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now 18 guests...wtf? :heh:


TCCoBB- Fantastic film. Great storytelling, amazing effects CGI etc, Brad Pitt was excellent but also the supporting cast were really endearing to watch. Humour was excellent too. I think it could have been half an hour shorter 8.5/10

Hilarious, love it!


Tropic Thunder- I did laugh here and there, but was mainly unimpressed with the jokes, it was just cringeworthly. Bad film imo, with Tom Cruise as it's only saving grace; disappointing for me because I generally worship the ground Steve Coogan walks on. 5/10


In Bruges- I didn't know what to expect, but I loved it. Mixture of brutality and humour was perfect. 8/10

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Tropic Thunder- I did laugh here and there, but was mainly unimpressed with the jokes, it was just cringeworthly. Bad film imo, with Tom Cruise as it's only saving grace; disappointing for me because I generally worship the ground Steve Coogan walks on. 5/10


You worship undetonated old French land mines?

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Southland Tales


FARRRR too long.


Far too disjointed aswell. Fair enough having a crazy story which makes little sense after first watching, but unlike Donnie Darko, Southland Tales is just a mismatch of scenes which struggle to fit together.


The only thing I actually liked about the movie was the humour surrounding Sarah Michelle Gellar's character. Literally a lovely porn star.


But then, it wasn't THAT funny.


The film left much to be desired. It was quirky, I'll give it that, in the same way Donnie Darko is quirky, but Southland Tales seemed to lack the special X Factor.



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They're not actually hers though, its a photoshopped photo :p


Why would you ruin it for me?!


Oh and i watched Get Smart last night. I was a bit wary as Steve Carell can annoy me, but he was really funny in this. He seemed to have good chemisty with Anne Hathaway too, who is awesome regardless. It made me laugh many times which is all you can ask for from a film like this. The plot is cliché but it doesn't matter when you have some quality laugh-out-loud moments. The Rock always makes me laugh too, even with just his facial expressions, and he did a great job with the small role he had in this. Great way to kill a few hours. The extras were really funny as well.



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Runaway Jury


It was a toss up between this or Jerry Maguire, as I'd seen neither, but after watching this I feel I would've been better watching Cruise shouting about wanting to see some monies. It just dragged on for me with little happening, although Cusacks' manipulation of the jury was interesting. I even got confused what Weiszs' reasons for being there. I thought she was the widow [using a different actress for the flashbacks], but a swift check to the Wiki solved that.


Seven Shabba's



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Notes On A Scandal


Read the book a few years back, loved it. Finally saw the film, and both Judi Dench and Cate Blanchett were excellent.


Also loved the inclusion (IIRC not in the book?) of Sheba being obsessed with Siouxsie and The Banshees, and using Dizzy in the soundtrack.


But yeah, Barbara's obsession and desperation was wonderfully done too.


Felt really embaressing after I watched it though, my aunt was round, and she may/may not/was involved in a scandal of the same nature, and daren't be reminded of it.



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Notes On A Scandal


Read the book a few years back, loved it. Finally saw the film, and both Judi Dench and Cate Blanchett were excellent.


Also loved the inclusion (IIRC not in the book?) of Sheba being obsessed with Siouxsie and The Banshees, and using Dizzy in the soundtrack.


But yeah, Barbara's obsession and desperation was wonderfully done too.


Felt really embaressing after I watched it though, my aunt was round, and she may/may not/was involved in a scandal of the same nature, and daren't be reminded of it.




*nods* Excellent film. Also great lols at Dame Judi when she says ''It'll fly by''.

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*nods* Excellent film. Also great lols at Dame Judi when she says ''It'll fly by''.


I love the various references to my life it has too. A shared love of Siouxsie & The Banshees (obviously not to the psychological extent the connotations of the love have on Sheba), and the fact that the art teachers daughter is calle Polly Hart, the name of my art teacher. :heh:

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The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button


It was good, but not as good as everyone made out. I really don't think it deserved any Oscar nominations (maybe make-up/costume, but then it really wasn't THAT great).


