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;502525]Hedwig and the Angry Inch


At the request of my friend.


Its odd. But enjoyable. And deep and all that. Although im still not sure what happened at the end.


Good music though' date=' with lyrics that were both entertaining and meaningful.




But... as you already know, shortbus was his best work so far.


I don't think i'll get to see this harry potter again. ill be off on my holidays. Haven't seen one on the cinema since the 1st(and i hated that)


The films get better each time despite the quality of the book(the 4th book was the best)


Hmmm, nop, sorry. The 4th was the first of the great ones. The 5th is probably the best, followed by the 6th, then the 4th, then the 3rd, then the 1st then the 2nd, wich is, by far, the worst of the 6. Let's see how the 7th one turns out.


Apocolypse Now


Apocolypse. lol.

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Die Hard 4.0


9/10 fucking ace! Even though it was flashy and effects laden it still seemed like a big fuck you to the flashy effects laden action films of today. Bruce was on top form, his daughter is hot and the hacker kid was played with nice touches.


I didn't see a big fuck you. Just a total cliched action film sell out which should be disassociated with the die hard franchise.


In all, I didn't like it. 3/10 but everyone is allowed their opinion I suppose.

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I didn't see a big fuck you. Just a total cliched action film sell out which should be disassociated with the die hard franchise.


In all, I didn't like it. 3/10 but everyone is allowed their opinion I suppose.


I haven't seen it yet, but it can't be worst than die hard 2.

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Harry Potter 5. Was quite good, but as a fan of the books, I was quite disappointed by the differences. However if you haven't read the books I'm sure you'd like it. It was slightly cheesy with some moments of bad acting. Liked Luna, and very much liked Umbridge. She was played absolutely fantastically and much better than my own mental images i gained from the book. Some of the action was very good, with some positively yummy CG. 8/10

Die Hard 4.0 was mind blowing IMO. I didn't think they'd be able to pull off a sequel after such a long time without it losing touch, but I was very wrong. Just absolutely great. 9/10

Dead Silence. The tag lines suggest that you "Don't Scream" but I'm thinking something along the lines of "Don't Bother" is alot more fitting. 3/10

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Die Hard 4.0


Watched it Friday night, did what it was supposed to do, entertained me with some great action (if a little OTT in some places) and some laughs, wasn't expecting much more ans as a result I really enjoyed it! Although I was slightly disappointed that they covered the end of "Yippee ki ay mother fucker" with the gunshot.



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What can I say? I love this movie. Great idea for a movie, some good acting and some extremely funny moments, "excuse me, can I grab your nuts?" (watch the movie, and you'll laugh).

I only just realised the dude from my name is earl is in it too.


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Harry Potter 5. Was quite good, but as a fan of the books, I was quite disappointed by the differences. However if you haven't read the books I'm sure you'd like it. It was slightly cheesy with some moments of bad acting. Liked Luna, and very much liked Umbridge. She was played absolutely fantastically and much better than my own mental images i gained from the book. Some of the action was very good, with some positively yummy CG. 8/10


Hey... disappointed? After the other 4 crap-fests wich missed out on basically everything important on the books, this fifth one is a shining beam of light. It manages to not be awfull, and that's saying a lot, god damnit!

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Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix =P


It was alright but I'm sure alot of things were missed out from the book. Umbridge and Luna Lovegood were played very well I thought, with the former being so easy to hate and the latter being a strange and interesting character to watch. I still don't think that Daniel Radcliffe can act brilliantly though =P The special effects were obviously very good.


I give it a 6/10

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In 3 Tagen bist du tot (international title: Dead in Three Days)


It's an austrian production. Normally the only Austrian films that are quite good are tragicomical things or crime films - but that's a horror film.

At first I thought the film was a bit meh. During the first half it copies a lot of films like scream in terms of how the suspense developes but just when you think "ok nothing there, they're just building up tension" one of the teenagers is attacked.

The plot is about five 18-year olds who just passed their final exams at school. That day all of them get a text-message that says "Dead in 3 days". They think it's a joke but soon one of them disappears and later is found in the lake - dead.

The latter half of the film now really makes it stand out of the crowd. There's a lot of character development, almost like in Japanese horror films but not so quiet and their actions are rather realistic.

I found really refreshing that they actually went to the police and the police reacted like it would in real life.

The soundtrack is very good as well and it has great atmosphere. Plus the bad guy looks like Lord Saddler but also gets a tragic backstory that explains why he murders them in a certain way.

The last 20 minutes really had me at the edge of my seat, mainly because you really care about the people and also because it feel like something like this could really happen.




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Man on Fire was on last night. I give it 7/10 because some things didn't make sense to me:



1. Why was the trade "my brother and your life for the girl" instead of just the brother and the girl?

2. If the father paid the ransom in the first place how did he earn any money from getting half of it back?

3. Did Creasy feel guilty when he realised the people he killed hadn't murdered the girl after all?

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Hey... disappointed? After the other 4 crap-fests wich missed out on basically everything important on the books, this fifth one is a shining beam of light. It manages to not be awfull, and that's saying a lot, god damnit!


Yeah that may be, but I was still disappointed. I'm not saying it's bad, infact I do think it is the best of the 5 films, and did enjoy it, especially Umbridge.

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Yeah that may be, but I was still disappointed. I'm not saying it's bad, infact I do think it is the best of the 5 films, and did enjoy it, especially Umbridge.


You're actually saying that even though the other 4 were terrible, you were expecting more from this one?

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You're actually saying that even though the other 4 were terrible, you were expecting more from this one?


I know you think their terrible, which is perfectly fine, but why do you think they get such good reviews from critics usually? I mean except for the odd few critics usually love the harry potter movies don't they?

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


They missed out so many things from the books, I noticed a few mistakes and if some of the stuff that they didn't include has a major role in book 7, they're going to have to come up with some really good explanations to fix it. As a movie though, it succeeds, I rather enjoyed it.

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