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Rate the last film you saw


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If your in anyway a comic book fan see Incredible Hulk and put the awful taste of "The Hulk" out of your memory (if you even saw that one)


As for "The Departed"


Infernal Affairs >>>>>>>>>>> The Departed


I was really pissed how Scorcese got so much credit for The Departed when it was all done before, where was the Oscar for Infernal Affairs? To me it was another example of Hollywood trying to make people think only they can make good movies.... even if they are remakes.


The only saving grace with The Departed is the small changes they made to characters and some events just enough its makes it impossible for them to remake Infernal Affairs 2 and 3, thank god.

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I don't like Russell Brand but you know how normally hes all FALAHALAHH! IM RUSSELL BRAND. LOOK AT ME PONCE AROUND AND SAY THINGS IN A WEIRD VOICE!...well his character is quite down to earth. The trailer makes him seem a bit like...well himself. But suprisingly not too bad.


And as Wall-e was mentioned. Not out til mid-July (start of summer hols I suppose). Rubbish!


Only Yesterday


As the film itself is; a nice casual stroll down memory lane.



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The Departed is rare in that it genuinely improves on several areas of the original movie.

For me though, comparing the two usually draws blanks. They're very different films, with their own strengths (and lets face it, very few weaknesses in either case.) I love them both.

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The Incredible Hulk

Extremely cool, but totally pointless. Action was good, story was totally filler with no point whatsoever to make. Norton delivered his worst acting ever, and Tim Roth, as usual, was perfect. Nice touch with Stark.

One more thing, I have kind of a beef with CGI in movies. They always look so shiny... why the fuck? (except when he was in the rain, obviously).

Good, but passable. Not even close to Iron Man, Batman Begins(Can't wait for The Dark Knight... except for that awfull bike) or Sin City.




Ok, now that I re-read what I wrote, I still feel the same, but it feels kinda harsh, I did like the movie. (Hence the 6.5).

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I like the Batpod design, if only as it's an original take. It looks in keeping with the Tumbler from the first film, and I always felt a normal bike was Robin's thing anyway. Plus it's add what looks like 2 flame throwers or something, to the front.


(Not watched the trailer, just seen pics)


I won't lie and say the vehicle designs cry "BATMAN!" at me, cause they don't, but It'd still cool and original.

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The Happening


This has to be up for funniest film of the year. Me and my friends were in fits of laughter. Everything about this film screams SHIT! Everything about it is just plain wrong. I wanted my money back even though I got it on a discount. They wouldn't let me =/


For a scary film -1000000042309843094842058245/10

For a comedy 8/10

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The Forbidden Kingdom


What a gigantic lump of turd. Seriously.



- Jackie Chan Vs Jet Li, that scene made the movie. That and any dialogues between the both of them.

- The soundtrack. Go Harry G.-W.!!!


Cons: Just about everything else. Seriously, I thought it was seriously awfull and predictable, as well as unmemorable. Dear lord...



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The Incredible Hulk:


Just got from me it from and I liked it, I have little to no love for the Hulk but I overall liked the movie.

The downside to it is that good part of the movie that didn´t involve the Hulk just felt kind of "meh" and the love relationship in the movie just felt awkward and uninteresting.

But the ending was awesome, Lou Ferrigno: Awesome, and Tony Stark being in was awesome but I expected more with his cameo.

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I went to see Sex and the City with my mum, as she rarely wants to see any filoms, plus I refused to go on the trip she wanted me to go on, so I thought i'd be nice.


Having no knowledge of the show at all, it was ok. The costumes were a bit ridiculous, but original at the same time.


However, I can't really be bothered with girly social politics, so most of the film just really annoyed me.


FACT: My cousin's fiddle teacher is the woman who sings the old scots version of Auld Lang Syne used in the film.



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Who are all these people? Where are we? Why are they dressed like Nazis? What's this giant spike? Who is she? Why is he in two places at once? Where did all these robots come from? Who thought "Neoroids" was a good name for something? Is it natural to think about my own mother that way? All these questions and many more go completely unanswered in this baffling Korean CGI-athon.




Battle Brothers

The compelling Korean war drama film that's completely and totally different to compelling American war drama series Band of Brothers.

Saving Private Ryu

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Dan in real life

Went to watch this with my cousin and sister, since we needed a break from our depressing life and have something that wouldn't require us to think. This was good for that. Gave us laughs and a ton of sappy romance. Even made me cry a bit, but then again I cry at everything so that's nothing new.


Score: wheeeee

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Dan in Real Life is awesome, really good.


Superhero Movie


Not as bad as people say...not exactly good though. Some of it had me chuckling quite a bit though. Just generally lacking however. + Having friend that works for cinema so gets you in on Orange Weds student ticket = whin. And I didnt even pay for that heh heh.



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A film which portray's modern relationships, with the fantastic Clive Owen, Natalie Portman, Julia Roberts and that other guy. Very real and keeps you hooked, but a weak ending. The Internet chatroom scene is hillarious, and I'm sure most of us could relate to it in someway :heh:



Is 2001 : A Space Odyssey worth a watch, or only if you saw it in the 60's? Tried watching it the other night, but I got bored quickly with it, and switched it off after 45mins. I'm guessing I just wasn't in the right mood for it.

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A film which portray's modern relationships, with the fantastic Clive Owen, Natalie Portman, Julia Roberts and that other guy. Very real and keeps you hooked, but a weak ending. The Internet chatroom scene is hillarious, and I'm sure most of us could relate to it in someway :heh:



Is 2001 : A Space Odyssey worth a watch, or only if you saw it in the 60's? Tried watching it the other night, but I got bored quickly with it, and switched it off after 45mins. I'm guessing I just wasn't in the right mood for it.


My sister and I saw Closer years ago and we really hated it. All we did was laugh at how bad we thought it was. Only thing I still remember from it now is wigs.

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