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There we go then, another full lockdown and schools closing.

I’ll be interested to see if I get furloughed again. With it being a potentially shorter lockdown than the first and my school including a nursery which will stay open it could mean that they just keep everyone on. There’s also the fact that our head of ICT is on long term sick leave already so they may need me to help with the more technical side of the online learning. Guess I’ll just have to wait and see.

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This government...bunch of knobbers.

All week we've been fed the line that schools are safe. Schools are safe. Except secondary schools, they're off for a few weeks. But the rest are safe. Here's some tests that we're going to give you over the Christmas break; learn how to administer these to pupils. Get the pupils to learn how to test themselves. Schools are safe. No, we're not closing them all. Yes, they're fine to open on Monday. Ok, it's now 8pm on Monday and we've now decided that schools are not safe, so go online immediately.

Wankers. How last minute can you get? We were in school today for inset, preparing to deliver face-to-face education because that's what we were told to do. Many schools opened up to pupils today. Now, from tonight, we have to go remote. This is clear as day...this government do not know what they are doing. There can be no argument. Properly dicked us about. We've got over 1500 Covid tests in school that we were told to administer, now we can't even do that because we're closed for 6 weeks (except to key workers).

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19 minutes ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

This government...bunch of knobbers.

All week we've been fed the line that schools are safe. Schools are safe. Except secondary schools, they're off for a few weeks. But the rest are safe. Here's some tests that we're going to give you over the Christmas break; learn how to administer these to pupils. Get the pupils to learn how to test themselves. Schools are safe. No, we're not closing them all. Yes, they're fine to open on Monday. Ok, it's now 8pm on Monday and we've now decided that schools are not safe, so go online immediately.

Wankers. How last minute can you get? We were in school today for inset, preparing to deliver face-to-face education because that's what we were told to do. Many schools opened up to pupils today. Now, from tonight, we have to go remote. This is clear as day...this government do not know what they are doing. There can be no argument. Properly dicked us about. We've got over 1500 Covid tests in school that we were told to administer, now we can't even do that because we're closed for 6 weeks (except to key workers).

Yep same with us. Load of tests arrived today, plans went out to test all staff and then years 7 & 8 when they came back and then this. 

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1 minute ago, Happenstance said:

Yep same with us. Load of tests arrived today, plans went out to test all staff and then years 7 & 8 when they came back and then this. 

It's a proper piss-take. We've had people stressed out of their minds over the last week or so trying to figure out how best to organise the testing and still run a school. We were due to test pupils tomorrow. 

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2 minutes ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

It's a proper piss-take. We've had people stressed out of their minds over the last week or so trying to figure out how best to organise the testing and still run a school. We were due to test pupils tomorrow. 

The worst part is that we all knew this was coming, we just didn’t know how long the government would hold out for no reason so you have to carry on arranging things like the schools will stay open. 

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All of this is very overwhelming. It's got me near breaking point tonight, not going to lie. It was weird because my friend actually phoned me mid-meltdown and calmed me a little. I'm just so done with this shit.


On top of that, I had a bloody shop assistant follow me around because I put my mask down for a millisecond (even though I'm exempt and had the bastard lanyard as well) because I started struggling to breathe and had to take my inhaler.

She just came up to me and said, and I quote, "That covers your mouth for a reason!" really harshly. I took my inhaler and stared at her when I did it. After, she just huffed and walked away. A man complained to someone on the tills for the way she spoke to me and told me I should complain but I couldn't be arsed. I just wanted to go home. Ironically, it was the first day since this lockdown began that I properly went out. Now I don't feel like leaving...


I hate this government. I hate these self-righteous people. I'm starting to become negative and I don't want to be and I try not to be but right now, it's becoming hard. Its why I've been focusing on my Switch, watching Cobra Kai and doing Fitness Boxing and Just Dance every day.


I know there are people in worse situations than me but even so, it's becoming taxing.


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5 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

The worst part is that we all knew this was coming, we just didn’t know how long the government would hold out for no reason so you have to carry on arranging things like the schools will stay open. 

I'm going to be completely honest and say that even I didn't think they would stoop this low to allow staff/pupils to go back for one day after Christmas before then closing the schools. I thought we'd maybe get 2 weeks out of this term, at the most. I expected to hear something on Sunday at the latest whether or not the school reopening would go ahead, but all we kept hearing was that it would be fine for Primary, but that Secondary schools would go back later. The messaging has been so, so poor. Absolutely all over the place. All trust in this government is gone.

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This has all been so last minute, in NI our CEV were told on the 23rd to stay home again after the 26th.  (which meant absolutely no time to receive a letter to keep employmers happy.  Still waiting on mine as of 4th January!).  You guys in schools are left to scramble around getting things sorted.  I know these things develop day by day, but this could have been predicted very easily.  Also any key businesses with CEV people have to try to find cover for work absolutely last minute.

