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Rate the last film you saw


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La Science des rêves

Great, but without Kaufman Gondry's vision suffers and lacks essential directional backbone.



Ruang rak noi nid mahasan

Incredible, Ratanaruang is a rising force in Asian cinema.



Y tu mamá también

Fiesty little film packed with latin flavour, I enjoyed it.


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Godzilla VS Megalon


WTF... Seriously, just WTF?! This easily the best "bad" movie I've ever seen. It has almost everything you need to make a bad movie. Rip-offs (Jet Jaguar is an obvious rip-off of Ultraman), bad special effects (the costumes were the worst I've seen in any Godzilla movie, it used tones of bad stock footage from previous Godzilla movies, etc), god awful acting, even worse music, it broke the laws of science in every given moment (an incredibly intelligent robot... that runs on Punch-cards?!), etc... Yet somehow it was awesome. Very awesome.



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Speed Racer


I feel like I watched a two hours Matchbox cars ad. Boring dialogue and very two dimensional characters with a boring and predictable story. Actually I expected the races to be the worst part of it all but it was actually the best thing about the film.

I'm also all for colourful environments but that was way over the top. My eyes still hurt.



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Ah really? My bad, but gosh, it's so cringe worthy D=


Yes, there's a few books in the series I think? I read them, they do seem alot better than the film apprently, as always with most things. Although it really is set for really really really girly 13 year olds.

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Mama Mia!


Went in with little expectation. I'd seen the musical yonks ago, and I enjoyed it, as ABBA where such a great music-making force.

However, it was a huge big bundle of fun. I loved knowing the words to all these songs I'd grown up with, and I preferred the film version, as there's more detail that helps, than on stage.


Meryl Streep was great, as was all the cast, actually. Except I hated Pierce Brosnan's voice. He slaughtered When All Is Said And Done. :(



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How so? Liar, Liar was hilarious and one of Carrey's funniest performances.


The Conversation- 10/10

Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford- 8/10


Yeaah what's wrong with Jim Carey films?! Liar Liar is classic. I dunno if I'd give it 10/10 but its pretty high up there on the scale.


I <3 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

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Great film. Loved it. Had a tear in my eye at times. A grown man close to tears. How queer :heh:


Anyways 9/10



Dark Knight


Best film I have seen since...300? Fan-fucking-tastic. Actually made me jump at certain bits and Heath Ledger damn well better get that oscar as he stole the show. And twists! Oh my I did not see some of them coming.



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saw baby mama today. I love tina fey, so 8/10. if it wasn't tina fey it's probably be 6.5/10


saw the dark night on sunday. absolutely blew me away. the story was great, all the acting (not just ledger) was good and it just looked stunning. I was astonished, i was hoping maybe for 8/10, but thought i was being optimistic, but this is 9.5/10

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The Dark Knight *spoilers*


Wow, just wow. I thought Begins was ok, but it bored me a little if Im honest. This on the other hand was fantastic. Heath Ledger was fucking amazing as the joker, the moment he blew up the hospital was terrifying. I mean, if anyone can still look so utterly scary in a nurses outfit then it's Heath. He deserves an oscar for his performance, for sure.



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As mentioned, i took this in last night. It's so good. I was just amazed how Pixar manage to make you feel for robots, make you believe they have emotions and show them so effortlessly with just simple movements. How they linked together certain things was really special too; you knew what they felt just with a slight twitch of his eyes or a small movement of the fingers. It's incredible. Brilliant and touching story to boot. You just know kids will look back in ten years time and say "do you remember Wall-E?!" - just as my generation looks back at films like E.T and Short Circuit.


Great job Pixar. Keep it up :D



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Journey to the Centre of the Earth 3D


Don't have a 3D cinema near me so went to the other side of Manchester to watch it. Crap film - made better by the 3D which was amazing, but then made worse by the pillocks who felt it necessary to inform the whole cinema that "it was like we are there"



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Bring It On



Not as funny or clever as it thinks it is. Refreshing to see a teen film my sister own that actually has swearing/sexual innuendos, rather than everyone magically having no sex drive or temper.


Gets above a 4, due to the opening sequence.

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How so? Liar, Liar was hilarious and one of Carrey's funniest performances.


The Conversation- 10/10

Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford- 8/10


It wasn't THAT good, apart from JC. And either way, a 9.5/10? Dear lord... :blank:


Anywho, the conversation = awesome, it's Coppola's forgotten masterpiece. :(


Must watch AoJJbtCRF.

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