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District 9


A great mix of styles, a ton of character, wonderful acting, great effects and brilliantly designed aliens.


The setting and characters really make this a magnificent film, helped a lot by the casting (especially the lead actor), especially as a lot of the scenes were improvised. Plus it tells you plenty of stuff without spoon-feeding you.


Easily the best film of this year so far.




Inglorious Basterds gets that title IMO. Its gone into my favourite films of all time actually. Agree with all your points.


Ah, thank you sir :bowdown: Infinate Pet was one of the songs in the film where I had a 'I recognise this song, what the hell is it!?' moment. And agreed, I would happily go and rewatch it... I think my friends are going in a couple of days, might have to go with...


Rewatched American Beauty last night. Certainly not as good as it seemed on first viewing, but still, I could watch Spacey's performance over and over.


9 / 10


Speaking of my favourite films of all time... :bowdown:

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(500) Days of Summer


I really enjoyed this. Exactly what I was looking for in a movie to round out my summer holidays. Both Deschanel and JGL were great in it playing the characters perfectly. I've not seen Deschanel in anything before but she was rather endearing, I thought anyway, and her performance was something that left a good impression on me both in terms of her ability and in terms of her looks as I didn't particularly find her that interesting prior to now and JGL did an equally good job with it nice seeing him in something again as it's been awhile since I last saw him in a movie.


I loved the whole duality/juxtapositioning of the way the movie progressed, showing you the high moments of what was going on between the two characters but then showing you the aftermath of the fall out. Story was good for that reason, and also for the reason of presenting itself as the anti-rom com, and easier to follow than I thought it would be initially when it kept jumping all over the place in terms of how many days had passed. Got some decent enough laughs from it. The 'Penis' thing is something I remember doing when I was younger. Brought a smile to my face.


Soundtrack was superb though. One of the best soundtracks to accompany a movie I have heard in a long time. Just managed to fit the movie really well, suiting the situations but also managing to somewhat step away from them and present itself as some genuinely enjoyable music. Thought the soundtrack was good enough to warrant a purchase of it :D


So yeh, I really enjoyed it. Have a want to see it again which is great for any movie if it can instill that want in you after watching it.

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District 9


I didn't know an awful lot about the film before going in, and I knew it had received decent reviews, but I wasn't majorly hyped or anything.


I really, really enjoyed it. It's great to see a film with so much underlying politics and ideas going on that never at one point turns sanctamonious or preachy. While I disagree with the capitalist tactic of marketing it as "A Peter Jackson Film" (reminded me of the 'J.J. Abrams film' that was Cloverfiled), it's very encouraging to see it getting so much love; the screening was packed out.


A smart, nihilistic, dark, funny and incredibly thought-provoking picture.


9 "Fuck!"s out of 10.


EDIT: I forgot to mention that Sharlto Copley pulls of a sublime central performance. I admit I feared I was going to find him irritating at the start, but he employs some truly awesome character-development throughout.

Edited by D_prOdigy
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Falling Down (1993)




This movie was highly enjoyable with a few kinks along the way. An excellent performance from Michael Douglas and some awesome scenes throughout.




The Bigamist (1953)




an interesting look at how Bigamy was viewed like in the 50's which is much different to how it would be now. Not bad to waste an hour and bit too on an uneventful afternoon. :)




Bee Movie (2007)




A love me my animated movies but this was just disappointing. I knew I wasn't going to enjoy it that much from the moment it kicked in and the intial bee world and characters were revealed it had a very dull tone about it even with its vibrant orange surroundings. The plot would have bored children to tears and I didn't care for it. The overall story lacked humour. Beyond the basic Bee related joke they got a bit stuck as to where to go to next. Everyone was criminally underused except jerry seinfeld whos voice started to grate after awhile as it was basically an hour and a half of him moaning. the ending got a bit silly but I quite liked it. There are some redeeming factors that don't make it a complete waste of time.




Donkey Punch (2008)




As soon as the english voices kicked in I was like mehhhh! then they took a boat to have some adventures on the sea. Lulz ensue and then things get crazy but all the characters were unlikeable so I didn't care what was happening to any of them and it was trying so hard to be a bit sinister and gritty but it just turned out hilarious due to the poor acting!




Drag Me To Hell




Stupid is the main word I'd use to describe this but it was also very over the top and funny in a good way and the ending brought it right up in my estimation. :D




I Love You Man (2009)




I'M SLAPPING THE BASE :grin: Paul Rudd in that scene made me laugh alot!


