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Rate the last film you saw


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Thrill-packed movies? Not my type of thing.

Like I said, I kinda liked the movie, but I got disappointed cause I was expecting more. Not because of reviews in magazines or what not (I don't read that stuff), but because of people on here saying how awesome the film was.

It made me smile a couple of times and had some great scenes yes. Can't say I can remember the soundtrack, but I never do with a movie.


I just know that from now on I won't be picking out movies to watch any more based on what people on here say. I'll be my own judge. =P


Ok... let me just ask this: what "more" were you expecting? It's nearly perfect as it is! :heh:

Maybe you're not one for independent films (or simulated independent movies, as it stands). :heh:

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Prepare to have your mind blown, Oxigen_Waste: people can have differing opinions. You don't have to be condescending towards people with tastes different to your own.


I think this is a simple case of their being a lot of hype surrounding something and someone finding the actual product doesn't live up to the reputation. That doesn't make the movie bad, and it doesn't paint the people that do love it as wrong. All it says is, "I didn't like this movie as much as I thought I would based on all the praise."


If someone ever describes something using superlatives then I'm automatically suspicious, and I'll also unwittingly be more critical of it given the reputation. I think this is a natural response to someone selling you something as the 'funniest' or 'best'; you're approaching the product from a different angle than you would if you knew nothing about it.

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Prepare to have your mind blown, Oxigen_Waste: people can have differing opinions. You don't have to be condescending towards people with tastes different to your own.


I think this is a simple case of their being a lot of hype surrounding something and someone finding the actual product doesn't live up to the reputation. That doesn't make the movie bad, and it doesn't paint the people that do love it as wrong. All it says is, "I didn't like this movie as much as I thought I would based on all the praise."


If someone ever describes something using superlatives then I'm automatically suspicious, and I'll also unwittingly be more critical of it given the reputation. I think this is a natural response to someone selling you something as the 'funniest' or 'best'; you're approaching the product from a different angle than you would if you knew nothing about it.


First off, I wasn't being condescending, I was just being isightful, I talk snortier and use a lot of technical terms when I'm being condescending.

I was just trying to understand why she didn't like it, because this is one of those rare cases where it does live up to the reputation and actually exceeds it. I'm not painting anyhing, I'm just reffering to the actual qulity of the movie, wich is undeniable, unless you just can't relate to the people on screen at all.


And anyway, she wasn't fooled, it was last year's funniest movie and one of the 5 best movies of the year, so... I can relate to the fact that she didn't like it, much like I didn't like Letter From Iwo Jima that much... but it's a fantastic movie. The fact that I didn't like it detracts nothing from it. Impartiallity is a helpfull tool.

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Anchorman is genius. I dont even like Will Ferrel and I love that movie. Contains one of my all time favourite quotes too -


"I dont know how to put this, but im sort of a big deal"


Can't be that favourite if you didnt even get the quote right. ;)


I literally cant chose a favourite quote from that film. IMHO as quotable as Airplane!

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Anchorman has to be the only film ever that was actually funnier the second time I watched it. Have no idea why either. That said I rather like it now, some of the lines are very funny :D I liked Little Miss Sunshine when I watched it as well, didn't strike me as trying to be particularly indie when it wasn't.

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Can't be that favourite if you didnt even get the quote right. ;)


I literally cant chose a favourite quote from that film. IMHO as quotable as Airplane!


A few words out, I'll live :)


My problem with Ferrell is he essentially plays the same character in every single movie he is in when it comes to comedy. Needs to switch it up a bit more imo

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I can't decide what to watch tonight, got quite a lot of DVDs on the shelf that i've never watched before...


- Apocalypse Now

- Being John Malcovich

- Ong Bak

- Ray

- A Clockwork Orange

- 28 Days Later

- Saving Private Ryan

- Y tu mamá también


Any recommendations?

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I can't decide what to watch tonight, got quite a lot of DVDs on the shelf that i've never watched before...


- Apocalypse Now

- Being John Malcovich

- Ong Bak

- Ray

- A Clockwork Orange

- 28 Days Later

- Saving Private Ryan

- Y tu mamá también


Any recommendations?


Out of that list, I would say Being John Malkovich wins out every time.

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I like it ^ Yes it pretty much is a terrible trashy movie, but its alot of fun. Seeing Busta Rhymes diss Michel Myers whilst wearing his mask brought a smile to my face and seeing the blonde get decapitated was great.


A shit shit shit, good movie - if that makes any sense.

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I like it ^ Yes it pretty much is a terrible trashy movie, but its alot of fun. Seeing Busta Rhymes diss Michel Myers whilst wearing his mask brought a smile to my face and seeing the blonde get decapitated was great.


A shit shit shit, good movie - if that makes any sense.


Oh yeah, I know what you mean. Something so shit, it;s actually fun to watch is always a good laugh. But this was just too bad. I could have done some better acting, and you should see videos of me being in plays at college, I suck.


Even the gore was rubbish, there was just no redeeming feature about it.


The best Halloween is H20, I loved that. Fun, Gory, and scary in places.

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I think you forgot about the original ;)


And dont tell me its boring! Its a genre classic


Hehe, I'm not sure anymore. The original is good, but it didn't really excite me. I watched it when I was 6 and it scared the bejesus out of me, so I was expecting something terrifying. So it was probably just my expectations/the booze that was affecting my judgement.


The only really good moment was near the end, when she was running across the street. It ended to abruptly aswell.


I just think, enjoyment wise, H20 is better.

