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Rate the last film you saw


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Die Hard 4.0


As promised earlier, i said i would review it and i shall. Brilliant 4th movie in the Die Hard franchise. Saw it in the cinema a few months ago, was better in the cinema with surround sound and stuff like that. My rating is 9.5/10, and thats only because it isn't as bloody as the previous movies, other than that it is a brilliant movie.

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have you seen it? thought not


i liked it. simple as


*sighs at bringing up the BE thing AGAIN*


As a matter of fact I have, m'dear. I don't talk about what I do not know... oO You'd know that if you knew me...


Step 2. You've got a pretty shitty taste patern, and seen that both Saw and BE are "one of your favourite movies" (just so you know both are movies that I like, and are both good flicks), you're just screaming UNEXPOSED from the rooftops, so what weight does what you think really have other than on yourself?


Step 3, the "BE thing"... you say something stupid = people don't forget.


Ah, hell... I better just shut up and watch out, coz' from what I see on your pics, you look like you could be a future pedophile, and I plan to have kids, so... no more bothering you.

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Ah, hell... I better just shut up and watch out, coz' from what I see on your pics, you look like you could be a future pedophile, and I plan to have kids, so... no more bothering you.


Harsh, dude...


I generally like to think that if you criticise films, you need to appreciate that while many films are made with art in mind, many are made with the use of being watchable.


While 90% of the stuff that comes out of hollywood is generic, clichéd and predictable, it must always be taken into account "what is this film trying to do?"


I think with butterfly effect, someone like you should at least encourage the notion of the movie being more of a 'stepping stone' towards deeper, more intellectial if you wish, films borne from the same branch, rather than just outright saying it's shit.


Because shit depends on the nose, dude.


You should be out to inform, not abuse. Why not suggest some similar (and better) films than BE instead?


I like the saw films because I like the basic plot devices it uses. I love the idea of what people would do to save their skins, and I like the unnecessary violence. Even though I know there are better films, I still enjoy these ones for what they are :)

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I think with butterfly effect, someone like you should at least encourage the notion of the movie being more of a 'stepping stone' towards deeper, more intellectial if you wish, films borne from the same branch, rather than just outright saying it's shit.


It isn't a good film though. And claiming that it has any semblance of depth is as farcical as can be.

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I never said it seemed deep :P


Let's say someone said to you that they liked Metallica. You would say "hmm, sure, not a bad band - but THIS and THIS and THESE GUYS are what you want to be listening to next", you know what I mean?


Butterfly Effect tries to be clever - you can't deny that. So recommend other films that you would consider either try better, or actually are clever, and everyone wins :)

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Harsh, dude...


I generally like to think that if you criticise films, you need to appreciate that while many films are made with art in mind, many are made with the use of being watchable.


While 90% of the stuff that comes out of hollywood is generic, clichéd and predictable, it must always be taken into account "what is this film trying to do?"


I think with butterfly effect, someone like you should at least encourage the notion of the movie being more of a 'stepping stone' towards deeper, more intellectial if you wish, films borne from the same branch, rather than just outright saying it's shit.


Because shit depends on the nose, dude.


You should be out to inform, not abuse. Why not suggest some similar (and better) films than BE instead?


I like the saw films because I like the basic plot devices it uses. I love the idea of what people would do to save their skins, and I like the unnecessary violence. Even though I know there are better films, I still enjoy these ones for what they are :)


And where the fuck've I stated that BE and Saw are bad movies? You're all alike, just because I'm naysaying, I must hate it... Fuck it, they're both nice movies, up to a certain degree, npo doubt there, but rating BE 10/10 or Saw IV (a fourth movie, godamnit) a 9/10 is just plain stupid... And I find it insulting!

And as Bard said, helping involves being nice... I'm only nice to people I like... And seriously:




DO NOT WANT (Yup... he's the one bellow)

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Ah, so you don't like me :) Well I the fuck didn't attempt to insult you anywhere, but the whole point I raised about broadening horizons is one you overlooked in favour of fuck it insulting someone :P


I'm sure you're right, that the smaller the pool of movies experienced, the more likely one is to rate a mediocre film highly. But just stating these 'facts' back at the perpetrator in question isn't going to solve nor aid anything.