Not that great but some good moments here and there and brought a smile to my face.




(500) Days of Summer (2009)




Amazing. :heart: I cannot believe how much I enjoyed every moment of this movie. Touching in a good way and much more down to earth than all these willy nilly romantic comedies. The humour was right up my street and the way the story was unfolded was nicely done. Fantastic performances from Zooey and JGL (He is a good man, I approve). The soundtrack was immense and the movie was so good I was happy the whole way through even during some not so happy scenes as I was way to pleased by the whole experience.


Best movie I've seen this year so far except maybe Moon. :grin:




Pulp Fiction




I finally got round to watching this film for the first time and I loved every moment of it. Now I just need to see Reservoir Dogs!



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District 9


A fascinatingly fresh take on the sci-fi genre. At first I thought the documentary style wasn't fitting but as the story progressed it made more and more sense. I liked that social clashes was one of the central themes and not some evil plan from either side. The whole film seems very "complete" - it looks like the director had a clear vision and stuck to it.



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9/11: 102 Minutes That Changed America


9/11 has always been a bit unreal to me. I was in New York a month prior to it and went up the World Trade Centre a couple times. I remember my sister calling the house telling us to put the news on. My sister had to got to work at Canary Wharf that evening and as unlikely as it was that anything would happen there was that paranoia looming.


This documentary is chilling. It's just video footage from everything that could record video, stitched together. No narration, no explanation. I recommend everyone watch it.


I think it would have been more adequately titled, '102 Minutes That Changed History'.


I wonder what the world would be like had it not happened.

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I Love You Man (2009)




I'M SLAPPING THE BASE :grin: Paul Rudd in that scene made me laugh alot!


Not that great but some good moments here and there and brought a smile to my face.




"Loads of guys there were licking each other's basses!"


I actually love Paul Rudd in pretty much everything he does... ILYM is the kind of film thats not amazing but hard not to love.

Closer starring Clive Owen


I kind of loved it which was pretty surprising seeings how the characters were a bunch of beautiful assholes that I didn't care about. Oh yeah and Clive Owen's character made me laugh, especially the internet chatroom scene. Can't go wrong with a bit of Damien Rice either eh?


8 / 10

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Haha, I agree with everything you say about I Love You Man.



District 9




I went in knowing nothing about the film except the title. First half is epic. I love the whole documentary style of it and the fact it's set in South Africa and everything!


The design of the Prawns was great and also how they weren't here to take over the earth or anything! The Alien Weaponry was intense and the special effects were brilliant, seeing someone get completely splattered never got old.


The main character annoyed me to begin with but had some great character development as the plot continued. The second half of the movie after he gets the Claw and it turns into a chase I feel makes the movie weaker as it essentially becomes more predictable from there on in and i'd have prefered perhaps a different direction but they played it out stylishly and it is still exciting/emotional/arousing.


The ambiguous ending is fantastic and I like the fact that nothing was fully explained.


Good film though, Highly enjoyable and not what I expected.





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Kind of the point if you ask me. Not that you did, but I'm not one to stand on ceremony when dealing with my opinion ;)


Let's not lie, it entertained me. I was wedged into a sofa between my favourite person in my life, and a massive ginger guy with hands the size of my face (who's also ridiculously funny, and a semi-professional actor), and I squirmed in horror several times throughout - which led to laughter, and general fun times.


And yeah, the whole thing of whether the events happened or not was interesting, but not interesting enough for me to actually think much about it. It left me slightly damp, but not wet nor dry.

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Rise of the Cobra G.I. joe..wow... I love this film... Although this

film is a bit....but it's good. It doesn't take itself too seriously, the comic relief actually fits (compare that to the embarrassingly bad scenes from Transformers 2) and it's a nice origin story. The length is good too. I'd give it about 75% or so, not the best film ever but definitely one you would regret missing.

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Reservoir Dogs

Great film and a fantastic debut for Tarantino, but it could of had done with more content, which is why it never satsifies me and is my least watched QT film.



Jackie Brown

Generally regarded as QT's worst, but there's a good film to be found here, you just have to sit down and concentrate to fully appreciate it, and more than likely watch it twice. Bit of a weak finale though.



