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Rate the last film you saw


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... big list of quotes here...

Average ratings from teh same site you cited from; 85%. Cream of the crop? 78%. You're basing your argument on the total of 31 reviews and ignoring the other 175 positive ones...


"A movie that will separate the true cinema lovers from ... well, just about everyone who has another set of values."


The film is not about art. It is not about film being a medium to express some sort of subtle point, or abstract emotion. It is a film about films. It's just about the pop-culture references. It is about style, not soul. About charicatures, not characters.


Some critics found that the plot in Reservoir Dogs was not supported strongly enough by the dialogue...


I never told you what I'd rate Kill Bill. I do not think it is perfect either, but your two-level rating system just... annoys me!! :P


No, my life is based around my culture as a person, the experiences wich I live. The movies you like, the bands you hear, the games you play, the people you hang out with, that shows you are. The fact that you enjoy a certain movie determines certain aspects of your personality, hence, just by your taste in culture, I can ascertain who you are. And you... are a nobody.

That being said, I am studying Cinema, so... yeah, my life is pretty much wraped around movies, now.

So if I tell you a film I like, you'll be able to do all that math? Short Cuts. Go!



Hmmm, in fact, I dislike alot of films wich I know to be great and understand to be good... but... Kill Bill isn't good. Not at all. I've already explained why up above. Go check it out if you have any doubts.


About the film's acclaim, check again, it was acclaimed by the masses, not the critics. And in case you've forgotten, Thriller is the best selling album of all time, so why on earth does public opinion even matter on here?

As I said above, it was also the larger proportion of the critics who also rated it positively... Quit trying to tell me that it's not about the number of people, or quit pretending it's not just an opinion sometimes.


And I know english is not your first language, I was trying to be helpful. You study films, I study english. Go figure!

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Average ratings from teh same site you cited from; 85%. Cream of the crop? 78%. You're basing your argument on the total of 31 reviews and ignoring the other 175 positive ones...


"A movie that will separate the true cinema lovers from ... well, just about everyone who has another set of values."


The film is not about art. It is not about film being a medium to express some sort of subtle point, or abstract emotion. It is a film about films. It's just about the pop-culture references. It is about style, not soul. About charicatures, not characters.


Some critics found that the plot in Reservoir Dogs was not supported strongly enough by the dialogue...


I never told you what I'd rate Kill Bill. I do not think it is perfect either, but your two-level rating system just... annoys me!! :P



So if I tell you a film I like, you'll be able to do all that math? Short Cuts. Go!




As I said above, it was also the larger proportion of the critics who also rated it positively... Quit trying to tell me that it's not about the number of people, or quit pretending it's not just an opinion sometimes.


And I know english is not your first language, I was trying to be helpful. You study films, I study english. Go figure!


Firstly, I dunno wtf you're talking about with the 175 / 31 thing, but I assume it's Tomatoes... I'm a metacritic man myself, Rotten is highly biased in the sources it chooses... (http://www.metacritic.com/video/titles/killbillvolume1?q=kill%20bill).


You just said the film is not about art. Cinema is art. A movie without a soul is not a movie, as far as I'm concerned. Soul is everything. A movie with no soul is just like porn. Plain and simple. You know I'm right. And that's the way it goes.


Short Cuts? I like you. :)


And I ain't pretending. Quantity does not mean quality. How many critics stood by Citizen Kane's side when it premiered? None. Nowdays it's hailed as the greatest movie of all time. The opposite tends to happen a lot more.

It's not about numbers... it's not about opinion... I'm not pretending... it's about facts.


And don't get smart with me about the English bullshit. Trying to help, my ass. You people just exploit these little errors till exhaustion, it gives you some sort of wicked satisfaction for not being able to get the best out of an argument.




Dazed And Confused

Darn, I miss getting high...


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he decides to make a plotless gore-fest about nothing



Did I miss something in Kill Bill? Was there a second crazy 88s scene I missed? Its been a while since I've seen it but didn't only 4 people die in the second part (discounting the wedding sceen which i'm putting in as part of the first)? If there was only really that one act, is it fair to call it a gore-fest?


There's no point to the film
no message whatsoever, absolutely no meaning


You know some of us don't live our lives according to the messages films give us. Some actually like to watch a film for entertainment, as opposed for a point and a lesson.



it's not enjoyable


ITS NOT? Thanks for telling me that, because I thought I enjoyed it for a minute. Thank you oxigen. Thank you


the action and the gore look ridiculous (sure, it's on purpose, but I don't care how many times you poop on your mom's head on purpose, it's still fucking ridiculous)


Say what you will, it stands right next to The Empire Strikes Back, as the second best of all six of them.




Peer pressure led for many people to enjoy the movie just because they believe they should


You right. But I didn't want to end up like the other children in the playground, having rocks thrown at them and being called names just because they liked the Pei Mai scene. I wanted to say what was in my heart but I was too scared.



