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Rate the last film you saw


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Burn After Reading


A genuinely funny film. Not Stevel Carell/Jack Black/Simon Pegg funny (aka unfunny in my opinion), but genuinely funny in a well-written way.


It seemed a bit slow at first, and it all seemed a bit mish-mash, but by the end, the various characters had all intermingled, and it finished with the funniest, most unexpected situation ever.


Several moments of dramatic irony. A bit of satire with how it dealt with the CIA's reaction to things. Just a great script in general.


The acting was great. I didn't really like Brad Pitt in it, his character just felt false and unnatural. The blonde haired woman was great. I actually felt her plight, and wanted her to get the plastic surgery so much in the end, since I felt so sorry that she never got a man, despite being so nice.


Great movie. I'd probably not watch it again, just because I know how everything pans out in the end, and it takes too long to get started.



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Burn After Reading


A genuinely funny film. Not Stevel Carell/Jack Black/Simon Pegg funny (aka unfunny in my opinion), but genuinely funny in a well-written way.


It seemed a bit slow at first, and it all seemed a bit mish-mash, but by the end, the various characters had all intermingled, and it finished with the funniest, most unexpected situation ever.


Several moments of dramatic irony. A bit of satire with how it dealt with the CIA's reaction to things. Just a great script in general.


The acting was great. I didn't really like Brad Pitt in it, his character just felt false and unnatural. The blonde haired woman was great. I actually felt her plight, and wanted her to get the plastic surgery so much in the end, since I felt so sorry that she never got a man, despite being so nice.


Great movie. I'd probably not watch it again, just because I know how everything pans out in the end, and it takes too long to get started.




Hey now.....Simon Pegg's only true comedy so far has been Run Fatboy Run, other movies that may be funny aren't meant to be true comedies.

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Yeah.. Shaun Of The Dead and Hot Fuzz are so not comedies. :blank:


They are funny, but they were more meant to be serious then funny, watch some special features.


It's like a Horror movie that has comic relief, they just have more comic relief than normal. Most just see them as comedies though.

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Regarding Henry

Great performance from Harrison Ford here, but it's a rather 'casual' film about someone who lose's their memory and has to re-learn everything. Could have been better and more in-depth, but some good moments.


Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Only ever seen bits of this on Telly before, so this was my first viewing of the film with a unique style. Not as funny as I imagined it to be, possibly because it's aimed towards a mature audience mailny, but the cameos from all the Disney and Warner Bros are great, along with the adult humour. "I've loved you more than any woman's ever loved a rabbit." :wink:


Notes on a Scandal

A rather good British film which is very satisfying and well made with oustanding performances. Cate Blanchett :love: Oh how I wish I was that 15 year old boy who had an affair with her.

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They are funny, but they were more meant to be serious then funny, watch some special features.


It's like a Horror movie that has comic relief, they just have more comic relief than normal. Most just see them as comedies though.


No, they're comedies. Under genre classification, that is what they are. It's a fact. What are you gonna do about it? :blank:

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Is Donnie Darko a comedy? Hells no, but I found parts of it absolutly hilarious.


Is that nicholson from "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest" in your avatar?


Aww, fucking hell, did you just say that? Did you seriously just compare the level and importance of humour in Donnie Darko to that of the so called Blood and Ice Cream Trilogy? You can't, for the sake of cinema, be serious! Donnie Darko is a thriler with some comedy overtones! Hott Fuzz is the opposite, it's an action comedy with a few mystery and thriller overtones, same for Shaun Of The Dead, it's a comedy with a few horror overtones... these two movies were built around the founding stone of comedy and added something extra... comedy is the main essence... In fact, I can pretty much tell you by what I learned in my History of Cinema class last year, that it's pretty much an undeniable fact that Hot Fuzz and Shaun Of The Dead are comedies. It's their genre, that is what they are.


And yes, yes it is.

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The only people I know that have seen Donnie Darko didn't catch the humor in it, so I didn't know that the humor was so important.


Eh whatever, were not really getting anywhere.


How could you not catch the humour in Donnie Darko? Some moments are hilarious. The asian girl with the big earmuffs, the conversation at the dinner table...I could go on. God, I love it so much. I want to watch it again now!

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The Incredible Hulk


Just finished watching the dvd. I think I probably enjoyed it more this time, thats not saying I didnt like it the first time though.


It really makes me look forward to the Avengers movie, especially now that Hulk will apparently be their badguy. Looking forward to getting the Iron Man dvd soon aswell.



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Ghost In The Shell 2: Innocence


This one was less of a mindfuck than the first one, plus I was watching it alone so it was a more comfortable watch than the first.


Yes, it was enjoyable. I can't say it was rubbish in any way, but I didn't think it was excellent. But it was good. I loved Batou's dog. :smile:



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Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging


Finally got round to watching this!


It was...odd. Some moments were rather funny, and then some of the dialogue was so terrible, I was laughing for all the wrong reasons. Then again, I know that's in the book, so I can't really complain. Anyways, it was a nice story, and the film gets bonus points for having the awesome Steve Jones in (T4 would suck without him).



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Eagle eye


dear god. possibly the most predictable film ever made. some of you may remember im not the worlds biggest shia fan, but to be honest, i thought he was alright in it, as in he didnt do owt too bad.


the whole thing seemed to drag for hours. im a man who can fill an hour cleaning a single sword, who can play turn based stratergy for most of the day, and yet i couldnt keep my mind on what was ment to be an entertaining film. it litterly seemed to last about 4 hours. 4 hours of face palming at how stupid the film got. im all for escapism, i love fantasy, i care about the story lines in games and yet this was corney to me. and as cliche as they come. possibly why it was so predictable. here are some of the things i realised ahead of time.

the voice was a computer!

The computer turned evil! *GASP!*

The FBI guy would help in the end!

Shia would do the patriotic thing!

Shia would survive the clearly fatal shooting!




i hope this was the writters first film, maybe then i could forgive it. what seemed like a passible opening decended into a shit fest.



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Eagle eye


dear god. possibly the most predictable film ever made. some of you may remember im not the worlds biggest shia fan, but to be honest, i thought he was alright in it, as in he didnt do owt too bad.


the whole thing seemed to drag for hours. im a man who can fill an hour cleaning a single sword, who can play turn based stratergy for most of the day, and yet i couldnt keep my mind on what was ment to be an entertaining film. it litterly seemed to last about 4 hours. 4 hours of face palming at how stupid the film got. im all for escapism, i love fantasy, i care about the story lines in games and yet this was corney to me. and as cliche as they come. possibly why it was so predictable. here are some of the things i realised ahead of time.

the voice was a computer!

The computer turned evil! *GASP!*

The FBI guy would help in the end!

Shia would do the patriotic thing!

Shia would survive the clearly fatal shooting!




i hope this was the writters first film, maybe then i could forgive it. what seemed like a passible opening decended into a shit fest.






I watched it last night myself and enjoyed it. I'm pretty sure most people guessed the plot but the whole "Big brother is watching you/Data storage on your life" is nothing new.


Personally I think people pick films apart too much now-Yes there are some truely awful movies but I was entertained and quite enjoyed the length of the movie.

I was surprised that 1) Jerry didn't die from those gun shots and 2) Disappointed that Evil female Computer didn't upload in time/have a last shot of her coming back to alive somewhere else in a remote computer storage place.


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