Kill Bill Vol1 + 2

The simplest QT film(s) in terms of story and the coolest looking, but there are some fancy moments that do drag, but they don't spoil my enjoyment. One of my favourite film(s).



The Big Lebowski

A film that's on a lot of positive lists, but I have no idea why. :confused:



Speed Racer

Started off pretty good, but it got very boring soon afterwards. The kid with the monkey was funny though.


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Jackie Brown

Generally regarded as QT's worst, but there's a good film to be found here, you just have to sit down and concentrate to fully appreciate it, and more than likely watch it twice. Bit of a weak finale though.



I thought it was genereally regarded as his best? Certainly his only film that feels like a mature adult, director was at the helm (can't speak for Inglorious, haven't seen it).

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There's quite a few films I've seen lately, but the trouble is I...seem to forget quite a few things theeese days. :(


Lost in Translation


I know a lot of people do not like this movie. Or, that quite a few people think that they are forced to like it. Thankfully, I didn't see this film straight after it came out. Infact, I didn't see the film until about two years ago, when I was around a friend's house, after I had finished my last day of working at a particular call-centre. Needless to say, I got pretty drunk, and we eventually made it back to his place for a sit down, a few films, and a bottle or two of Magners.


So, he went out the back for a smoke on his cigarette (and spliff) for a verrrry long time, and I sat and watched pretty much the entire film whilst he was gone, haha. I sat there, drinking my cider, and having a daaaamn good time.


That is when I first saw the movie. I remember being sucked in, and just in awe of it, particularly the awesome soundtrack and the beauty of Scarlett Johansson. I've seen it quite a few times since. It still feels as fresh to me as when I originally watched it, and it just seems like a fascinating journey to go through. I think a lot of us, at some point, feel a sense of isolation or loneliness, or feel that they are in a place which is sometimes alien to them. I identified with that, and I think it made the film that bit more accessible to me, perhaps.


Bill Murray is awesome, and he's always had a brilliant sense of humour, and this was no exception. The relationship he had with Scarlett throughout is something I could watch over and over, particularly that scene when they're on the bed and he's talking about how life ends when you have kids. (and where he touches Scarlett's foot so subtly with his hand). Then, there's that final scene, when the Jesus and Mary Chain music kicks in. :)


9/10 It's one film that I hold close to my heart.





This was on last night, and it stars Danny Dyer and Gillian Anderson. Now, I am a big fan of hers, because I find her very attractive, and the X-Files, of course. This film is very different to what we've come to expect of her, so it was quite interesting to see how she'd perform.


In this film, Gillian and Danny are involved in a very vicious attack on the roadside, which subsequently leads to Gillian being gang raped. The rape itself is quite graphic, but it is shot from a particular angle so that you see Gillian's face, and not the attack itself, kinda.


Through a chance encounter, Gillian comes face to face with one of her attackers, and her and Danny plan their revenge. It's a pretty twisted film, although it is very short. I think it only clocked in at around 80 minutes or something, so very short. As a result of being short, I don't think you develop too much of a backstory for the characters, and in a sense you feel less like you can identify with them, or learn about their personas. That being said, you sympathise with them because of their ordeals, and there is one particular scene at the end of the film where Gillian gets her revenge by:


Anally attacking her rapist with a rifle

It was very, very brutal, and pretty difficult to watch. Is it a must-see film? No. You can quite easily go through the rest of your life without seeing this film, and there isn't that quality here which makes it a must-see, but it is a decent watch anyway.




It's a very average film, and I think the shortness of it just hinders it, too much. I read a review elsewhere (after watching the film) that said that the film consists of 3 main scenes, but it isn't linked together too well or isn't coherent enough. Both Danny and Gillian give the film some quality, and they are both watchable, and you feel that there is some chemistry there between them. So, they help raise up the film a few marks. It's not a terrible film by any means, but it's not a particularly great one either.

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Decided to go through my DVDs today and decided to have a night dedicated to 3D.


Spy Kids 3D: Game Over


Not a bad movie and the effects were used brilliantly in it.




The adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3D


Meh, it's so-so. Effects were good though which was basically why I had it in the first place, lol.




Journey to the Centre of the Earth 3D


Enjoyed this alot. Thought it was brilliant.




My Bloody Valentine 3D


Love this movie so much, just brilliant and it's even better in 3D




I really want to watch more 3D movies, does anyone here know any old movies that are in 3D? (going to watch the Final Destination in 3D, can't wait)

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