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Rate the last film you saw


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Juno : Was alright fail to see why its been oscar nominated. If Juno said dude one more time I was going to stab her. The surporting cast was quite good. Typical indie film by numbers really. 6.5/10


It'd make a decent daytime TV movie.

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For Your Consideration: I felt like Guest had something to say about new movie culture but ended up saying it all wrong, like Marilyn Hack going bimbo. I couldn't connect the dots there. Kinda like watching your Dad use the internet.


Parker Posey is gorgeous.


Gonna watch Death Proof again this afternoon, after a few more Freaks and Geeks.

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It started really well, some of the scenes were pretty horrific. It then went down hill. It picked up again when they were trying to rescue the group, but then the end just turned int a massive gore fest. Some of the acting was pretty terrible (most of the supporting cast sucked), though a couple of them did alright. Some great moments, but nowhere near as good as I expected.


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Has anyone seen Be Kind Rewind yet? I'm gonna hit that up tomorrow.


Yeah me and shorty saw it thursday/frinday/i forget.


I think he's reviewed it a few pages back? Basically the film can't decide what it wants to do - we paid to see the attempts at filming their own version of classic movies and we didn't care for the rest of the movie. Started off being a little fantastical, but the movie quickly forgot anything like that ever happened and tries to be all serious and shit.


Enjoyable, for sure. Mos Def is ace. Slight 4th-wall breakage (see if you can spot it ;)) and a bit of a slow last 20 mins. But enjoyable :)

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Got asked to go to the movies today with my sisters and one of their friends. We decided on the spot and went for Sweeney Todd, as it's the only one that kind of appealed to all of us, a bit.


Took a while to get used to all the singing (and boy am I glad for subtitles), but the setting and mood of the movie were very nice. Lots and lots of blood (bit too much according to one of my sisters), but it wasn't as gory as I thought it would be. Never knew much about the story so it was nice, though also very depressing.


But overall, I liked it!



Worth seeing? Yes!

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Rambo 4


The critics I read weren't too kind about the film but I generally don't listen to film critics. I found the film really gripping and was surprised with the amount of characters and developement. Stallone (as a director) actually does a very good job in walking the thin line between brainless (=good) action movie and political comments. The violence seems shockingly real and the film doesn't hold back on it. I'm also positively surprised that it's not a 1:30 hours Stallone shoots everything in his way but that his character developes over time.

Still I missed the bigger picture a bit though. The army looks like it only consists of about 200 people and it seems pretty unorganized.

And Stallone could have done with a little less Botox.



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One of the best horror-comedy's in years. Some really funny moments, and some pretty scary moments too. A great main character, and a disgusting scary one. Awesome. Even critics loved it, but it bombed at the box-office. People just don't want to see horror-comedy's anymore.



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Be Kind Rewind


I saw it this Friday night only first hearing about it Thursday night. It started off slow for me, but when Mos Def's character was put in charge of the video store things started picking up. I'm trying not to give away too much information on the movie, but the ways Mos Def and Jack Black made the films are funny and clever. After the movie was over I felt quite contempt that I spent my money on it.



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Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring


Hot diggity damn, I love this movie :heart:

My favorite of the three LOTR movies, thought they picked the cast quite well bar one or two exceptions, and the story really is told masterfully throughout, with amazing scenery and a beautiful musical score to boot. Doesn't come close to the books of course, and even though I wish they had put in a few more scenes that were in the book (Tom Bombadil!!!) it is still fantastic movie!


Watched the Special Extended version, quite good but a bit miffed they had to break it up into two separate disks.



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Twelve Monkeys


Just seen this on a cinema screen (at Sheffield Union). Great film, it makes you think a lot throughout the whole thing. And there's loads of point twists, a few complete 360 turns.


I'll have to watch it again sometime.



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Watched all three Austin Powers movies today, here are my ratings.


Austin Powers - International Man of Mystery


The first in the trilogy starring Mike Myers as Austin Powers and Dr Evil. Pretty good movie, most of it was laugh out loud moments which i quite like in a comedy movie. Great story to it, so this gets 9/10


Austin Powers - The Spy who Shagged Me


Sequel to the original, this time Mike Myers adds Fat B*****d to his acting. Great story plot once again, with typical Dr Evil mess-ups with demands. 9/10 once again.


Austin Powers - Goldmember


Third installment, with more laugh out loud moments than before. Set in both the 70's and millennium years and mini-me joining the good side with hilarious moments again. This gets 8/10 because it let itself down towards the end a bit but was still a great movie.

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TRT was boring, although the characters in themselves were interesting. TLA and Rushmore were fantastic. Must see TDL, never showed it here.


Death Proof: First set of girls were great. Second set were irritating, apart from Rosario. Should have skipped from Hospital to Tying the Belts to the Car. 8/10 film, just needs more editing and less Ferocious Black-Woman-Talk.

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More people need to go watch Rambo...


That's what I think.


Oh, fuck off...


I just saw Persepolis. And Rambo was showing at the same time. Rambo was full. Persepolis had 5 people in the room. This annoys me beyond comprehension! I don't need to watch Rambo to know that Persepolis is 100 times better, yet all the fucking sheep are going in for Rambo... *sigh* Then people complain that movies are getting worse... of course they are, people only want the same old crap. No problem with Rambo, though, I'm pretty sure it's gonna be ok and all, but come on...







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Oh, fuck off...


I just saw Persepolis. And Rambo was showing at the same time. Rambo was full. Persepolis had 5 people in the room. This annoys me beyond comprehension! I don't need to watch Rambo to know that Persepolis is 100 times better, yet all the fucking sheep are going in for Rambo... *sigh* Then people complain that movies are getting worse... of course they are, people only want the same old crap. No problem with Rambo, though, I'm pretty sure it's gonna be ok and all, but come on...







O_W have you read the books? i was unimaginably happy to find them in waterstones for £1 each a couple of january-sales ago... :yay: if you havent read them yet, i'd definitely recommend!!! *thumbs up!*


i just finished watching the fountain ... i cant say i could explain my understanding of the film, but i "get it" enough to satisfy myself~ reeeally emotional, really nice visual styles and metaphors, hugh jackman with a beard... jamba called me half way through and i was like "i'm *sob* not *choke* CRYING!! *wail* ...i'm leaking water from my EYES!!"

i liked it. i want to read the book/graphic novel it was based on though - someone told me it was even better & a bit more explainy~



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