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Just interested, what do people here think of the Die Hard trilogy? Or include the 4th if you must.


I always really enjoy them but other people seem to hate them...


All Die Hard movies = Awesome!


Who are these other people???


Die Hard. Such an awesome bunch of movies they be. 4.0 needed more swearing, it got a 15 rating just for the one "Yippee Kay Yey Mother ******" line.

Terminator 3 is my favourite Terminator film..........¬_¬


That's not even funny.


I don't get what's wrong with 4.0. It's hysterical.

Posted (edited)

terminator 3 the best terminator movie? die hard 4.0 the best die hard?




For 4.0 you need to watch the uncut version which is more 15pg rathers than 12pg.....ugh.. Still should be full on 18's though.



die hard 1 best, termiator 2 best easy :)


Just interested, what do people here think of the Die Hard trilogy? Or include the 4th if you must.


I always really enjoy them but other people seem to hate them...


either women or overly camp men... You know the people who own clueless and mean girls on dvd :)

Edited by mcj metroid
Automerged Doublepost


That's not even funny.


I don't get what's wrong with 4.0. It's hysterical.

It's an alright film, it just didn't feel like a Die Hard film to me. Too much computer shizzle, not enough guns.


It's one of those films that you expect to be really bad, so it slightly surprises you. Underworld did that for me too.


But it's not a scratch on McClane getting up that building single handedly, feet on broken glass, hanging people out of windows. Or teaming up with Samuel L. to zoom around a city in a yellow cab trying to figure out bombs and calling each other racists. With Humbert Humbert as the villain no less.

It's an alright film, it just didn't feel like a Die Hard film to me. Too much computer shizzle, not enough guns.


Yeah, I get that. I just liked the escalating absurdity of it, pretty much to the level of parodying itself; the whole fight with the Asian chick, the car in the tunnel, the fighter jet, the collapsing highway.


Like I said, hysterical. :hehe:

It's an alright film, it just didn't feel like a Die Hard film to me. Too much computer shizzle, not enough guns.


Agreed, this has nothing on it to beat the original 3 movies. Guns, swearing, blood galore. 4.0 - A lot less swearing, guns are not used as much. But the blood is there, just not as much as before. But, i guess 4.0 represents modern-day robbery-styles. Computer hacking and all.


Still a good movie though.


The Hurt Locker

Very disappointing. Where was the plot? This film was just a random series of events with some very unlikeable characters that you couldn't give a toss about. There was one good "event" where Ralph Finnes showed up, which involved a very tense sniper battle, but otherwise it was very poor and dull.

The Hurt Locker

Very disappointing. Where was the plot? This film was just a random series of events with some very unlikeable characters that you couldn't give a toss about. There was one good "event" where Ralph Finnes showed up, which involved a very tense sniper battle, but otherwise it was very poor and dull.


Whilst I disagree with you muchly, Ralph Finnes and the SAS were pretty much like I imagine them to be like - "I forgot, they're worth $60,000 dead or alive!"

The Hurt Locker

Very disappointing. Where was the plot? This film was just a random series of events with some very unlikeable characters that you couldn't give a toss about. There was one good "event" where Ralph Finnes showed up, which involved a very tense sniper battle, but otherwise it was very poor and dull.


I'm half and half with you. Whilst I did think it was a good movie and I did think the acting was great, I also thought it was just a series of random events with unlikeable characters. There were some good scenes in the movie such as the mentioned sniper battle but I think it's a little too overhyped. I'm disappointed with it but at the same time, I still think it's a good movie.






Havn't seen this in ages, but it was on E4 last night. It's a decent movie in my opinion, one of them "high to low to high" movies really. A few jokes, possibly a few moments where you feel like chuckling or laughing really.




The Blind Side


I can't decide what to think. I definitely enjoyed watching it, and it was definitely heart breaking in places, but it all seemed so...contrived. As if one thing after another happened just so the audience would feel more and more sorry for the guy. Sandra Bullock was fantastic, but the fact she won the Oscar proves what a lacklustre year it's been. I love her and it was a brilliant performance...but Oscar worthy? Perhaps not. Still, it was a genuinely heartwarming story that I enjoyed watching throughout. Definitely worth seeing.




