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That room is FUCKING evil I tell you! God it freaked me out quite a bit. It wasn't by all means a great horror movie and it slowed down in the middle but I did enjoy it. 8/10




I laughed so much during the course of this film. I mean, there must have been 10-15 moments when me and my mates just pissed ourselves, it was that good. Also, the character of Fogell who is the geek is AWESOME; loved him!



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Awesome plot with great acting.


IMO, the most stand-out thing about this movie though was the unique use of sound. The monotonous tapping of a typewriter came at every break of scene, and often sounds were transmutated into this sound. For example, she is on a train, and the sound of the lights flickering on and off turns into the sound of a typewriter after a while.


Yeah, its hard to explain, but its awesome, and definetly a must-see. Totally different to a normal period drama.



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:blank: i loved the film fullstop. great movie just cause you didnt like doesnt mean i cant!


10/10 means the film is perfect. This isn't opinion, it's truth, a perfect score = perfect film. The movie has gaping flaws. Several. 10/10 is just complete overpraise.

And I do like the movie. It's a nice movie. But it's not a 10/10.

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10/10 means the film is perfect. This isn't opinion, it's truth, a perfect score = perfect film. The movie has gaping flaws. Several. 10/10 is just complete overpraise.

And I do like the movie. It's a nice movie. But it's not a 10/10.


Everybody seems to do that here, and on IMDB where every summer movie seems to get 10/10 from the 12 - 25 viewer.


I just put it down to the fact that Nintendo fans are easily excitable :P

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10/10 means the film is perfect. This isn't opinion, it's truth, a perfect score = perfect film. The movie has gaping flaws. Several. 10/10 is just complete overpraise.

And I do like the movie. It's a nice movie. But it's not a 10/10.


IMO, the only movie deserving of a 10/10 is Serenity.

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10/10 means the film is perfect. This isn't opinion, it's truth, a perfect score = perfect film. T


I've never smelled so much bullshit in a sentence before.



The Killer


Fancied this after playing through Stranglehold (which wasn't actually that great). Good action, plenty of melodrama and of corny sound effects.



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10/10 means the film is perfect. This isn't opinion, it's truth, a perfect score = perfect film.


It's all down to opinion though, surely? You don't think it's a perfect film where as for someone else it's the best movie they've ever seen, same with music tastes etc?

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It's all down to opinion though, surely? You don't think it's a perfect film where as for someone else it's the best movie they've ever seen, same with music tastes etc?

Exactly, it's a personal rating of a film you saw, so even if it is a technically amazing film with amazing actors, a top director etc., you may still not enjoy it or like it, so you wouldn't give it a 10/10.

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It's all down to opinion though, surely? You don't think it's a perfect film where as for someone else it's the best movie they've ever seen, same with music tastes etc?


Oh fuck, here we go again. I've had this argument over and over.


Just because you like something, it doesn't mean that it's good, goddamnit.

The same thing goes for music or whatever. You people seem to think that just because you think something is good, then it's good. That's completely wrong!!! Let's take this for example, I love Visitor Q, it's one of my favourite movies, and as far as I'm concerned, it'll always be a 10/10, but I know that it's not worth more than 8/10. Now, just because something is bad, that doesn't mean you can't like it, BUT, just because you like something, it doesn't automatically mean it's good.


You people overestimate your perspective. I mean, I hate Casablanca, but I know it's a good movie, a 10/10, but I'll never like it. It works the other way around too.


There is such a thing as universally good. And Butterfly Effect is universally above average.

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Oh fuck, here we go again. I've had this argument over and over.


Just because you like something, it doesn't mean that it's good, goddamnit.

The same thing goes for music or whatever. You people seem to think that just because you think something is good, then it's good. That's completely wrong!!! Let's take this for example, I love Visitor Q, it's one of my favourite movies, and as far as I'm concerned, it'll always be a 10/10, but I know that it's not worth more than 8/10. Now, just because something is bad, that doesn't mean you can't like it, BUT, just because you like something, it doesn't automatically mean it's good.


You people overestimate your perspective. I mean, I hate Casablanca, but I know it's a good movie, a 10/10, but I'll never like it. It works the other way around too.


There is such a thing as universally good. And Butterfly Effect is universally above average.


I could argue with you all day lol, this is great. :)


I mean, I hate Casablanca, but I know it's a good movie, a 10/10, but I'll never like it. It works the other way around too.


That's rubbish imo. I don't like Casablanca, and just because everyone says it's a classic doesn't mean I'll think that. I just plain don't like it because I think it's a bit, well, shit.


I don't think it's bad but "know it's good".


People have different tastes, end off. There is no univeral movie scoring system, I mean if there was than all movie reviews would be exactly the same and not range from people saying a movie is great and someone else saying it's terrible.


Most people might think a movie is utter bollocks, yet 1 or 2 people might love it. Same with loving/hating. Whats wrong with that?



(Ok I've rambled, I've already forgotten what I said at the start so ignore me if I've gone all wrong.)

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Tbh i'd give Rocky a 10/10 because i adore everything about that film, it's a bloody masterpiece.


Then again, I know people who wudnt give it higher than an 8.5/9. it's all about opinion. There's no point in having a go at them because films mean different things to each of us. Rocky means a lot to me and has effected me in a positive way so i'd give it a 10 but someone else may see it and just say 'nice film...9'.

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I do think people overrate a lot of films here though.. For those that gave superbad 10/10...


it's a great film but does it stand up to the likes of 'airplane' or Life of brian'..


No i think not and even those aren't 10/10 films.


