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Rate the last film you saw


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Wtf? Hairspray 2? What is there to add?


I hate.

They could get summer jobs, or go into a senior year.

I liked Tokyo Drift. It was terrible story wise, but there were hints that the makers knew it. For example: the main character was apparently 17, yet he looked about 3 decades too old. Lines like "You're lucky you weren't tried as an adult" and "Careful ladies, he's underage" were almost unbearably funny.


Plus I'm generally a fan of cars doing awesome stuff. And the older and more battered the car the better. Mad Max is pretty much my vision of the perfect future. The scene at the beginning where the battered old muscle car smites the fancy new Viper was pretty much automobile sleaze to me.

That's what I needed to hear.


The concept of "drifting" was impressive. But for the makers to try and use that as the basis for the whole film = wank.

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17 again


Took my sister, knowing nothing about the plot, it turned out to be alot better than i thought it would be, zac is alot better at acting than i figured, i liked the stan attacks. And Ned was a quality guy, zac's speech at the end was good, as was the replication of the first scene (Y)

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The Damned United 9/10 - Great film just don't listen to people complaining about its presentation of Clough (I actually think despite the bad side it does show it does romanticize him), the original print of the book clearly stated it was a fiction based on facts, the fact being that Clough was at Leeds for 44 days and it was a known fact that he hated Revie. Anyway Sheen was fantastic as Clough, Jim Broadbent brilliant and Colm Meaney pulled off a good Revie not something I was expecting.

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Little Miss Sunshine


One of my favourite movies ever. I just love the message behind it, and it's got some genuinely hilarious moments. The ending is everything it could have been and more, I love it so much.


Everybody pretend to be normal!



Edited by Slaggis
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Fast & Furious


If you are "cool" and love cars, the new age Need for Speed games and er yeah, you're one of the cool bunch then whoa, this film is 10/10 go see it!


Otherwise... dross. You shouldn't need Uncle Dark here to tell you to steer well clear. Positives are that... I guess its watchable? ::shrug: I mean they managed to edit the material together into a film like, which I guess is always a bonus. Oh and Ana Lucia from Lost featured so that was nice, plus there was plenty of spoken Spanish if you like that kind of thing! :hehe: So with that in mind I'd rate F&F a very generous 1/10!

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Little Miss Sunshine


One of my favourite movies ever. I just love the message behind it, and it's got some genuinely hilarious moments. The ending is everything it could have been and more, I love it so much.


Everybody pretend to be normal!




The ending was genius. I was thinking it would either go the cliched way of "An intelligent, yet beautiful judge takes pity/see the potential and awards her the win" or "she discovers how shallow and crap the whole thing is before the end". Instead they went with a uniquely awesome ending.


Fast & Furious


If you are "cool" and love cars, the new age Need for Speed games and er yeah, you're one of the cool bunch then whoa, this film is 10/10 go see it!


Otherwise... dross. You shouldn't need Uncle Dark here to tell you to steer well clear. Positives are that... I guess its watchable? ::shrug: I mean they managed to edit the material together into a film like, which I guess is always a bonus. Oh and Ana Lucia from Lost featured so that was nice, plus there was plenty of spoken Spanish if you like that kind of thing! :hehe: So with that in mind I'd rate F&F a very generous 1/10!


When I left the cinema there were 2 very distinct groups leaving the car park. The boy racers swarmed out like a bunch of slightly startled wasps (honestly, their cars sounded like a weasel farting in a mud bath) and the "norms" who left at a more relaxed pace, all the while laughing at the aforementioned "bois".


There is another good thing you missed about the film though. It has some content that is watchable for a geniune car enthusiast. Not just the Saxo driving hoodlums that flock to McDonalds like flies round shit. Have a picture I made to illustrate:



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I'm still going to recommend 17 Again to everyone. Loved it.





Seen it twice now, and read it of course. Brilliant, and it's shameful that most people who read/watch this (including myself) didn't really know the history of Iran's troubles beforehand. We judge too quickly.