A good film is a work of art. Art has meaning... a soul, intricate interpretations.... It's not art.


You're right. I should watch some art. Only art is a good film, and I can only enjoy good films. Could you recommend some.


And I loved Transformers


Ah yes Transformers, the Picasso Guitar of the 21st century.




There you go

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You just said the film is not about art. Cinema is art. A movie without a soul is not a movie, as far as I'm concerned. Soul is everything. A movie with no soul is just like porn. Plain and simple. You know I'm right. And that's the way it goes.

I won't deny agreeing with you :P But I do disagree about that being the be all and end all. You can be entertained without it having any true soul. That's why you can enjoy your so-called 'bad movies'. That's why you are allowed to like films that everyone else thinks is shit. Because it entertained you. the 'soul' of a film is not always the importance or the meaning or the significance or anything deep. Sometimes it's... a niche thing, a quirk that makes it different. Sometimes it's the absurdity of the situation. Sometimes it's the does-exactly-what-it-says-on-the-tin approach, which is why I like Saw and just about every zombie film ever.


The point is that this crux of the argument, this soul, is not how artsy the film is. An author writes a book with his own interpretation and visualisation of what happens, the reader builds their own, different world and meaning from the same book and then the critic goes on to uncover their own, and probably overlook what the author originally intended. One of my favourite movies is The Yellow Submarine because one time it was on on my birthday, despite being far too young to appreciate all the aspects of teh movie, I have my own feelings attached to it now.


My point is that the abstract way people are drawn to some films and not others is fascinating. I love just pondering on what must've happened to a person who loves House of Wax and Pi. You are far more serious with your movies, and demand everyone else to appreciate those that need to be appreciated.


I enjoyed watching Kill Bill, both parts. Moreso back-to-back. You can switch your brain off and transcend into a lower level of consciousness while bathing your senses in violence and apathy. I can't be dealing with Mulholland Drives all the time.

And I ain't pretending. Quantity does not mean quality. How many critics stood by Citizen Kane's side when it premiered? None. Nowdays it's hailed as the greatest movie of all time. The opposite tends to happen a lot more.

It's not about numbers... it's not about opinion... I'm not pretending... it's about facts.

As someone probably once said, the plural of anecdote is not fact. If cinema is art, then remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


And don't get smart with me about the English bullshit. Trying to help, my ass. You people just exploit these little errors till exhaustion, it gives you some sort of wicked satisfaction for not being able to get the best out of an argument.
Don't be quick to generalise. There's no wolf coming.
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I think the main problem as such, not that there really is one. Is that most people on here havent seen as many films as Oxigen_waste. (although hes wrong about revenge of the sith) When they come to rate a film that is the definition of average they give it 8/10 or 9/10. This sends Oxigen_waste into a blind rage because he knows the film is average compared to millions of other films.


You only have to look at Haggis who recently has pretty much admitted he overrated films in the past. I hope once he watches Full Metal Jacket he revises his Jarhead rating ;) Yes it's all your opinion blah blah. Heck I enjoy loads of incredibly shit films but when it comes to rating them giving them 10 or 9/10 puts them on the same pedestal as A clockwork orange, Goodfellas,The Godfather etc etc. And that's just not right.

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Controversial, I know (but I was watching it with a girl if I get brownie points for that), but I really liked it. 8/10


Great music, singing and acting from just about everybody on it. Ephron tries to copy Danny from Grease just a little bit too much though.

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Controversial, I know (but I was watching it with a girl if I get brownie points for that), but I really liked it. 8/10


Great music, singing and acting from just about everybody on it. Ephron tries to copy Danny from Grease just a little bit too much though.





And saying I am a nobody Oxigen....you really..really don't know me.

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Did I miss something in Kill Bill? Was there a second crazy 88s scene I missed? Its been a while since I've seen it but didn't only 4 people die in the second part (discounting the wedding sceen which i'm putting in as part of the first)? If there was only really that one act, is it fair to call it a gore-fest?





You know some of us don't live our lives according to the messages films give us. Some actually like to watch a film for entertainment, as opposed for a point and a lesson.





ITS NOT? Thanks for telling me that, because I thought I enjoyed it for a minute. Thank you oxigen. Thank you










You right. But I didn't want to end up like the other children in the playground, having rocks thrown at them and being called names just because they liked the Pei Mai scene. I wanted to say what was in my heart but I was too scared.





You're right. I should watch some art. Only art is a good film, and I can only enjoy good films. Could you recommend some.




Ah yes Transformers, the Picasso Guitar of the 21st century.




There you go


Again, you suffer from the same problem you always have and massively fail on your post.

You people can't detach yourselves from your opinion, can you? Think critically, outside the box, for a second... can you do that.