!0/10 should mean the film is in every way perfect. 10/10 suggests a classic that people will never forget.


I would give alien, aliens,terminator 1 and 2,silence of the lambs and a few others this score.


It's your opinion but some of you get over-excited when you see a movie you like and say it's the best movie ever. Happens more in music but still.


Tbh i'd give Rocky a 10/10 because i adore everything about that film, it's a bloody masterpiece.


Then again, I know people who wudnt give it higher than an 8.5/9. it's all about opinion. There's no point in having a go at them because films mean different things to each of us. Rocky means a lot to me and has effected me in a positive way so i'd give it a 10 but someone else may see it and just say 'nice film...9'.


rocky to me is a very low 9/10 movie.(Like 9.0/10) I much prefer the second one. I also have a big soft spot for the rest especially the 4th.

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Hard Candy



Pretty shocking movie. The end was a little strange though. I'm still a little confused too. But still, very wierd movie. My mouth was wide open in shock for quite a bit of it.




I recently rewatched it. What was confusing?

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The whole thing with the girl they kept talking about. Did the guy who we say all the way through do it, or did the other guy she did the same thing to do it?







We aren't told. She obviously did this to his accomplice, and then after he squeled about Jeff and killed himself, she went to repeat the process with Jeff. I beleive that he was "only" there to take pictures, and that the first guy did it.


It doesn't really matter though. Hayley was just making sure.

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That's rubbish imo. I don't like Casablanca, and just because everyone says it's a classic doesn't mean I'll think that. I just plain don't like it because I think it's a bit, well, shit.


I don't think it's bad but "know it's good".


People have different tastes, end off. There is no univeral movie scoring system, I mean if there was than all movie reviews would be exactly the same and not range from people saying a movie is great and someone else saying it's terrible.


Most people might think a movie is utter bollocks, yet 1 or 2 people might love it. Same with loving/hating. Whats wrong with that?



(Ok I've rambled, I've already forgotten what I said at the start so ignore me if I've gone all wrong.)


I know we've had this discussion over and over, Haggis, but what the hell, let's carry it on, then... here goes:


I don't say that Casablanca is good just because everyone says it's good. I saw the movie, and it's a masterpiece, in every single aspect, especially considering that it came out in 1942. However, even though I recognize it's greatness, I am not a fan of the movie. I do not like it, because it deals with subjects that I find trivial and overall pointless. That part's called opinion. Have you comprehended everything this far?


Okay, now amplify that to all the movies on the planet, I'm not saying that there's a "absolute universal scoring system of how good a film is" (quoting mr-paul here), but there is an overall sense on wether a film is, or not, bad. You cannot seriously come up to me and say that there's absolutely no difference between The Shawshank Redemption and 3 Ninjas: High Noon At Mega Mountain?(I just picked the first thing that springed to mind when thinking up awfull movies, 3 ninjas will forever be burned into my subconscious).

Consider this: Shawshank is a fantastic achievement in every single away, a fantastic screenplay, top notch visual and audio resources, some of the best acting out there, great character development, overall perfect in every single aspect, and most imprtantly, you can clearly see that the people behind it poured their hearts and souls into it! The movie has a soul! It stays with you for the rest of your life.

The 3 Ninjas: High Noon At Mega Mountain on the other hand, is, well... absolutely awful in every single way that shawshank is not. It's cheap entertainment, barely watchable, with absolutely no replay value whatsoever, other than the fact that it's so fucking bad that you might just want to watch it for a quick laugh, and then completely forget about it the second it ends.


Now!(this is worthy of bold) Are you seriously trying to tell me that both these movies have the same value and worth??? Are you really trying to convince me that the only thing that sets these two movies apart is my opinion on them? NO! Shawshak is a fucking masterpiece, no matter what you may say, the movie is very, very good, and that is a FUCKING FACT. Are you really trying to tell me that 3 Ninjas: High Noon At Mega Mountain is only a bad movie if the viewer thinks so? Hell no, it's BAD, no matter what you may think of it! Are you gonna tell me that I'm wrong about this? Coz if you are, let me just tell you one thing in advance:

Of course that in your own little world, every single movie can be a masterpiece, but no uninformed stupid little **** who knows barely anything about movies (I'm not talking about anyone in particular, Hagg, I actually share some of your taste in movies, this is just an hypothetical "average joe") can detract value from movies such as The Godfather, Schindler's List or One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.


No matter how many people may think that American Pie is the greatest movie ever made and a masterpiece, the movie is still a "slightly above average" teen-comedy with no actual artistic value.


To make things clear, I'm not comparing 3 Ninjas movies with Butterfly Effect, but although the movie is kinda ok and has some value, it'll never be a "10/10" type of movie, ok? The movie is good, no doubt, but not great, and much less is it masterful. No matter what your opinion on the subject is, that's a fact.

Now try and convince me that I'm wrong.


I agree with Haggis. This is a thread for posting our opinions and OUR rating of how good we thought the film was. If there was an absolute universal scoring system of how good a film is, there would be no point in this thread, it's all about opinion.


Precisely, you debate your opinion here. You people can't deal with someone questioning your opinion. So how is that a debate? Please enlighten me.







The Bourne Ultimatum

Everything the first two movies did good, this one does better, plus, it finally provides some closure to the whole thing. Easily the best of the three... even tough I can only rate them individually now that I've seen where the first two lead to, so:

The Bourne Identity - 7/10

The Bourne Supremacy - 7/10

The Bourne Ultimatum - 8/10


The Bourne Trilogy - 7.5/10 If you're into spy movies, this is the cream of the crop.

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