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Car Accidents...


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Ok let me take you back to around 8:03 pm, yesterday night. I had just arrived at the pub when I got a phone call from a mate saying he had only just got a text I sent him earlier (basically saying that I'd give him a lift to the pub), so being the nice guy that I am I quickly turn around and start heading back to his house, this I later found to be a BIG mistake.


The main road between the two villages is just like your average road, a few reasonably sharp bends and some very slight turns. So anyway I was driving at about 50mph just turning into one of those slight right bends (would usually be going around 60mph) when all of a sudden I either hit a slippery part of the road (wasn't actually icy though!) or hit something in the road (although the former is what is believed). Anyway as soon as I did this the car turned sharply to the right (at this point I'm crapping myself as there was nothing I could do) and went into the curb on the other side of the road, rolled over once and ended up on it's side (driver sound down), all the while I'm holding on to the steering wheel for dear life whilst glass is shattering all around me! Once the car had come to a stop and I realised that I was actually still alive I sat there for a second just trying to take things in, before turning off the stero (yes it was still playing, and rather fittingly the song was "I'll Be Ok" by Mcfly) before climbing out of the hole where the sunroof had once been.


I walk into the middle of the road and thankfully a car came along pretty quickly, stopped and helped me out by phoning for all three emergency services (yep I got the police, ambulance and firemen out all at the same time :grin: ). So anyway I quickly phone my mate who I was going to pick up and told him what happened and that I wouldn't be able to take him to the pub, I then phoned home and my dad answered, this is how the conversation went...


Me: "Dad, do you think you could help me out with something"

Dad: "Sure, what is it?"

Me: "Well I've had a slight accident"

Dad: "Go on"

Me: "well I've kinda rolled my car over and it's now sitting on its side by the pavement"


I couldn't actually remember this conversation with my dad untill he mentioned how calm I sounded, and to be honest I'm amazed I was so calm too.


So once my dad arrived I then sent him off on a hunt for a friend of mine who was already at the pub (tried calling her but couldn't get any reception) so that he could tell her what had happened, so they returned and we all set off on the fun journey to the hospital... where we waited for an hour to see a nurse, then another 3 hours to actually see a specialist and get my knee x-rayed (by now it's 1:00 am and we had been playing pontoon to death - with no money for betting - for about 2 1/2 hours!). So any way I get the knee x-rayed and it turns out that it's just badly bruised and will get better in a few days, so fully loaded with pain killers my dad takes my friend to her car (which was still in the pub car park) and then I get home at about 2:00 am and decided to share my experience you with wonderful people.


So there ya go, this is how I spent the night of February 5th 2006, oh well at least I get a couple of days off work!


So after reading my story (sorry it was so long :heh: ) has anyone else here been in any bad accidents and how did you find the experience?

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Damn that sounds pretty bad, glad to hear you are ok tho mate.


A similar thing happened to a friend of mine, he was driving down a country lane and a Horse ran out in front of him so he swurved outta the way and rolled his car number of times and ended upside down in a ditch at the side of the road. The car was wrecked but he was totally un hurt.


I've been driving for 5 years now and have only had one accident, well not really an accident i bumped into Oli (oli1983uk on the boards). I was following him home after the pub and we stopped at a junction which is on a bend and really hard to see round (you are more or less looking behind you to see if anything is coming). I thought Oli started to move and was going so i also started to move and looked round the corner (behind me) but Oli didnt move and i bumped into him at about 3 mph...there was no damage to his car but my left side squased in a bit and i had to get a new headlight cos the brackets snapped.

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Glad ur ok and nothing majorly wrong! as platty said about his mate which is also mine, he ended on his roof in a ditch it was pitch black so no one could see his car upside down either! he was very lucky, he rolled about 5 times.


my worst was coming home from work about 6 in the morning coming around a slight bend the back end of the car slipped tried to catch it but could do nothing. The front hit some railings car spun around the back end hit the curb and then spun so i was facing the right away and rolled to a holt in a parking space about 100 yards up the road. i was hurt just hit my head on my widescreen. and i cant believe i dint hit the other car that was just behind me when i went around the bend, I had to go back and pull my bumper out of the railings.

