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Rate the last film you saw


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Fantastic Four : Rise of the Silver Surfer

I wasn't a big fan of the first, but compared to this pathetic attempt of a film, it's a hundred times better. Super lame.


Under Seige

Die Hard on a battleship. Awesome action and fun, with a great supporting cast.



Blades of Glory

Didn't think that I would enjoy this that much, as I didn't enjoy the last Ferrel film I watched (Anchorman) , but I did. Very funny!


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Only because Episode 3 was fantastic, as opposed to awful like Episode 2. So there was less focus on his acting ability.


Fantastic? Are you kidding? It was a good movie, nothing more. Compared to the other two, it was great, but in reality it really wasn't anything special.

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You're one of the few movie elitists who like the latter Star Wars. And I applaud you for being right.


I can understand episode I getting slated, but Episode II was mighty fine... and III was just... well, mind-blowing. What I love about the nay-sayers towards the new star wars is that there's no reason why they hate it, it's always "they're just so much worse than the first 3". Why? "Oh, they just are." The only difference is that these 3 weren't revolutionary... but so fucking what? The story was written at the same time, the thrills are still there, along with everything that made the first 3 stand out so much. Not liking them is usually just an excuse for being "cool", because nobody likes them, because they suck, even if it's just... because.

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I can understand episode I getting slated, but Episode II was mighty fine... and III was just... well, mind-blowing. What I love about the nay-sayers towards the new star wars is that there's no reason why they hate it, it's always "they're just so much worse than the first 3". Why? "Oh, they just are." The only difference is that these 3 weren't revolutionary... but so fucking what? The story was written at the same time, the thrills are still there, along with everything that made the first 3 stand out so much. Not liking them is usually just an excuse for being "cool", because nobody likes them, because they suck, even if it's just... because.


I actually cant decide between Ep I and II.

It's just... Star Wars, you can't compare it to anything else. And the hype was so big there was no way it would live up to it, not to mention that it isn't cool to like new versions of old classics. What I love about the new III is that they fit in

so damn well with the expanded universe and keep the Star Wars feeling, even though the movies are completly different, because they're not about rebellion and opression. Also, shitloads of Jedi = awesome.

EDIT: Also, the political plot is very well made.

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I think the podcast racing in Episode One is fantastic, definately the stand out scene in the film. But overall it was just so, chidlish. It hinted at some stuff but it never came to the surface. There were just funny voices and CGI characters and terrible acting from Ewan McGregor. Episode II I liked on first watch, haven't seen it in ages so in my eyes it's still good. The terrible acting was there, but the story was far more grown up and the Clones thing is inspired. Jango Fett was pretty badass too. There was still a little of the silliness of Episode I, but it was much less frequent.


Episode III confuses me. It's incredibly dark, Anakin executes a bunch of kids for christs sake, but there's just something about it that rubs me the wrong way. The first time I saw it I was stunned by the ending, and how kids had been allowed to see such a thing. I probably need to watch it again, but in some ways it felt like they were rushing to fill in all the holes.

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Guest Stefkov

The only thing that I remember from the first Star Wars was the multiple failed attempts at high fives when Anakin wins the pod race. Just watch that blue guy and the other kid try to cheer. Yeah high five..wait...yeah ..no.



Serenity in HD.

I love it so much now. I want more of the series.


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Since I wasn't around to see the original 3, I actually saw the films in the following order;


Episode I, Episode II, The original trilogy, Episode III


And I still think it's mediocre as a film triology. The first 3 are better though. Episode III is the best of the modern ones, but even so. I feel I have an impartial opinion, having seen the newer ones first.


It's very overrated as a series. Horrendously so.

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Since I wasn't around to see the original 3, I actually saw the films in the following order;


Episode I, Episode II, The original trilogy, Episode III


And I still think it's mediocre as a film triology. The first 3 are better though. Episode III is the best of the modern ones, but even so. I feel I have an impartial opinion, having seen the newer ones first.


It's very overrated as a series. Horrendously so.


Oh, yeah, it just revolutionised the movie industry, sci-fi, special effects and had a huge impact on pop culture, no biggie right?


"Plot" seems seems far too strong a word in this case.


I know the hip thing to do is hate on Star Wars, but plot is the 100% accurate word. Specially because it was a literal plot (to overthrow the republic, destroy the jedi, etc...).

All that double and triple crossing were very well thought out and they didn't need to be they could just go "lulz, sith, let's destroy the republic", but they did it in a very well thought out manner.

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I've heard that David Fincher disowned this movie, but I think it deserves its place in the Alien series.


It could have been a bit more... respectful towards the ending of Aliens, but on the other hand its brutality is not without appeal. It is rightly merciless with its cast, and whilst it would have been easy to follow in the action movie vein of the second film it instead offers something very different.


It never reaches the respective heights of its predecessors, but it is far from a terrible movie. It manages to capture something of the air of menace surrounding the Xenomorph which is more than can be said for the risible Resurrection or ill-conceived AvP films.


You seemingly don't get films like this any more, so whilst it isn't the pick of the bunch that still places it leagues ahead of most modern horror/sci-fi movies.


“Don't call me that!â€/84

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I can't think of a better film trilogy that the Star Wars Trilogy. I like the new films but theyre not amazing. The acting in bits is a bit wooden, but theres still amazing fight sequences, the lightsaber duel in ep.1 is great.


Watched Alien 3 tonight, havent seen it for years and kinda forgotten what happened. Pretty decent film but definately not the best in the 4 Alien films.

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It's very overrated as a series. Horrendously so.



agreed. i like star wars, it'l always hold a place in my heart as a childhood memory, but tis over rated. bad dialouge and thin plot, though have to give it credit. the luke/vader revolation in empire was great.


two films to review today kids, arnt we lucky?


10,000 BC.

well, that was actualy the most hectic film ever. so many changes of scenery, so much bizzar magic spliced in there. about as historicaly accurate as lord of the rings, but a decent film.




eastern promise

well, thats more like it. gritty, well written, beliveable movie with a soul. might have very little in the way of action, but the acting is great, the plot is decent, and you get to see naked aaragorn kicking men in the chest.



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Since I wasn't around to see the original 3, I actually saw the films in the following order;


Episode I, Episode II, The original trilogy, Episode III


And I still think it's mediocre as a film triology. The first 3 are better though. Episode III is the best of the modern ones, but even so. I feel I have an impartial opinion, having seen the newer ones first.


It's very overrated as a series. Horrendously so.


Paj, no offense, I quite like you... but you're what we call a "she-man". Name one single sci-fi movie you like or don't consider overrated.


I can't think of a better film trilogy that the Star Wars Trilogy.


I love Star Wars... but... The Godfather (Even if the third is half a turd). And let's not forget the greatest trilogy ever made, The Colors trilogy by Kieślowski. Then there's Fritz Lang's Doctor Mabuse Trilogy & Sergio Leone's Dollars Trilogy.


Then there are some who stand side by side and are just as good as SW... like Lord Of The Rings & Indiana Jones.


Then there's the Revenge trilogy. Wich is fantastic. But not in the same league as SW. Same thing for the Apu trilogy.




And then there's Robocop. I won't comment on that one if you don't mind.

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