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Rate the last film you saw


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Way of the Dragon


a grate Bruce Lee film, especually the nun-chucku fight a little later in the movie. Trying ot watch this movie in english is like trying to watch your mother having sex with yourself, its just not right, go for the origional cantonease dialouge. in all the fights he ABSOLUTLY has to take his shirt off before ho throws a single punch, also all characters are trained in martial arts



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School of Rock last night, then Zoolander right after both on C4, so I'll just rate them both.


School of Rock - A great film, I can't see why anyone wouldn't like this, amusing and heartwarming. Jack Black poses as a schoolteacher when he is a useless bum who's trying to make a life out of music, then ends up lying to everyone and turning his school class into a rock band. I'll give it an 8/10

Zoolander - A slightly weirder film, I think the only reason it gets away with it is because it has a top cast in it. If some random people you didn't know did this, you'd probably think they were all idiots. It's kind of random comedy that doesn't make much sense as it's all overexaggerated stuff, but it's still amusing. Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson are (really dumb, like blonde dumb) male models in a business where a fashion guru is secretly recruiting male models to become top notch assasins, with a twist. Amusing, but not as good as school of rock, so a 7/10.

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Ae Fond Kiss


superb film about a young Muslim man who falls in love with an Irish Catholic, weeks before he is due to be entered into an arranged marriage. It's superb film about prejudice, family and culture, all portrayed in fantastically human and natural performances. Highly recommended.

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School of Rock last night, then Zoolander right after both on C4, so I'll just rate them both.


Zoolander - A slightly weirder film, I think the only reason it gets away with it is because it has a top cast in it. If some random people you didn't know did this, you'd probably think they were all idiots. It's kind of random comedy that doesn't make much sense as it's all overexaggerated stuff, but it's still amusing. Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson are (really dumb, like blonde dumb) male models in a business where a fashion guru is secretly recruiting male models to become top notch assasins, with a twist. Amusing, but not as good as school of rock, so a 7/10.


I didn't know they were both in that (or anything about the film) I want to see it.

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Sympathy for Mr.Vengeance

A korean movie from the same director of Oldboy. The plot of the movie is that a deaf-mute "kid" has a sister with kidney proplems and needs a transplant but dosen´t have the money for it. So he and his (very hot) girlfriend decide to kidnap a buissnesman´s daughter but from there things go very wrong.

If one sentence were to describe the movie it would be: "An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind"


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School of Rock, 8/10- Formulaec (sp?), but still a great little film. Very witty, and all the rock references were cool.


Full Metal Jacket, 9/10- Excellant. A Kubrick film, very realistic (at least the latter half) and shows the inhumanities and dehumanisation better than any other war film I have seen, all mainly through humour, atmosphere and grittiness


Once Upon a Time in the West, 9/10- I used to dislike this film, but now that I have matured a bit, I can see why it is so popular amongst western fans.


Dazed and Confused, 9.5/10- Watch it especially for the soundtrack, the stoner talk and the general excitement of 70's U.S. high school life. It's not like a normal high school film, with the stereotypical jocks, cheerleaders etc., but it's more realistic and has more likely high school characters, which is why I like it so much, I suppose. Highly recommened.


Arlington Road, 6/10- I don't know what to think about this film. It started off as a very good thriller, but it reached a certain point where it started to slide into eventually a silly and farfetched plot, but the ending hits you in the face, in a good way, and sort of makes up for the previous half-hour or so. I think a 6 will do.

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I went to see Pan's labyrinth yesterday.


It's a spanish film, so it's subtitled.

The only way to describe this film is that it is a modern fairytale.

It takes place during the Spanish civil war. In some parts, it is very, very brutal. In other parts, it's magical.


If you guys get a chance to see this, do it. You won't regret it. Don't be put off by the fact that it's subtitled. It's not worth missing out on a great film for.



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Love Actually


I watched it when it was on TV the other day, I'd seen it before but forgotten most of it. I didn't pay much attention at the start but once I began to further in I was enjoying it much more than the first time and I really liked the ending. At the biginning I did feel like the dialogue was a bit pushed and sometimes un-realistic, but that improves after a while. The idea of showing all the different relationships is nice, my favourite being the guy who is in love with the woman who just got married.


I wont give it a rating as I didn't pay enough attention.

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I went to see Pan's labyrinth yesterday.


It's a spanish film, so it's subtitled.

The only way to describe this film is that it is a modern fairytale.

It takes place during the Spanish civil war. In some parts, it is very, very brutal. In other parts, it's magical.


If you guys get a chance to see this, do it. You won't regret it. Don't be put off by the fact that it's subtitled. It's not worth missing out on a great film for.




I was thinking about watching that so I'm glad you reviewed it. I'm definitely going to see it now.

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