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I've been driving for 5 years now and have only had one accident, well not really an accident i bumped into Oli (oli1983uk on the boards). I was following him home after the pub and we stopped at a junction which is on a bend and really hard to see round (you are more or less looking behind you to see if anything is coming). I thought Oli started to move and was going so i also started to move and looked round the corner (behind me) but Oli didnt move and i bumped into him at about 3 mph...there was no damage to his car but my left side squased in a bit and i had to get a new headlight cos the brackets snapped.


Thats exactly the same as happened to me (obviously it wasnt Oli though...or was it?); its pretty ironic, as I drove an average of 550 miles a week and ended up having an accident about 3 miles from my house. Ah well. C'est la vie.


Vaporizer store

Edited by Johelian
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Hope everything goes well with insurance and that malarkey. Aside from that concern it's an awesome story Twilight_Link!

I've not been in an accident but my wife has had a couple.

The first was in a one-way system; as she turned a corner, someone was going the wrong way and smashed into her. Result was a free rental car for six weeks while insurance failed to pull their fingers out.

The second was at traffic lights where a big lorry reversed into her as it couldn't see her in its mirrors. Couldn't reverse as there were cars behind so all she could do was hole down the horn.

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLOODY GLAD TO HERE YOUR ALRIGHT MAN!!







When everything is going wrong

And things are just a little strange

It's been so long now

You've forgotten how to smile.

And overhead the skies are clear

But it still seems to rain on you, (because you've got no sunroof!)

And your only friend all have

Better things to do.



When your down and lost

And you need a helping hand

When your down and lost

Along the way

Oh, just tell yourse...................


(*THUD*, SH*T, WHOOOOAAAHHHH, *THUD* SHI*T, ARRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

........."I'M ALRIGHT!!!!!

PHEW, THANK GOD FOR THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")


Now things are only getting worse

And you need someone to take the blame

When your lovers gone

There's no-one to share the day

Your sleeping with the TV on

And your lying in an empty bed

All the alcohol in the world

Could never help me to for..........





NOW................WHERE THE HELL AM I!!"

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Glad to hear you're okay and all that, really.

Stories like these make me even more reluctant to learn how to drive. Cars are scary. Never been in a real car accident, though there have been close calls before. Well, a car bumped into ours once, but it just made me almost drop my GameBoy (that big old grey one back then). So yeah.


Anyway, take care you.

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\cheers for all your support guys!


So the morning after....


Well my knee still hurts a lot, which is bloody annoying, had a nice conversation with the insurance people who are gonna send me some stuff through the post but i aint gonna get any money considering I was only third party fire and theft (although I'm definately going fully comp for my next car!) and had two trips to the police sation because I took the wrong documents the first time!


On the way back I also stopped by the site and had a look, have totally destroyed about 4 metres of hedge/fencing so am gonna have to pay for that and then got some stuff out of my car, including my £90 ray ban sunglasses which luckily survived, have to go back later to take my stereo out when I can find my keys!


Also, another interesting story I feel I should mention is that there has since been another accident right where it happened! My dad went down in the morning (just before 9:00) to help move the car into a near by farm, so he parks his car a little way down the road hazards on etc, when another car comes past, so that car slows down as he passes but another car coming the other way is going a little faster, so puts their breaks on and slides (on the same part that I did), hits the curb and rolls onto it's roof before sliding along atop its roof coming to a stop just short of my dad and his car! So once again the police, etc are called out and thankfully once again the driver, and this time a passenger, are both fine.


Oh and as a special treat I've taken some photos for you guys...










As you can see the sunroof is actually still in place, as a result I've come to the conclusion that I actually climbed out through the windshield :heh:

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Had accident bout 18 months ago


was going down the A48 bout 10 miles from home on 50mph road was going home listening to music hoping to be home in 10-15 mins as i was hungry. Then by the turnoff to caldicot a white van pulled out into the road from his junction right when i was there i had to brake like hell even go into the middle lane so not to hit the bak of him.

Big mistake as when i got into the middle lane i was panicing like hell as i saw a Audi TT heading right at me who was indicating to come where i was so in the panic lost control hit the kerb on other side of the road crashed through a 50mph sign and stopped in some bushs :o. Damage = front right wheel was facing back on itself from the impact of the sign, the pedals were showing the engine etc.