The story was literally the most predictable thing I've ever seen in my life.


I liked neither Cate Blanchett's character nor Brad Pitt's character, so where I think it was supposed to be lovely to watch their relationship, I was disinterested.


Technically not worth 3 hours of my life.


That said, I did cry at multiple points, but that's because I cry far too easily.




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Not bad, not bad. :)


Ending is what made it. Plus Lucy Liu does one of the voices of the Fairies and I love her.


It is just a really happy movie and I wanted to see what direction they'd take Tinkerbell's "origin story" in as it where. It had a Bug's Life vibe to it as the plot was strangely similiar in some places made me want to watch it actually. Animation was also not too shabby with well designed characters which gave them more life. Also it had a mouse called cheese, just thought I'd throw that in there.


Tinkerbell's character was likeable but portrayed differently to what she is in Peter Pan and lost some personality. Mainly because they gave her a voice and of course it has the usual american teenger sound which is quite unappealing but the animation design I did like.


So yeah, it did not completely ruin her character and it was enjoyable enough. though of course the story was a little thin. 3 more in the works to cover all seasons as this was spring. :p Suprisingly funny in a cheesy kind of way!


However it is no Bolt! ;) (Which was amazing!)


4 Bears out of 7. :grin:


Hard Candy

Second time watching, second time loving it, second time thinking its creepy and weird.




One of my favourites :) And I noticed its the girl from juno!


Awesome, I love this film too I think it is excellent! I watched it for my love of Ellen Page and came out really suprised at how good it was.

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Watched this with my sister, for her first "scary film". She's 12, and she decided that she needed toughening up, movie-wise. I knew she'd love this, as it's a classically fun film, scary and funny in the right ways.


So many classic scenes, a highlight being the Tatum vs. Ghostface garage fight.


Excellently keeps you guessing and reassessing who you think it is until the end.



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Benjamin Button


Bah. Not that great. The only thing that impressed me was the war scene. And now I have to write a 500 word review about it >_>


Although "Button's Buttons" blatently belongs in Pushing Daisies.


I just remembered the scene where he goes through all the things that happened that led up to the taxi accident. That was good.

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Hmm it was okay. My favourite bits of the movie were probably:


"Do you want to sleep with me?"



And the random trouserless andogynous person (after Benjamin goes backstage in NY)


Fincher’s The Curious Case of Benjamin Button tells the story of a Benjamin Button, a baby born with the appearance of an old man who progresses through life backwards, while his mind grows like a normal person his body ages retrogressively.


The film’s story of the star-crossed Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett forms the emotional backbone that ultimately failed to strike a chord. The notion that two lovers are destined for each other but can’t be until they’ve faced certain life experiences is certainly nothing new but in Benjamin Button it becomes hard to care when both characters seem to constantly be making mistakes simply for the sake of stretching out their increasingly tiring relationship. If you are then to consider how their story starts with Benjamin (Pitt) as an old man and Daisy (Fanning) at the age of seven and ends with Daisy (Blanchett) as a woman in her eighties and Benjamin as a baby the supposedly romantic story takes an almost paedophilic twist.


Fincher does attempt to execute some interesting concepts during the film. In one scene Benjamin recalls how changing just one part of a series of events can potentially change a person’s whole life. Similarly, the film is book ended by mirroring events; Benjamin is born on the night World War I ended while Daisy dies as Hurricane Katrina strikes New Orleans in 2005. However these experiments unfortunately add little breath to the film.


Benjamin Button does surprisingly have numerous humorous moments, from the recurring joke as one elderly man recalls each of the seven times he was struck by lightening to the amusing one-liners that add a lightness to a film that could have otherwise been bought down by its own melancholy.


One particularly striking scene takes place on a tugboat that Benjamin found himself working on during World War II. In what is certainly the film’s most action-packed sequence their tugboat is attacked by an enemy submarine and through an impressive combination of direction and sound the sequence becomes almost genuinely frightening.



Will read through and write the other 140ish words tomorrow before class.

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