I've always believed that people who are only nice to people they like actually don't want to let that many people close enough to feel their niceness :P </lame hippie stance>

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Ah, so you don't like me :) Well I the fuck didn't attempt to insult you anywhere, but the whole point I raised about broadening horizons is one you overlooked in favour of fuck it insulting someone :P


I'm sure you're right, that the smaller the pool of movies experienced, the more likely one is to rate a mediocre film highly. But just stating these 'facts' back at the perpetrator in question isn't going to solve nor aid anything.


I've always believed that people who are only nice to people they like actually don't want to let that many people close enough to feel their niceness :P </lame hippie stance>


I do like you, it's BeerMonkey I don't like. ^^


I like most people... I just don't like idiots.

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:indeed: :indeed:


Ahh C'mon Rez, I know we disagree a lot, but I actually like you (ok, your posts) a lot, and you know that's just fooling around. :( :( Damn you, handsome man, embrace me.


This type of flaming is not tolerated. Please read the rules.


Aw... it wasn't that bad of a flaming. I ws just having a laugh. ^^

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Ah, hell... I better just shut up and watch out, coz' from what I see on your pics, you look like you could be a future pedophile, and I plan to have kids, so... no more bothering you.


you are getting personal over something like this :shakehead:blank:


that picture was of me and mates having a laugh whats that got to do with my film taste :S


this is getting silly now such harsh insults over a disagreement over films tastes what the hell





Aw... it wasn't that bad of a flaming. I ws just having a laugh. ^^


i dont see it that way




*looks at thread name*

yea lets keep it that way

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Zeitgeist: A conspiracy movie about Christianity, 9/11 and international banking corporations.

Couldn´t get over the fact that the narrator sounds like he´s 16 and he´s trying to hide it.


Altough informative it gets kinda extreme, for example when he links the reason why America took part in the World War 1 was under the influence of banking corporations looking for cash.



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you are getting personal over something like this :shakehead:blank:


that picture was of me and mates having a laugh whats that got to do with my film taste :S


this is getting silly now such harsh insults over a disagreement over films tastes what the hell




i dont see it that way




*looks at thread name*

yea lets keep it that way


Aww c'mon, you're offended that easily???

Anyway, I wasn't refering to you in that picture, it was you as a whole concept in general, that was the first pic I happened to stumble upon. Now, I was refering to you in general. You like Hadouken! dude!! You look like someone from Rocky Horror Picture Show! Of course I don't like you, but that doesn't mean we can't coexist though... lol. Anyway, it wasn't a disagreement over fil tastes, because you, my friend, have none.

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Blood Diamond - 8/10


Ive been meaning to watching this for a while and kept almost buying it. Decided to borrow it off a friend in the end and im glad it did. Its a brilliant movie with a very moving story. I think i'll be picking up the dvd tomorrow in town.


Also im starting to like Decaprios acting more and more now, glad hes getting more substantial roles.

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Aww c'mon, you're offended that easily???

Anyway, I wasn't refering to you in that picture, it was you as a whole concept in general, that was the first pic I happened to stumble upon. Now, I was refering to you in general. You like Hadouken! dude!! You look like someone from Rocky Horror Picture Show! Of course I don't like you, but that doesn't mean we can't coexist though... lol. Anyway, it wasn't a disagreement over fil tastes, because you, my friend, have none.


:blank: no thanks


so i cant like a film that other people dont like righttttttttttttttttttttttt :indeed:


yea i like hadouken...so fucking what everyone has different tastes...be it music...film...tv or anything else.


as for saw they wouldnt continue making them if everyone hated them....there are fans that actually LIKE the films.


insult after insult because i rated a poor film (to you) highly and you are the one calling me a idiot....ironic


so i got no taste in music or films because i like stuff you dont like

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Saw 4. 3/10.


Great effects and traps, but the storyline is just getting more and more convulted.


This was one Saw too many. Can't believe they're making 5 and 6 too.


Is it scary?


I was scared by saw 3, so I dont know whether to watch this or not, alone :(

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Just watched American Gangster. Was a good film. Bit slow to begin with but as the film went on, it got much better. Denzel Washington was brilliant (although not quite as brilliant as his performance in Training Day) and so was Russell Crowe. 8/10


Also, at the beginning of the week, I finally watched Ratatouille. Loved this film. Funny and quite warm. :heh:8/10

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