So anyway i was in shock and luckly a elder couple saw what happened and let me phone my parents and ring the RAC to pick up the car. I took my stereo out of the car and car mats, cds etc which was left in there as i knew the car was gunna be written off as it was in a complete mess.

Im just glad the 50mph sign wasnt a lamppost or a bus shelter...or someone was walking there :o thankful to be alive after that.

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Ouch, glad to know your ok, your very VERY lucky with the photo's i've just seen of your accident...


Havent had a car accident myself for I do not drive! But i did have a bike accident....heading down hill at the fastest i can go and i pull the front brake...big mistake... was in hospital for a few days...

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Glad that you're okay, black ice is a bitch :)

This just shows that you should wear your seatbelt when you drive. It' s especially helpful if the car rolls over.


And my friend hit a concrete pig once. There was no damage to him, but the impact made the passenger's airbag to fill up. Which caused pretty nasty looking bruises to the passenger's face.

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there is just a bit of damage nothing a hammer wont fix. do a bit of pannel beating a new tyre good as new. no need to claim. will it affect your no claims? if it does dont bother claiming as you aren't getting a penny anyway. sorry i am a trainee accountant. money matters.

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there is just a bit of damage nothing a hammer wont fix. do a bit of pannel beating a new tyre good as new. no need to claim. will it affect your no claims? if it does dont bother claiming as you aren't getting a penny anyway. sorry i am a trainee accountant. money matters.


Trust me it's a write-off!


In hindsight it probably would have been better not to have claimed or anything, just get a friend of a friend to scrap it then got a new car and changed my policy, but seeing as the police, etc all got involved it's kinda hard to just deny having the accident especially since the police have all the insurance details now. I've already phoned the insurance company up and it's definately gonna affect my next premium, oh well life's a bitch, then you die (and I nearly did that already)!

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I havent been in any car accidents myself, but i know one person that did. he was on his own and he crashed into a lampost. The car flipped over several times. He wasnt even 19 when he died. And another friend of mine got run over by a car when he was on his bike and died when he was 15.


Them's some nasty pics dude, you were very lucky.

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Holy crap dude, I just saw the pictures. What the hell did you roll it into, a combine harvester? Glad you're still walking and talking.


Well more like hobbling rather than walking at the moment!


That damage was basically from hitting the fence (like I mentioned earlier I took about four metres of fence/hedge out), I've been trying not to think about it but it's impossible not to have all these 'what if's'...


"What if one of the fence posts had gone through the windshield"

"What if my mate who I was on the way to picking up was already in the car"

"What if there had been another car coming in the opposite direction at the time"


It may seem stupid (well I don't know if it does) but having these thoughts are not nice and I don't actually want to go to sleep, because I know I'll then just dream these 'what if's', like I did a bit last night and with the addition of the whole fence thing (didn't actually know I had hit the fence last night) it's gonna be even worse!


Strangely listening to Mcfly is helping me out a bit and I must have listened to the album about 10 times today and "I'll be Ok" about 20, infact I'm listening to it right now!

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Glad your ok mate. I echo what others above me have said.

I spun out on the M25 last summer avoiding a crash I witnessed where two people were crushed :( by a foreign 18-wheeler. Wasn't the nicest thing to witness and then to try and avoid as the wreckage flew past me.


Take good care of that knee, knee's are horrible things to injure or make weak.


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Well I've now had three nights of shitty sleep, which is bloody annoying. Earlier toady I was actually sleeping without dreaming about it, but then got woken up so some bastard ringing my mobile phone, and that cut out before I even knew who it was, the guy just said "Is that Mr. Rawles?" then it cut out, so I'm kinda curious as to who it could've been!


Had another day off work today (although this was already a scheduled day off) and so have been sat around at home, playing patience for about 3 hours, because I decided I wouldn't stop untill I completed it once and I can't imagine how many attempts it took!


The knee isn't too bad any more, and if I take the pain killers then I can barely feel it, going back to work tomorrow morning (have to be at 6:30 am since I'm now moving into the kitchen!) and I should also be playing squash tomorrow evening so I'm curious as to how well my knee will hold up, but my belief is if I can get through work okay then playing squash will be fine!


Oh yeah and I'm still listening to Mcfly :heh:

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