah, apart from being "nice" to watch due to pleasing visuals (except R-Patz face...I don't get the attraction, he looks REALLY ill the whole time), a great soundtrack and Dakota Fanning and Michael Sheen, it was shite. But It wasn't completely dire. Suprisingly./ I'm generous.


5/10 just

New Moon

As you all know I'm not a fan of this series, but I hate the books more, cause at least the writing isn't visible in film adaptations. I saw this with friends, since they wanted to (get to see it again onj Tuesday with sister YAYAYAYA)


Really bad obviously, but better than the first, cause...something actually happened. AND I think it's Robert pattinson that brings the whole thing down. He's not in this one a lot, as most people know, which is a blessing. His scenes/character is preposterous and stupid, and nowhere near as interesting as Werewolves.


As with the first, the visuals were the saving grace. Maybe only for me...I love the setting and the perpetually white/grey sky. The landscape of forest and sea is very peaceful. Also some nice shots when they actually leave Forks for the first time in the series for a bit.


But yeah, the soundtrack was the only exceptional thing about it. Some questionable-bad acting, unbelievable and trite plot that I think presents an unhealthy message about relationships to young people (which is kinda backward, as Mormonlady who wrote it intends the whole thing to be promoting celibacy/no sex before marriage etc). But yeah, it's not good IMO. Going by one of the films own symbols, Romeo & Juliet, people forget that the titular characters aren't perfect or even that likeable. They're both naive and foolish/crazy in love. Eh. It rubs me the wrong way. The books are worse for this (from what i've been subjected to).


But yeah, might invest in the brilliant soundtrack. A scene where

the wolves chase Victoria in a stunning duel

is wonderfully set to the Thom Yorke song from the soundtrack.


But yeah, apart from being "nice" to watch due to pleasing visuals (except R-Patz face...I don't get the attraction, he looks REALLY ill the whole time), a great soundtrack and Dakota Fanning and Michael Sheen, it was shite. But It wasn't completely dire. Suprisingly./ I'm generous.


5/10 just


The Twilight Saga : New Moon *hurls at title*


Holy shit, we actually agree on a lot of that. I actually think it was worse than the first though. It just felt quite boring. The action scenes were just "Oh, thats nice" and actually weren't remotely important.


The thing I hate about it the most is how SuperDelicious Bella won't get with Jake/Jacob.


Erm....he actually has a personality (so is one up on Edward Cullen/Cohen/Coen) and is arguably more attractive/doesn't wear lipstick, is nice, funny (in one scene) and ....yeah rages sometime but thats fine. Also his family doesn't want to eat Bella.


I just don't understand? But yeah agree with a lot of your points. Defo didn't feel bored at all in the first one though. It was alright.


And I liked the *over arching* storyline. That has potential/looks interesting.




I really want to know the storyline of ....Eclipse? And Breaking Dawn? But don't want spoilers. Drop eleven situation.



Ye all know it's shite why are ye all going to it? :D I just don't get it.


Is this like women's revenge for all those years of explosion action films or what?

First film was stupid anyway :)



I am physically unable to see the 3D aspect of 3D films, and if I watch the film without the glasses, then I just get a headache.


I can see the 3D aspects, but not all the time. I don't think it helped with where I was sitting. Do you have to be perfectly in line with the telly for eet to work? Sometimes the effects would work, and then sometimes...it would seem that my eyes were "overlapping." Like if I was watching the film cross-eyed or something. I didn't enjoy it. It didn't help that the film was arse, either.


You're a disgrace to men everywhere.




I felt ashamed, but I didn't know it was on. However, I caught some of it at the end. There was enough time for me to see BENNETT LEFT OFF SOME STEEEEEAM.

I felt ashamed, but I didn't know it was on. However, I caught some of it at the end. There was enough time for me to see BENNETT LEFT OFF SOME STEEEEEAM.

You want to know how my arm is?



Come over and find out.


New Moon


I didn't see Twilight prior to going in to see this, which was probably a mistake, but anyhow. It was incredibly unenjoyable - the acting was piss poor (especially from Diggory), it dragged out a very, very loose story way too much without many events of particular significance happening at all, and the whole experience was made even worse by the fangirls, potentially the worst group of fans I've ever had the mispleasure of sitting in the same room as for over two hours.


Michael Sheen is a fantastic actor, and does creepy very well. It's a shame he was let down by the other emotionless teens he had to share the screen with. Cedric in particular. I honestly don't know how he's become a worldwide sensation. I was glad to be rid of him for most of the film, but when he did turn up, he was so depressingly miserable, brooding, and a general tosser. He mumbles, he stands sideways and faces the ground when he's supposed to be talking to people (really grated on me this, is he incapable of actually facing people?), he shows no emotion, has no personality, no sense of humour. When he turns up whilst Bella's with her friends, they automatically take that as their cue to disperse - why?