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ok, i probebly spelt that wrong but what ever

a fairly good film, some what unbelivable but very watchable. i was expecting it to be a bit more violent, either bravo had eited it down, im desensitised to violence or the reposrts of it being over the top were wrong.





Boy in the striped pyjamas


very different from most haloucaust films that shock you with brutality, the violence was all behind the scenes and implied. i approached getting teary eyed at one moment, but my record of never crying at a film in my adult life remains un broken.



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did you not find the decapitated corpses rolling down the stairs like ragdolls in to a pile of discarded flesh unpleasant? I thought that film featured some of the most unflinching portrayals of violence in years. It wasn't particularly...lingering on violence like a normal action movie, but what was there felt very real and brutal as a result.

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did you not find the decapitated corpses rolling down the stairs like ragdolls in to a pile of discarded flesh unpleasant? I thought that film featured some of the most unflinching portrayals of violence in years. It wasn't particularly...lingering on violence like a normal action movie, but what was there felt very real and brutal as a result.


that was unpleasant, but it wasnt over the top really, to me at least, maybe im sick in the head?










im confiscating your man card.

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that was unpleasant, but it wasnt over the top really, to me at least, maybe im sick in the head?


no it wasn't over the top- but to me that's more disturbing than anything that the likes of Saw's disreputable sequels ever imagined. The mundane realism of the violence made it seem more intimate and life like to me. In a sense, I supppose the effect is not 'oh shit he cut that dudes head off!' but rather 'oh shit that's exactly what cutting a dude's head off looks like!'

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i think the most shocking violence for me was in the pianist, when that old man is tipped out of his wheel chair off the balcony. it wasnt shockingint because it was overly graphic, it was shocking because it was unexpected and totaly unprovleked.


i think i went into apocolypto expecting it to be super violent, i expected the pianist to be grim but that was shocking.

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I shoved this on because there was batshit else on to watch, and I loved it to bits. I loved Paltrows character, and since when was Affleck so doable? The story was interesting too. Man falls in love with woman who's husband he had effectively sent to his death by giving him his plane ticket. I was completely glued thoughout. My mum came up the stairs and without moving my eyes away from the screen I was like "PUT THE CUP OF TEA DOWN AND DON'T SAY A WORD".


Some great acting, an interesting story and a (although cliche) lovely ending. Really suprised I enjoyed it so much, definitely not your average rom-com.



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An animated feature that escaped my eyes. :o


I liked the concept but the story was simple and the characters aren't nearly as charming as other animated movies. There were funny stuff though to me. Not bad though and I had fun on a lazy afternoon whenever I watched it the other day! :D


4 Bears out of 7!




There was some hilarious stuff in it but not enough! :) Surprisingly didn't make me feel as uncomfortable as I thought it would. Even the naked man scene though totally wrong was funny!


Borat trying to Kidnap Pamela Anderson got the biggest laugh from me. Not sure why but I found that hysterical. It dragged on slightly sometimes though but I'm glad I watched it though!


5 Bears out of 7.

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The Matrix


remains one of the most self assured, ballsy and successful sci fi films ever. The sequels were dogshit but this is a bonafied classic. It's aged well, too. The CGI, by being subtle and an accessory to filmed footage, is still totally convincing.

There's some seriously hammy dialogue which hurts the film no small amount, but it's forgiveable. It's also solid basis for a game of 'drink when the script writer needs a slap' which is good fun.

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The Matrix


remains one of the most self assured, ballsy and successful sci fi films ever. The sequels were dogshit but this is a bonafied classic. It's aged well, too. The CGI, by being subtle and an accessory to filmed footage, is still totally convincing.

There's some seriously hammy dialogue which hurts the film no small amount, but it's forgiveable. It's also solid basis for a game of 'drink when the script writer needs a slap' which is good fun.









*waggles finger at the horror*


(it's just always fun to do that size thing)

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*waggles finger at the horror*


(it's just always fun to do that size thing)


Thank god. I saw that when I read it and had to bite down on a bit of wood to stop myself from chewing through my tongue in a fit of literary agony.

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