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Rate the last film you saw


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American Gangster


Great acting, and it's got some great dialogue. But, it doesn't half drag on. Especially with the 30 minute adverts before the film even started.

Nevertheless, a great film. Will no doubt be admired by many.




The Great Escape


Fantastic characters (Danny is my favourite), great plot and many awesome moments. I could watch this over and over. :)




Die Hard


"You're a po-lees-mun. Der are rools for po-lees-mun!"


My favourite line out of this fabulous movie. The ultimate action film, with plenty of one-liners. As close to perfection as you can get.



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Guest Stefkov

Casino Royale

Best bond film I think I have ever seen. Daniel Craig plays the part too well, it's like he was made for the part.

Great action part at the beggining with the guy running through the building site.

The poker game just kept the vibe going through the film. When I heard it announced I was doubtful it would be a good film. How I have been proven wrong.



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Cuel Intentions 2: Manchester Prep


Why? Why did they have to go and make straight to dvd sequels?


Anyway, first of all they ruined Sebastian by having a new actor play him. Why did they not just start a fresh with all new characters? Secondly, the first was a really 'sexy' movie with sexy people in, whereas this one seemed like it was trying to be, but the actors just totally failed at it. I mean, both the leading guy and leading girl had no sex appeal whatsoever; it was pretty embarassing.


The plot was, strange and the ending one of the worst endings for a movie I've ever seen. If you ever get the chance to watch this, don't. Run, run as fast as you can in the opposite direction.



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Cruel Intentions 3


Yeah, I bought the boxset hoping for three great movies, rather than just one. Maybe it's because I watched it after the abysmal second one, but this one wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. If only it hadn't of had the cruel intentions name plastered across the front. The story doesn't focus on the main characters "cruel intentions" at all. Instead, the outcome of the movie is somewhat good. This bugged me, because the the first movie had two basically pure evil people in it out to ruin someones life. They were horrible people to begin with. Whereas this one, the people, they weren't nice, but they weren't terrible so when they 'became good' it didn't really have any effect. I wanted another depressing/yet uplifting bitter sweet ending, but sadly that didn't happen.



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Cruel Intentions 3


Yeah, I bought the boxset hoping for three great movies, rather than just one. Maybe it's because I watched it after the abysmal second one, but this one wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. If only it hadn't of had the cruel intentions name plastered across the front. The story doesn't focus on the main characters "cruel intentions" at all. Instead, the outcome of the movie is somewhat good. This bugged me, because the the first movie had two basically pure evil people in it out to ruin someones life. They were horrible people to begin with. Whereas this one, the people they weren't nice, but they weren't terrible so when tye 'became good' it didn't really have any effect. I wanted another depressing/yet uplifting bitter sweet ending, but sadly that didn't happen.




There is a cruel intentions 3!? :o i never knew that :shakehead



Anyway this morning on channel 4 i watched:

Oldboy (finally)


didn't think i was going to make it half way through the film as i was losing concentration at 2 in the morning luckily in my stocking were sweets and snacks so i ate those to get me through the rest of the movie! :grin:



The Movie is AWESOME! :awesome: Insanely good. :yay:


6 and a half Bears out of 7! :D


and On BBC 1 this evening i watched:


Finding Nemo


an excellent movie! :bouncy:


5 and a half Bears out of 7 :heart:

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Finding Nemo

Exquisite Pixar fare.


- 7/10




Stunningly designed and utterly morish Samurai history epic. It's like rubbing your face in the Venus Di'Milo's clevage.






A dark, gritty and nicely twisted thriller.




Kung Fu Hustle


Fantastically strylish live action cartoon.



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Before the Devil Knows You're Dead


Decent film that starts off pretty slowly, and nothing particularly interesting happens for a while after the opening robbery, but as it gets further into the film, it starts getting more intense. Engaging plot, great characters and a non-linear story line put into good use. Again, the slow start lets it down a little, however. Not Sydney Lumet's best but still worth seeing




The Simpsons Movie


I was lucky enough to get this in my Christmas stocking yesterday, I had the pleasure of viewing it again i the afternoon. I like it, if I'm being honest. It's more of a love-letter to the past 20 years of the show, but think that was the best way of approaching 'The Simpsons Movie'.


Oh, and Comic Book Guy was awesome!






I don't know how many times I've seen Goodfellas now, but this definitely won't be the last. Anyone who dislikes this film is, in my books, medically dead. Scorsese directed his arse off on this and gave us such an engrossing rise & fall tale in the mob. How anyone can dislike this is beyond me.



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007 movie starring Roger Moore, which is/was on ITV. Good movie, based on the book title of same name. Jaws makes me laugh all the time, classic faces he pulls. 9/10


Shrek 2


Sequel to the original Shrek movie based just after Shreks wedding to Fiona. Good movie, complete with cheesy humour. 8/10


Finding Nemo


First time i saw this movie, and thought it was quite a good movie as well. Great CGI and humour 9/10




Caught this on BBC last night, brilliant movie about a bus with a 50mph bomb on bus. 10/10

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Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou.


Don't quite know what to think. Entertained me for 2 hours so that is all that counts I guess.


Seemed to be odd for the sake of being so. Royal Tenenbaums had good characters that were well developed, this, not so much.


But Bill Murray was great, so 6


City of God.


Bit flashy editing wise, but well executed and throughly entertaining.

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


I didn't see this at the cinema, or watched the pirated DVD we had. :heh:


I was never going to hate this film. Most of the parts were done very well, good scenes were Fred & George's exit from Hogwarts, and the Voldemort-Dumbledore battle.


Favourite Line: Ron Weasley: "Because You-Know-Who's back, you tosspot!"



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An incredibly spectacular anime (most expensive ever made at around 22 million euros/2.4 billion yen), with a very good english dub (2 of the main characters are voiced by no other than Alfred Molina and Patrick Stewart), and some of the finest animation since Akira (t'was done by the same director/studio).



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An incredibly spectacular anime (most expensive ever made at around 22 million euros/2.4 billion yen), with a very good english dub (2 of the main characters are voiced by no other than Alfred Molina and Patrick Stewart), and some of the finest animation since Akira (t'was done by the same director/studio).




Did you not think it was a bit slow? I like Steamboy but thats my only problem with it.

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Did you not think it was a bit slow? I like Steamboy but thats my only problem with it.

Actually I felt that the pasing was pretty much perfect, although it did start to drag on a little at the end, that didn't ruin the experience, due to all the pretty eye candy, awesome voice acting and exciting moments and such :yay:.

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Monsters Inc.


Wow i've seen this 3 times and it never ceases to amaze me how good it us. I always get watery eyes when the lil girl opens her cupboard to see 'Kitty' but he's gone! Her face is so sad dammit...


After seeing this and Finding Nemo yesterday, I MUST watch Toy Story sometime soon. Anyone know if it's on TV soon?


Anyways, I give monsters Inc 9/10.

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