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Violent Cop

A pretty unusual cop movie with no-bullshit action (even though it's mostly badly done), just pure WHAM-BAM, with unexpected and hilarious outbursts of violence. Also shows normal cops that're just clumsy and stupid instead of super cops. It's nice.

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The Hunchback of Notre Dame


My 'mo side really gets the better of me whenever I watch disney movies. I always end up crying. I cried at the bit where Esmerelda is captured and is about to be burnt at the stake.


I just love Disney movies. Actually magical.


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Hunchback is a bit too good.


Part of the 90's rennaisance of Disney.


I used to have a fetish for Esmerelda. I just love her face, how she's animated, and her trickery. And the fact she's black. Feels so much more fun.






For the billonth time. I hadn't seen it in ages though. One of my favourite films, probably. At least my favourite musical. Great, complex music, without cliche that is still great, great acting and generally lots of fun.

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Lars And The Real Girl

When I first heard about this film, my impressions were that it would be a dreadful comedy about a guy and his love doll, but what I actually got was a nuanced drama about the life of a troubled young man. I'm absolutely appalled that "Juno" won Best Original Screenplay over this. "Lars..." is a film that actually says something very personal about life and in a very subtle way, and "Juno" is just a fairly enjoyable comedy that takes a stab at abortion.


But enough of the "Juno" bashing. "Lars And The Real Girl" comes highly recommended, just don't go in expecting huge laughs, its a sweet, optimistic film about life, love and death.



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1408 -


I love me a good ghost story and this delivered. John Cusack plays a writer who investigates haunted hotels as he seeks the truth, after recently losing his daughter to an incurable disease. He goes to hotel room 1408 at the Dolphin hotel in New York, where nobody who stays in the room comes out alive and all sorts of hell breaks loose. Samuel L Jackson puts in a strong dark performence as the hotel manager, but isnt in it nearly enough as the film is essentially the Cusack show.


Some really really fuckin freaky moments, one in particular involving an air vent and its inhabitant was very effective. But sadly the film goes down the old road of an over complicated flashback ending, that is becoming an all too familiar convention of modern horror movies. Still, pretty scary flick with solid acting and rare in that its a good Steven King horror-book to horror-film adaption.


Solid, but the last section makes it flawed. Watch if you like ghost films.



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Be Kind Rewind: 9/10, Edge score. I was expecting a lot, lot less, which was stupid of me because of the talent involved, but I'd seen certain negative bylines...it is a killer movie. Mos Def and JB kill, so does Melanie Diaz, and Mia Farrow, I mean everyone does. The script is great, the structure was kinda off-the-cuff and always surprising, it was sweet, really really sweet...I just can't see how anyone could be down on this movie. It has a lot to say about community and creativity and authenticity and integrity and I would whole heartedly, this is to say with my entire heart, recommend it, especially for anyone with creative ambitions. What a knockout.


Other news: gonna see The Diving Bell & the Butterfly tomorrow. I'm expecting a good time!

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Casino Royale, for the first time o_O

Wow. Really I'd heard it was good but I wasn't expecting it to be anywhere near this good. A million miles away from the crapfest that was Die Another Day. Some very good action scenes, strong story line and good characters. I give it 8/10 :D

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No country for old men. 9/10.


Shit, Who would think of a silenced shotgun? Good plot, interesting characters and some fuckin bizarre moments make this film awesome.


Gotta go see My Blueberry Nights, cause Natalie Portman is morbidly attractive.

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Lady Vengence


One of my lecturers gave me a load of Asian horror films so we started watching them tonight. Really good film. I expected it to be more horrific, not sure why but hey ho, but it was fantastic. The only thing I felt was off was the translated conversation between Jenny and Geum-ja Lee. It was so awkward and exposition ridden. Compared to the rest of the film which managed to weave in the exposition it seemed...clunky.


But overall, a brilliant film.



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Be Kind Rewind: 9/10, Edge score. I was expecting a lot, lot less, which was stupid of me because of the talent involved, but I'd seen certain negative bylines...it is a killer movie. Mos Def and JB kill, so does Melanie Diaz, and Mia Farrow, I mean everyone does. The script is great, the structure was kinda off-the-cuff and always surprising, it was sweet, really really sweet...I just can't see how anyone could be down on this movie. It has a lot to say about community and creativity and authenticity and integrity and I would whole heartedly, this is to say with my entire heart, recommend it, especially for anyone with creative ambitions. What a knockout.

It's strange how a movie that instinctively ignores any sort of thematical or ordered structure can attain any sort of title near "killer" besides any reason that it's doing something not done before. The movie felt as if the 'insanely awesome and talented dudes' behind it had a great idea but didn't quite know how to pull it off coherantly. In retrospect, the movie has a similar aftertaste to stuff like kindergarden Cop - not a bad thing, but certainly nothing amazing.


But I can see where you're coming from in respect of the creative element of the movie, indeed it's spawned a hell of a lot of interesting youtube vids. I'd argue that your use of "authenticity" isn't accurate enough to be pinned to the movie (the first third is almost farcical, and er, hello? Breaking the 4th wall with sigourney weaver just a pinch?)


I'm glad you enjoyed the movie lots though :) It certainly wasn't at all what I was expecting, I just have the habit of being over-critical with movies when I see them in teh cinema. I won't know if I'll feel teh same with a second viewing - but I do know I'll probably skip the last 20 minutes of 'community' nonsense. Who gives a crap, seriously?



Shit, Who would think of a silenced shotgun?

Chuck Norris.

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