Alice In Wonderland


This was one of my most anticipated movies of 2010. Not only because it's a "sort of" sequel to one of my favourite Disney Classics, but it was being directed by Tim Burton, one of my favourite directors.


And boyyyy did it please me :)


Lets start with the visuals. FUCK. It was like an orgasm to the eye. Every set, every costume, every colour, looked STUNNING. And 3D helped this a lot, it was just beautiful to look at, I could have watched it on mute :)


The story...


I liked the dreams thing, and how they linked it in with the old Alice. But I couldn't help but wonder what if they just did a remake of Disneys classic? Going back to the visuals, it could have looked MUCH more jolly and wonderlandish, if the Red Queen wasn't in power. When they flash backed to when Alice first came to wonderland, I wanted MORE of that world!


The characters...


My favourite by far was the Red Queen. Helena Bonham Carter stole every scene she was in. She perfected the character, and it paid off hugely. Just wish she had more screen time.


The Cheshire Cat was another favourite of mine, it just reminded me so much of the Disney Classic, and the Cat was visually amazing. I loved the Cat's part towards the end of the film too.


The White Queen, I loved Anne Hathaways character, when she was making the potion for Alice, I wanted to see more of that! Hathaway looked like she had really thought about how she wanted her character to come across, but she just simply didn't have enough screentime for viewers to work out her personality.


Mad Hatter...Totally differant to what I expected, more dark and twisted in this, I didn't like the sudden bursts of anger. I have to say the Hatter was one of my least favourite characters.


Alice...I didn't quite know what to make of Alice. At the start I just wanted to slap her round the face. But as the film progressed I started to like her more and more. She did seem a bit empty though.



All in all, I really enjoyed the movie, and it lived up to the hype in my opinion. Just wish it would have been a bit longer.




I thought the visuals were really uninteresting. Technically good, cgi etc. But the cgi animals still looked like cgi animals. In things like Avatar, the gap between "cgi animal" and human being was much less and that's why that worked visually (for me).


The costumes were good. And like Triforce said, I'd much rather have seen a Wonderland of the past, or more like the Red Queen's castle/garden.


Plus it was all grey and foggy and horrible. While "part of the story" it just reminded me of every Tim Burton film of the 2000's and why I hate them.


I think 3-D actually may have detracted, I find it really hard to remember the film vividly, it was a bit too distracting.

I thought the visuals were really uninteresting. Technically good, cgi etc. But the cgi animals still looked like cgi animals. In things like Avatar, the gap between "cgi animal" and human being was much less and that's why that worked visually (for me).


The costumes were good. And like Triforce said, I'd much rather have seen a Wonderland of the past, or more like the Red Queen's castle/garden.


Plus it was all grey and foggy and horrible. While "part of the story" it just reminded me of every Tim Burton film of the 2000's and why I hate them.


I think 3-D actually may have detracted, I find it really hard to remember the film vividly, it was a bit too distracting.


Exactly, it felt so uninspired and generic.

As if Burton just went: "Fuck it, I'll make it like last few movies I made"

The only memorable thing about the movie for me was the Yorkshire cat and the red queen everything else was just really "meh".


I hated the ending, Alice just went Dr. Phil on all of her problems.


Alice in wounderland


utter shite.




the hurt locker


really glad i got to see it on the big screen (special screening at a local cinema). a truly great film, increadably tense. beautifuly shot and told a story in a belivable manner.


what i particularly liked

the bit back home felt so strange, abroupt and awkward. really did make me consider how difficult it would be to try and readjust to normal life




Exactly, it felt so uninspired and generic.

As if Burton just went: "Fuck it, I'll make it like last few movies I made"

The only memorable thing about the movie for me was the Yorkshire cat and the red queen everything else was just really "meh".


I hated the ending, Alice just went Dr. Phil on all of her problems.


I agree with you on the ending. What was that? Eurghh.

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