So badly badly organised and these people are being paid so much more than most of us here ._.

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The entire govenment is a shit show, they will not do the same as other countries doing things right until they absolutely have to, its like a bratty teen refusing to do the same because they hate someone. 

Its all lies, all half truths! everyone could see after the last lockdown opening schools was a bad idea, not closing borders or testing/quarantining on arrival, not doing a decent track and trace etc etc et fucking cetera!

What happened to Operation Moon shot? the rapid testing to get the economy going? did Cummings the puppet master run off with the money? What about the world class Track and Trace, thats currently akin to a ebaumsworld flash game no scratch that there we at least functional. 

Sure vaccinations are happening, and have been planning since late October, i should know we've been planning for the mass vaccination centres in the Leeds area since then, but at this point it feels like the policy is still "let the poor die and reduce the surplus population" whilst they ready the vaccine only and line their pockets.

Honestly lets just have Nicola Sturgeon as PM, he copies her anyway weeks later, cut out the baffoon and put someone competent in charge! who knows maybe Scotland won't want independence if she's in charge and can shift power away from Chequers pig noshing twats.

utterly sick of people and the government included not taking this seriously, not wanting to copy other successful countries like New Zealand (because their different) how about we fucking try? don't you have faith we could? this half arsed keep the economy going for as long as possible is just prolonging the pandemic in the UK and fucking the economy and people for decades! So much for the Tory party of fiscal responsibility, they piss away more money than a drunk in a casino

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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Things that could have been much better:

- A much more sophisticated food parcel service. My girlfriend's dad got a couple, the contents were just very random, and were not scheduled at all and just arrived whenever. Create a balanced amount of food (with non-perishable stuff, fresh stuff would unfortunately be more difficult to deliver on such a scale) as part of a nationwide system, add vegetarian/vegan/lactose free/etc version for people who need them, have a proper schedule and use the army to help deliver. Perhaps allow people to sign up as drivers, regular testing and get paid a small amount (enough to cover what it would cost them, tax free with no impact on other income - so they could do it if furloughed). I'd even allow people to add on extras like cigarettes (obviously a paid option). While they're not essential, many people are addicted and will go to shops for them. Better to make them not need to go to the shop. Also help supermarkets increase the number of delivery slots they can provide.

- Speaking of furlough, force business to furlough people who self isolate. Having to lose pay (especially for essential workers) is a big thing and the feeling that you should only be off if absolutely sure (because you get disciplined if off more than three times in a year) is making people go into work until ordered not to. SSP is a pitiful amount.

- And with delivery drivers, support delivery companies but also require regular testing. Allow furloughed people to sign up as drivers without the "second job extra tax" thing (just regular tax), subsidise delivery costs for small businesses so they can compete better with the likes of Amazon. 

- Set up some educational TV channels, working with exam boards and teachers to create lessons. Put them on freeview and stream them online. Also make them an exception to the TV license rules. This means if parents are struggling to home school, or smaller schools are having difficulty supplying an online teaching method, there's still an option. Also create a monthly work book that people can sign up for if they don't have access to freeview or internet.

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Germany is a bit of a shit show, too, at the moment ::shrug:

Government is currently talking about extending the lockdown. Well...there's no other option. It will be extended.
However, there's also talks about curfews and limiting your "movement radius" (translated the German word literally) to 15 km (maybe even 5 km) away from your home. I mean...yes, it makes sense, but how about leaving schools closed?

I guess it's still time to stay optimistic...a vaccine is out there so it's not much longer until it's over.

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On 04/01/2021 at 10:40 PM, Fierce_LiNk said:

I'm going to be completely honest and say that even I didn't think they would stoop this low to allow staff/pupils to go back for one day after Christmas before then closing the schools. I thought we'd maybe get 2 weeks out of this term, at the most. I expected to hear something on Sunday at the latest whether or not the school reopening would go ahead, but all we kept hearing was that it would be fine for Primary, but that Secondary schools would go back later. The messaging has been so, so poor. Absolutely all over the place. All trust in this government is gone.

I had to give props to Führer Johnson for acting so "quickly", as soon as I saw Our Savior Starmer suggest another lockdown, I could feel Boris rolling out a Captain Hindsight speech and how he doesn't need to do anything because of "putting in £x million into blah..." much like he did with the circuit breaker before he U-turned on that. I was expecting a similar fobbing off and then it happening in a couple of weeks.

Was nice of him to mention the free school meals too, nip that renegade Marcus coming back and making such unreasonable requests.

Alas this doesn't change my circumstances, work hasn't changed, except some of the other staff have had to go back home-schooling etc.


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Vaccinations are being changed from 3 weeks after the first to 10.