Jacob on the other hand actually shows some fucking character - he laughs, he jokes, he has an actual personality - and most importantly, he came incredibly close to ripping Diggory's head clean off. But noooooo, "It's always been vampire boy", she tells him. Bitch. I believe I'm on Team Jacob, if I must choose a side.


Going back to the fans, I still don't understand it. The girl sat behind me actually began to hyperventilate when the message about Vue Cinemas using nightvision to monitor pirates came up (the same girl who screeched like a Nazgul when a trailer appeared with Zac Efron in it). People all around the cinema began to whimper. There was applause at the opening sequence and the credits. Laughter when there was nothing to laugh at. People commentating on the film as it was on, proudly declaring that they'd already seen it, what would happen next, why a character shouldn't or should do that. Oh, and I also got death looks from the rows around me when I declared Cedric to be one of the biggest tossers I've ever seen - and that I hadn't seen or read Twilight first. Mistake.




P.S. Anyone think that Jasper (I think that's his name) looks like Jessie from Saved By The Bell?


On the point of Twilight. I've not read or seen any of it, but my sister is into it big style. The only saving grace I know of is that the author of it is a big Muse fan!


I went to see 2012 on Friday night. I like John Cusack and I was vaguely familiar with what the film was based on from the X-Files. I didn't know that it was gonna be about 2h30 in length but I still enjoyed it as it didn't feel like anything was being drawn out longer than necessary. I highly doubt the film will be winning any Oscars but it was utter chaos from the word go and to think of Earth just caving in on itself and us being powerless to prevent it is pretty humbling.


As long as you aren't expecting something artsy, then go see it.




I liked the animation of the eyes, and the subtle eyebrows (just a darker stitching but it works well) and the overall look and what not but the story was rushed as hell. The film is only 70 minutes long. Perhaps its a production issue (ie to keep things cheap) but it seemed to race from one big fight (which reminded me of Pikmin) to the next. Would have preferred to explore its story a bit more.

New Moon


I didn't see Twilight prior to going in to see this, which was probably a mistake, but anyhow. It was incredibly unenjoyable - the acting was piss poor (especially from Diggory), it dragged out a very, very loose story way too much without many events of particular significance happening at all, and the whole experience was made even worse by the fangirls, potentially the worst group of fans I've ever had the mispleasure of sitting in the same room as for over two hours.


Michael Sheen is a fantastic actor, and does creepy very well. It's a shame he was let down by the other emotionless teens he had to share the screen with. Cedric in particular. I honestly don't know how he's become a worldwide sensation. I was glad to be rid of him for most of the film, but when he did turn up, he was so depressingly miserable, brooding, and a general tosser. He mumbles, he stands sideways and faces the ground when he's supposed to be talking to people (really grated on me this, is he incapable of actually facing people?), he shows no emotion, has no personality, no sense of humour. When he turns up whilst Bella's with her friends, they automatically take that as their cue to disperse - why?


Jacob on the other hand actually shows some fucking character - he laughs, he jokes, he has an actual personality - and most importantly, he came incredibly close to ripping Diggory's head clean off. But noooooo, "It's always been vampire boy", she tells him. Bitch. I believe I'm on Team Jacob, if I must choose a side.


Going back to the fans, I still don't understand it. The girl sat behind me actually began to hyperventilate when the message about Vue Cinemas using nightvision to monitor pirates came up (the same girl who screeched like a Nazgul when a trailer appeared with Zac Efron in it). People all around the cinema began to whimper. There was applause at the opening sequence and the credits. Laughter when there was nothing to laugh at. People commentating on the film as it was on, proudly declaring that they'd already seen it, what would happen next, why a character shouldn't or should do that. Oh, and I also got death looks from the rows around me when I declared Cedric to be one of the biggest tossers I've ever seen - and that I hadn't seen or read Twilight first. Mistake.




P.S. Anyone think that Jasper (I think that's his name) looks like Jessie from Saved By The Bell?


Yeah. The fact that she likes Cedric more is just completely mind boggling. I hope Jake kills her in the next ones.

On the point of Twilight. I've not read or seen any of it, but my sister is into it big style. The only saving grace I know of is that the author of it is a big Muse fan!


Explains. So. Much.


Wow! I didn't know Cedric Diggory was Robert Pattinson. The more you know.