You see, jayseven is pleasent to argue with, he actually makes it worth my while to answer. You just rant about how YOU feel about it and don't even try to Observe things from a larger viewpoint.

That being said, yes, I liked transformers, but that doesn't mean it's good. You see, unlike you, I can like a movie and still know it's not good. Feeling dumb?


Oh, and exactly how can a film without a point be entartaining beyond the point of say... a sport? And who said anything about lessons?


From now, until the day you learn to evaluate something for what it is, instead of "what you think it is", I suggest you shut up and don't moan.


I won't deny agreeing with you :P But I do disagree about that being the be all and end all. You can be entertained without it having any true soul. That's why you can enjoy your so-called 'bad movies'. That's why you are allowed to like films that everyone else thinks is shit. Because it entertained you. the 'soul' of a film is not always the importance or the meaning or the significance or anything deep. Sometimes it's... a niche thing, a quirk that makes it different. Sometimes it's the absurdity of the situation. Sometimes it's the does-exactly-what-it-says-on-the-tin approach, which is why I like Saw and just about every zombie film ever.


The point is that this crux of the argument, this soul, is not how artsy the film is. An author writes a book with his own interpretation and visualisation of what happens, the reader builds their own, different world and meaning from the same book and then the critic goes on to uncover their own, and probably overlook what the author originally intended. One of my favourite movies is The Yellow Submarine because one time it was on on my birthday, despite being far too young to appreciate all the aspects of teh movie, I have my own feelings attached to it now.


My point is that the abstract way people are drawn to some films and not others is fascinating. I love just pondering on what must've happened to a person who loves House of Wax and Pi. You are far more serious with your movies, and demand everyone else to appreciate those that need to be appreciated.


I enjoyed watching Kill Bill, both parts. Moreso back-to-back. You can switch your brain off and transcend into a lower level of consciousness while bathing your senses in violence and apathy. I can't be dealing with Mulholland Drives all the time.

As someone probably once said, the plural of anecdote is not fact. If cinema is art, then remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


And there it is. Fantastic post. No pun intended. And that's why I like you. You know how to argue. Whilst I mostly agree with you... I still believe that personal taste and quality aren't related. That being said, the end.


I think the main problem as such, not that there really is one. Is that most people on here havent seen as many films as Oxigen_waste. (although hes wrong about revenge of the sith) When they come to rate a film that is the definition of average they give it 8/10 or 9/10. This sends Oxigen_waste into a blind rage because he knows the film is average compared to millions of other films.


You only have to look at Haggis who recently has pretty much admitted he overrated films in the past. I hope once he watches Full Metal Jacket he revises his Jarhead rating ;) Yes it's all your opinion blah blah. Heck I enjoy loads of incredibly shit films but when it comes to rating them giving them 10 or 9/10 puts them on the same pedestal as A clockwork orange, Goodfellas,The Godfather etc etc. And that's just not right.


When can I hug you?


Sorry about the Sith, but hey... I like it. :D

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Plus, it's Italian, it's useless and as fucking dead as dead can be. No offense to you, but your country sucks. So does mine, I know, you don't need to point it out. (And don't use italian art as a justification for your greatness, art is made by an individual, not a nation. Art has no nationality.)


EDIT: While we're at it, can you please translate it properly for me? What I want it to say is "Capo Bastone of the Portuguese Mafia/Cosa Nostra" (end edit)




I hate italian art. and sure, it would be "Il Capo Bastone della Mafia Portoghese"


I lold at the total bitching of italian, then the request, but I don't mind. It's not like I learnt italian out of choice, i am italian.

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Mindless dribble


You see that's what is quite funny because the whole opinion thing is exactly the point I was making. You see when this little argument started you claimed that Kill Bill sucked. Not that you didn't like it, that it sucked. And I asked you why it sucked. Instead you came back with opinion. Saying, and I quote friend "it's not enjoyable". Hmm sounds like opinion to me does it not.


And carrying on from that I can like a bad movie. Snakes on a Plane - loved it. Good no. But we weren't talking about opinion were we. No we weren't.


And how about this. You want me to argue with me probably? Hmm? You want this to be enjoyable for you? Then how about dropping the holier than thou attitude and make it enjoyable for me? Because right threw this thread your supriority complex makes you seem like a right dick.

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Sorry about the Sith, but hey... I like it. :D


So do I, but it's cool to hate the new Star Wars movies. Sure, the feeling is totally different from the originals, but they are fantastic movies. Not to mention that plot is better than the originals, specially due to the political manipulations by Palpatine, which are pretty well thought, whilst the old ones are re-interpretations of the Bible and Good vs Evil. Now now, don't get me wrong I love the original movies, and I see the whole six pack as one and I adore them all.