Think its a tactic to get more people vaccinated even at whateve effectiveness one dose does (50...60%?), than a small amount of people at 95%.  From a purely logical head it makes sense. 

I was kinda hoping to be at home suffering Side Effects 2.0 so im mildly annoyed...

Are you still working for the nhs @EEVILMURRAY ?  Have you been getting plenty of abuse about the delays lol


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1 hour ago, Raining_again said:

Are you still working for the nhs @EEVILMURRAY ?  Have you been getting plenty of abuse about the delays lol

Yep, and not as much as we did the first time around. I think it worn everyone down. Main thing is (for my dept) is just that we're about a month behind on sending letters out, so people not getting meds in time etc.

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1 hour ago, Raining_again said:

Think its a tactic to get more people vaccinated even at whateve effectiveness one dose does (50...60%?), than a small amount of people at 95%.  From a purely logical head it makes sense. 

Although it also means that the doses are being given in an untested manner, with no way to know how it will affect the effectiveness of the vaccine. 

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30 minutes ago, EEVILMURRAY said:

Yep, and not as much as we did the first time around. I think it worn everyone down. Main thing is (for my dept) is just that we're about a month behind on sending letters out, so people not getting meds in time etc.

thats pretty shite, and sounds extremely typical of the nhs tbh

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56 minutes ago, Cube said:

Although it also means that the doses are being given in an untested manner, with no way to know how it will affect the effectiveness of the vaccine. 

I thought they said there was "more benefit" with a bigger delay between the jabs? (whether it's true or not...)

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28 minutes ago, EEVILMURRAY said:

I thought they said there was "more benefit" with a bigger delay between the jabs? (whether it's true or not...)

yup. If they can give 200 jabs over x time, they can give either

200 people 65% immunity


100 people 95% immunity.

So it's simple maths,

200*.65 = 130

100*1=100.(technically 100*.95 but theoretically boosting the vaccine to 100% immunity still leaves it falling short to any vaccine that gives above 50% immunity)

greater effect short term by giving one dose to more people. the risk involved is that it's unknown how long the 65% will last, and if the 100% comes with the second dose after a larger gap. It's an educated guess, but right now given the time of year and stress the NHS is under, even if the vaccine proves ineffective and a third booster is needed, it probably is going to save more lives by taking this gamble. the 65% is I understand 100% protection against severe disease, so the main benefit is relieving pressure on the NHS. If it works out well (we won't know for some time yet) they can continue, if it goes very badly (we may find that out much sooner) then they back track and follow the original schedule.

I think the fact it is winter and the NHS is annually heavily burdened at this time figures quite heavily into making a single dose approach a reasonably wise one.time will show if it was the correct one.

Edited by Pestneb
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5 minutes ago, Pestneb said:

yup. If they can give 200 jabs over x time, they can give either

200 people 65% immunity


100 people 95% immunity.

So it's simple maths,

200*.65 = 130


greater effect short term by giving one dose to more people. the risk involved is that it's unknown how long the 65% will last, and if the 100% comes with the second dose after a larger gap. It's an educated guess, but right now given the time of year and stress the NHS is under, even if the vaccine proves ineffective and a third booster is needed, it probably is going to save more lives by taking this gamble. the 65% is I understand 100% protection against severe disease, so the main benefit is relieving pressure on the NHS. If it works out well (we won't know for some time yet) they can continue, if it goes very badly (we may find that out much sooner) then they back track and follow the original schedule.

I think the fact it is winter and the NHS is annually heavily burdened at this time figures quite heavily into making a single dose approach a reasonably wise one.time will show if it was the correct one.


Completely agree with you pestneb

So, the first batch in NI has been designated for NHS staff from what I gather.  When I booked my first one, the vaccines were only designated for vaccinators, high risk wards and CEV staff. There was 3000 vaccines in our first batch of pfizer vacc.  I personally would much rather see 3000 staff get some immunity, for the majority of staff some immunity will reduce them to not being sick at all.  I do see the logic in this, and yes we may pay in reduced efficacy later on but its time to act now, hospitals are in crisis and need this. 

No one is going to come to any harm by having 1 vaccine rather than 2.  We all still have to pay heed to all the restrictions even fully vaccinated, and PPE isn't gonna be just forgotten in a hospital setting since they still have to look after the patients who are not all vaccinated.

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Just waiting for the phone call to confirm it but it looks like I am getting furloughed again until the schools come back. It'll be at 100% pay so that's great but it really was the boredom last time that got to me. I was hoping to at least keep on working from home to give me something to do. I guess it'll just give me more time to keep leveling my FFXIV character anyway!

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Pfizer dose 2 get! :D 

Thank fuck my appointment & second dose didn’t get delayed! Hugely grateful and very proud of my NHS Trust for pushing back against the government’s insane dose delay plan (based on NO EVIDENCE!)

Edited by Dcubed
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