Anyway I had a bit of a movie Night last Night. Watched four movies with my friend. :)






I had been DYING to see this for ages and it disappoint. It is fantastically animated and the story is very well told and I loved the bizarre characters, beautiful but I wanted more. Something didn't quite lift up to amazing! for me. :D




Synecdoche, New York.




I could talk about this film for hours and by talk I mean babble on trying to explain why I liked it so much. :grin: The movie is just brilliant. It gripped me from the start and took me on an incredible journey that slowly broke down my humanity throughout leaving me a depressed mess at the end too disheartened to cry. It plays with reality so well and yet still openly displays the truth about life, love death. The acting was magnificent.


I can't stop thinking about it.








This was a lot of fun. It had laughs, action and of course emotion. Some good acting from Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman and The boy who played Nala. I loved the setting and the story was much bigger than I thought. It started out small and ended up big but It didn't seem to fit all that well together. It lost its way a bit and wasn't sure what story it was trying to tell but managed to tie itself up at the end. I wasn't feeling the love between the two main characters either but there we go.


Also I laughed some cows fell off the cliff. :laughing:




Monsters Vs Aliens




Second time I've seen this and it worked much better in the Cinema. The epic Goldengate Bridge scene isn't as good on DVD. It also felt much shorter than the last time and the story was kind of lacking. Still enjoyed it as it provides some stupid fun and some good laughs that I missed the first time. :smile:








Surprisingly good. I expected it to be one of those pretentious films where nothing relly happened. Admittedly not a lot did happen, but it wasn't boring. A lot of the film was pretty predictable as well.


Not sure if the whole clone thing was supposed to be a twist or just a part of the story, but films set in the future that have twists like that seem really lazy to me. It's not really a twist if the writer just reveals that a certain type of technology is possible without any previous mention of it. The whole fun of a twist is knowing that you could have predicted it, but didn't (or did). It would be like having a murder mystery set in the future and at the end saying "The killer teleported in, we can do that in the future".


That's more of a general complaint about twists in future films rather than this film. The clone thing was revealed too early in the film to be a twist IMO.



All in all, I can find faults with the film, but I still really liked it and can't really explain why.



Aye, I wouldn't consider that a twist, more a "Oh thats interesting, whats this then....oh its that, well that makes sense"


And the film had Kevin Spacey, so was obviously amazing.


Shit forgot about Spaceys awesomeness in that film. I geniunely couldn't figure out his character.


...Kaizer Soze. That's my prediction.



Goafermon? Have I secretly become Mollys brother? Or am I ReZ and Mollys lovechild?


That's an image I will never get out of my head. No one ever needs to see ReZ's "Happy Face". Ever.

Goafermon? Have I secretly become Mollys brother? Or am I ReZ and Mollys lovechild?


That's an image I will never get out of my head. No one ever needs to see ReZ's "Happy Face". Ever.


You are the alter-ego of Rez, the good twin. Also the twin which captures the heart of Mollymon. Rez is the one who repeatedly captures her and keeps her in another castle.

You are the alter-ego of Rez, the good twin. Also the twin which captures the heart of Mollymon. Rez is the one who repeatedly captures her and keeps her in another castle.


Nega-ReZ is a title I can live with.


Although I'd like to think I'd do the appropriate research as to where Molly is being stored before marching off to save her. I'm not like some retarded plumber who hears she is being held captive in a castle so storms off to Warwick Castle on the basis that "That's a castle! She must be there!"


I can only be told that she's in another castle before I being to question my hero credentials.

Nega-ReZ is a title I can live with.


Although I'd like to think I'd do the appropriate research as to where Molly is being stored before marching off to save her. I'm not like some retarded plumber who hears she is being held captive in a castle so storms off to Warwick Castle on the basis that "That's a castle! She must be there!"


I can only be told that she's in another castle before I being to question my hero credentials.


A quick Google search should help you find the right castle. A Google image search would give you a picture of that castle. And Google Maps would tell you how to get there. All bases are covered.


Except Molly's. Get to that castle.

Nega-ReZ is a title I can live with.


Although I'd like to think I'd do the appropriate research as to where Molly is being stored before marching off to save her. I'm not like some retarded plumber who hears she is being held captive in a castle so storms off to Warwick Castle on the basis that "That's a castle! She must be there!"


I can only be told that she's in another castle before I being to question my hero credentials.


You could completely the Ninty naming route and call yourself Warez.

A quick Google search should help you find the right castle. A Google image search would give you a picture of that castle. And Google Maps would tell you how to get there. All bases are covered.


Except Molly's. Get to that castle.


A quick Google search reveals Molly's Castle.


*Begrudgingly marches off to Utah, half arsedly holding his sword in the air*

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