I've know OW for 15/16 years, he does look like more of an elitist bastard here on the board (desculpa, mas é verdade lol) than he is in real life, but the truth is you can watch any movie you want with him (or play any game, read any book, etc...) and he doesn't moan about anything, he just says if he enjoyed it or not, despite being a popcorn flick or he praises the film's quality if it has any. That and he knows more about movies than everyone on this forum combined.

Now, movie quality isn't that straightforward, if a movie is intended to be simple it can be a good or even great movie without being philosofical (I know, bad spelling) or deep, but you can judge the actors' performances and the quality of the directing.

To be honest I don't care, which is why I don't rate movies and I always struggle when I have to rate games in my reviews.

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I enjoyed it. I wasn't really expecting much but it surprised me. Also, I kept laughing at the wierd things they found to cover up Beowulfs bits. I mean, every five minutes in the movie someone at some point was naked. Also, the film looked fantastic. No idea how it was done, but Boewulf looked almost real in places.



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How has Oxigen not yet realised that this thread isn't about 'reviewing' the last film we saw. It doesn't matter if it's technically perfect or not, it's about how much we enjoyed the film.


Therefore a technically shit film can still be given a high rating if the person enjoyed it. We're not bloody film critics!

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I hate italian art. and sure, it would be "Il Capo Bastone della Mafia Portoghese"


I lold at the total bitching of italian, then the request, but I don't mind. It's not like I learnt italian out of choice, i am italian.


I'm sorry, the language just pisses me off. You don't, it's just the overall culture. =S I also hate my country, so... I figured why not give it a try.

Oh, just one thing, does the "Il" have to be there? Can't it just be "Capo Bastone della Cosa Nostra Portoghese"?

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And saying I am a nobody Oxigen....you really..really don't know me.


Judging by your answer, yes, you are... and you know it. You belive it's not possible to determine one's personality by judging that person's cultural tastes? When they have a good taste, that's true, as they're usually complex individuals.

You on the other hand... well, I'll say this:

Brave - Jennifer Lopez


I am actually in love with this album.


First album in ages where I love every song on it, and some of these songs really relate to things I'm going through at the moment so that's something special =]




Am I right or what people?



You see that's what is quite funny because the whole opinion thing is exactly the point I was making. You see when this little argument started you claimed that Kill Bill sucked. Not that you didn't like it, that it sucked. And I asked you why it sucked. Instead you came back with opinion. Saying, and I quote friend "it's not enjoyable". Hmm sounds like opinion to me does it not.


And carrying on from that I can like a bad movie. Snakes on a Plane - loved it. Good no. But we weren't talking about opinion were we. No we weren't.


And how about this. You want me to argue with me probably? Hmm? You want this to be enjoyable for you? Then how about dropping the holier than thou attitude and make it enjoyable for me? Because right threw this thread your supriority complex makes you seem like a right dick.


Hmm, funny, out of all I said, you picked the only sentence that even resembles my opinion in the slightest. Bravo. Consider things as a whole, darn it!

Ah, but Snakes On A Plane is a fantastic Spoof. :D That's just it, Kill Bill is homaging shit, not spoofing it! That, plus, Snakes On A Plane doesn't look ridiculous.


And that's Mr. Right Dick, pretty please??? :heh:


So do I, but it's cool to hate the new Star Wars movies. Sure, the feeling is totally different from the originals, but they are fantastic movies. Not to mention that plot is better than the originals, specially due to the political manipulations by Palpatine, which are pretty well thought, whilst the old ones are re-interpretations of the Bible and Good vs Evil. Now now, don't get me wrong I love the original movies, and I see the whole six pack as one and I adore them all.


I've know OW for 15/16 years, he does look like more of an elitist bastard here on the board (desculpa, mas é verdade lol) than he is in real life, but the truth is you can watch any movie you want with him (or play any game, read any book, etc...) and he doesn't moan about anything, he just says if he enjoyed it or not, despite being a popcorn flick or he praises the film's quality if it has any. That and he knows more about movies than everyone on this forum combined.

Now, movie quality isn't that straightforward, if a movie is intended to be simple it can be a good or even great movie without being philosofical (I know, bad spelling) or deep, but you can judge the actors' performances and the quality of the directing.

To be honest I don't care, which is why I don't rate movies and I always struggle when I have to rate games in my reviews.


It's true, I'm a complete bastard here. Hooray for the internet! =D

Aye, movie quality isn't straightforward and everything can be discussed, but as far as I consider myself to be sane, I shall never consider Kill Bill a good film. :D


How has Oxigen not yet realised that this thread isn't about 'reviewing' the last film we saw. It doesn't matter if it's technically perfect or not, it's about how much we enjoyed the film.


Therefore a technically shit film can still be given a high rating if the person enjoyed it. We're not bloody film critics!


I know I know, it's just the way I am sorry about it and all that. : peace:

Everyone is entitled his own opinion and should be respected and blah blah blah... I just... can't.

How low can you go?

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