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Sleaford, Lincolnshire.


Everyone says Lincolnshire has good sausages but I was in the Bardge and Bottle a few nights ago having a Lincolnshire Suasage meal and it was shit.


Lincolnshire Suasages: Don't Believe the Lies


New book by Wesley the Sausagelover out soon

Edited by Ashley
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Sleaford, Lincolnshire.


Everyone says Lincolnshire has good sausages but I was in the Bardge and Bottle a few nights ago having a Lincolnshire Suasage meal and it was shit.


Lincolnshire Suasages: Don't Believe the Lies


New book by Wesley the Sauseagelover out soon


Buy them from Brown's butchers shop in town, they're nice from there.

Edited by Ashley
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You mean in the arcade (near the nice little sweet shop)?


That's the one.


I used to really like that sweet shop, haven't been in there for years and years though.


Griddy's I think it used to be called by the school kids, I think it's actual name was "Gordon's" or something. Not sure if it's changed though.

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Yeah it was Gordon's while I was at that age when all us school kids used to que up outside, then it was changed to Sweet Alexi or something, now I don't know. I still go in sometimes, yeah, I feel like a pratt, but they're nice sweets damnit!

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