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I prefered the old camaro, but the new transformation was awesome too. Didn't see any problem with the actors either, the kids were pretty good (he's not a big fuss in Hollywood and entering Indiana Jones for nothing) and Megan Fox was so fucking hot I couldn't notice her acting.

  Hellfire said:
I prefered the old camaro, but the new transformation was awesome too. Didn't see any problem with the actors either, the kids were pretty good (he's not a big fuss in Hollywood and entering Indiana Jones for nothing) and Megan Fox was so fucking hot I couldn't notice her acting.


What I meant was that the "human" part of the story wasn't all that. Now the Transformer part was... WOW.


Donnie Brasco


A bit of a disappointment. The first time I saw it, I thought I didn't care for it much because I was tired when I watched it, but after watching it again, although it's a pretty solid gangster filck, the idea about Brasco going to far into the mob life wasn't pushed far enough, and Brasco's and Lefty's friendship completely washed over me. There were some good scenes, however, like the Japanese restaurant.


6 forget about it's out of 10


Battle Royale


I always liked this. It's a fun little exploitation movie that you cannot turn away from. Bloody as ever, as crazy as hell. I didn't really like it when they intercut the action with small clips of the 7th graders life before taking part in the BR act, however, but that is my only major critisism. Great film.


8.5 murdered Japanese school girls out of 10

  Oxigen_Waste said:
What I meant was that the "human" part of the story wasn't all that. Now the Transformer part was... WOW.


Ah yeah I agree, but it had to have a human element and it was quite similar to the original cartoon. I also liked the fact that it was multi-tiered with the army/the hot-chick and whatsitsname and the IT analysts. BUt the transformers were jaw dropping. When I heard the transforming sound I jumped my seat. And when he said "There's more to you than meets the eye" and when Optimus said "Autobots, roll out!". Oh and the classic Starscream ass kissing and Megatron saying "AATTTAAACK!"

  mcj metroid said:
Wow die hard was incredible. Better than second, on par with third..It would have been better if it had a badguy as strong as Hans or simon.




Watched Die Hard 4 yesterday and agree with the above post. Was a good film, would have been even better with a stronger villain. But the villain wasn't that bad tbh but could have been better.




The Host.


I decided to rent this film out today (I heard it was a good monster movie), and it easily puts to shame every monster movie made in the last 10 years. It is f***ing brill.


10 mutated fish creatures out of ten.


Die Hard 4.


This film was so bloody awful; people in the cinema actually laughed once it was over.


Terrible acting, little to no tension and what disappointed me the most was the villian. Jeromy Irons was awesome in 3 and so was the guy in DH1...this guy though....


I can't believe I wasted £5 to see this.


All this talk of Die Hard reminds me of the classic Simpsons quote.


*Government checking through Homer's mail*

"A lot of people write to actors, this guy writes to movies!"


"Dear Die Hard,


You rock! Especially the part when the guy was on the roof.


P.S. Do you know Mad Max?"


Raising Arizona: probably my 3rd least favourite Cohen brothers film. Although it was still great, Nic Cage was suprisingly good as well. 7/10


Wild At Heart: Started my David Lynch-a-thon with this. Fantastic, Nic Cage suprisingly good again. Willem Dafoe awesome as well 8/10

  Goron_3 said:
Die Hard 4.


This film was so bloody awful; people in the cinema actually laughed once it was over.


Terrible acting, little to no tension and what disappointed me the most was the villian. Jeromy Irons was awesome in 3 and so was the guy in DH1...this guy though....


I can't believe I wasted £5 to see this.


I guess there is always one........


Die Hard 4


Loved it. Proper good bloke film, full of action and laughs.


Yes there were some well over the top action scenes/funny moments (helicopter, airplane etc) but it's great to just sit back and enjoy sometimes without having to think too much about whats going on!


Bruce still has it if you ask me.




28 Days Later


Love the first half of this! Great shots of London. Gets silly in the end tho, which is a shame. Also, forgot that Brendan Gleeson is in this. He rules! Defintley gonna consider picking up the sequel when it's released.




Are there any other zombie films that are must see's? I have only seen the George Romero trilogy, Dawn of the Dead remake and Shaun of the Dead.

  mcj metroid said:
Is it as good as it sounds?


I have no idea how this film got made.


There is some sort of a plot going on, but the randomness in the film is so damn weird that its hard to tell what that plot is.


At one point, Tom Green is sitting at an easel drawing, whilst also playing a keyboard, with sausages suspended from pulleys tied to his fingers, and has two steaks hanging from his ears.


In another scene, he gets inside a dead stag and parades around a road wearing its carcass, whereapon he is hit by a lorry.




I'd give it 5/10

  bob said:
At one point, Tom Green is sitting at an easel drawing, whilst also playing a keyboard, with sausages suspended from pulleys tied to his fingers, and has two steaks hanging from his ears.


Daddy would you like some sausage?


Single most humorous moment in film history.


Along with: You can't hurt me! Not with my Cheese helmet!


How on EARTH did people enjoy Die Hard?


It seemed so rushed compared to the others. The action was poor (i'm sorry guys, but they obviously ran out of ideas) and the script wasn't on par with 1+3. I agree it isn't about the script in action movies, but 3 had a great one, especially with actors like jackson and Irons to back it up. The villian didn't strike any fear into me (although that chick was FIT!).


What disappointed me the most was how even though it was free roaming like Die Hard 3 (unlike 1 where he was stuck in one place), Die Hard 3 pulled it off far better. The movie just wasn't as tense as it should have been and they had to rely on witty comments he made (of which some were hilarious, some were just...hmmm).


At the showing I went to, there was a lot of yawns and people laughed at the film once it was over. I really hope Rambo IV isn't this bad.


Road to Perdition


Sumptuous gangster epic. Not Godfather-rivalling but among the best.


"You really trust me not to talk?"

"You can always trust a bank manager."


  bob said:
I have no idea how this film got made.


There is some sort of a plot going on, but the randomness in the film is so damn weird that its hard to tell what that plot is.


At one point, Tom Green is sitting at an easel drawing, whilst also playing a keyboard, with sausages suspended from pulleys tied to his fingers, and has two steaks hanging from his ears.


In another scene, he gets inside a dead stag and parades around a road wearing its carcass, whereapon he is hit by a lorry.




I'd give it 5/10



Ha so it is as good as it sounds then....it's shit.


Die Hard 4.0


This i have to say is a great movie, great acting from Willis. People in the cinema actually jumped in surprise with some of the action sequences. There could have been a stronger villian like Jeremy Irons and Alan Rickman portrayed in previous titles. Other than that, it gets a healthy 9/10

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