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Rate the last film you saw


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Texas Chainsaw Massacre (remake)


Pretty decent actually. The acting isn't anything outstanding and who the bad guys are is pretty predictable from the beginning. The most exciting parts were when I was waiting for something to happen. The other scenes were only cruel but not scary and for some reason I wasn't scared by the chainsaw guy. During the first few scenes I actually laughed because he looks like Cory Tailor (singer from Slipknot) with his mask.

At least my eyes got pleased by Jessica Biel's looks

and she kicked that Sheriff's ass in the end


which was very satisfying to see.





Last Samurai


It was actually very good despite starring Tom Cruise. He actually made pretty strong performance and managed to close his mouth most of the time when he wasn't speaking.

It was also nice that many parts were in Japanese and the battles and portrayal of the culture were both well executed.

Other parts felt very American though.



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I watched the late night Korean film on Film Four last night.


R-point I think it was, was quite atmospheric but it didn't flow very well.


It didn't seem like the modern classic that it was touted as.. but I was a bit tired.


6/10, worth it if you're into your foreign shit. otherwise give it a miss unless you're really open minded. Might get a rerun on Film Four this week.

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The Departed : Absolutley awesome better then the original (Infernal Affairs). I'd be Martin Scorsese's bitch if he so requested it of me. All of the actors put in excellent performances Jack especialy. This is the kind of film that makes me want to make movies. 9.5/10 (loses .4 because I had to sit at the front and my neck hurts)

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Little Nicky


Starring Adam Sandler.


When Satan, the ruler of hell, has to decide which of his three sons, Adrian, Cassius and Little Nicky are to rule hell for 10,000 years, he cannot decide which to choose, when his decision is made, which is he will rule hell for another 10,000 years, two of his sons, Adrian and Cassius, are outraged, so they go up to earth to create New Hell, along the way freezing the gates of hell so no new souls can enter, thus weakening Satan and causing him to fall apart, but Little Nicky, the son who was pleased to hear his dad's decision, goes up to earth to bring Adrian and Cassius back down to hell to stop Satan from dying.


This film is bloody funny, I love it, one of the funniest films I've seen. Good music, too. 10/10.

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Little Nicky


Starring Adam Sandler.


When Satan, the ruler of hell, has to decide which of his three sons, Adrian, Cassius and Little Nicky are to rule hell for 10,000 years, he cannot decide which to choose, when his decision is made, which is he will rule hell for another 10,000 years, two of his sons, Adrian and Cassius, are outraged, so they go up to earth to create New Hell, along the way freezing the gates of hell so no new souls can enter, thus weakening Satan and causing him to fall apart, but Little Nicky, the son who was pleased to hear his dad's decision, goes up to earth to bring Adrian and Cassius back down to hell to stop Satan from dying.


This film is bloody funny, I love it, one of the funniest films I've seen. Good music, too. 10/10.


i agree, especially with the two rock dudes and the gay man at the end. hahaha.

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The Departed : Absolutley awesome better then the original (Infernal Affairs). I'd be Martin Scorsese's bitch if he so requested it of me. All of the actors put in excellent performances Jack especialy. This is the kind of film that makes me want to make movies. 9.5/10 (loses .4 because I had to sit at the front and my neck hurts)



Strong words, boy. Hope you can back that up!

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4 Weddings and a Funeral.


Alright, i admit it. Send me to the funny farm, i like Hugh Grant films. This is a classic. I was absolutely bawling my eyes out during the funeral. I'm still undecided whether i like this more than Notting Hill or not. It's bluddy close.




Maybe it's cuz I'm young but I didn't find any of it funny.


But I think hugh grant is a bloody good actor! Love his other films. e.g Bridget Jones, Love Actually.

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jackie chans new police story


utter bollocks. chinese films should never have english dialog. When jackie chan starts fighting and his suave sidekick stops and shouts "yeah! thats ma man!" was just cringe worthy. All the bad guys are asians who wish they were americans and do things like x-games and play video games and shout yehaw and it was just absurd. you just watch it and pick out all the things that are wrong with it. of course though its jackie chan doing lots of stunts and fighting, but not nearly enough to save this film. 3/10

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