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The Exercise & Fitness Thread: The Struggle Is Real


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Still doing my App based, no equipment exercises each day (give or take a few missed days).

It feels really good, and I'm definitely noticing the difference. I'm looking more trim, and I can do most of the exercises I struggled with at the beginning.

Still though, the App does take the piss a bit near the end of a training plan. Just when you think you are doing well and keeping up, it ramps the difficulty up just beyond your reach. It's really soul destroying when you have to wimp out of completing a session because it asks just a little bit too much of you.

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Ugh, my running has really suffered from not running for a longer period. Did a 4.33 km run yesterday in 18:41 - a pace of 4:20 - on a route I usually make in 17:30-ish. This decline is a combination of both 5 weeks of less exercise due to vacation and generally not having the energy for it (illness, mental stress due to baby-problems) and pain in my foot (below and in the ankle). 

Also gained 0.8 kg in the same period. I think my vacation can take credit for that, though.

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Started a new exercise plan on August 1st after having a bit of a rough month for my mental health in July. The combination of that and noticing that I was putting on weight and getting closer to the dreaded 100kg mark (I'm 6ft 4 or there abouts so its not that I was getting fat but that what was once lean was starting to develop a podge) made me make the move to do something about both.

Not got the most equipment at home (some resistance bands, a pair of 5kg hand weights, box step and a bench for sit ups and such but that out the gate would have been a no go) but after doing an intense morning exercise session on 31 out of the last 33 days (haven't had a break day since August 9th), I'm seeing the benefit of it even if I'm still finding getting the motivation in the morning to do it difficult at times (I do it at half 7, an hour after getting out of bed and go for about 50 minutes).

I'm pretty much doing my own circuit with no pointers, though my partner whose joining me in this getting healthy plan is using an app and giving me tips if I want different stretch or exercise ideas. I've slowly added to it over the weeks and keeping the intensity up where I'm finding it easier and so I'm noticing that my waist and chest have trimmed a bit after doing measurements the last 2 weeks. My shoulders and arms are building up which is nice considering the effort I'm putting in on weights and with the resistance bands considering it's not amazing equipment.

Pretty happy with it so far. Shame my scales are broken though as while there's clear evidence of weight loss, after weighing myself on Sunday I was still at my starting 98kg which was annoying. Partner checked her weight and it was the same as hers at the start so we're suspecting it's bust because we're both showing evidence of weight loss in clothes feeling looser.

Don't have a specific goal in mind other than to just get healthier and stick to it. Its also helped me keep an eye on my eating, which was never bad but the little snacking I did has since been cut out completely and I'm being more conscious than I already was of making my meals have enough of everything I need nutrient wise (with being vegan this is obviously more important as I'm not eating meat but I'm eating a lot of tofu and getting protein from a lot of other sources).

I think realistically if I can lose some weight with this but build some muscle, which is what I'm already doing, then I'll be happy and can easily stick with it. Hoping that next summer, where hopefully things are starting to go back to normal, I can work on my running and get back to that and possibly get hold of a bike to do stuff there. The only immediate goal I have is to work up the strength in my shoulders so that push ups feel easier as with my shoulders being hypermobile, and liking to pop in and out, I'm finding those effortful so hopefully I can improve there.

So yeah, happy with how I'm going so far. Just pushing myself that bit more each day and hoping that I keep making the progress I am.

Edited by Ganepark32
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2 hours ago, Ganepark32 said:

Pretty happy with it so far. Shame my scales are broken though as while there's clear evidence of weight loss, after weighing myself on Sunday I was still at my starting 98kg which was annoying. Partner checked her weight and it was the same as hers at the start so we're suspecting it's bust because we're both showing evidence of weight loss in clothes feeling looser.

Muscle weighs more so it sounds like your workouts are working, especially it you can see results. You are usually advised to not to use scales because of this and are better off from just going by sight or taking photos.

My gym is going to resume charging me so I've booked a couple of sessions. I haven't been working out at home much, apparently makes me less motivated to do anything.

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On 30/08/2020 at 10:08 AM, EEVILMURRAY said:

I've booked myself down for a spin class, to actually make me go to the gym, as opposed to my "I'll go after work, definitely this time as I brought my kit to work with me, actually I'll just have a nap as usual"

I did this last night... fuck... These spin bike things are weird. By the end I couldn't see as well because I sweat so much in my eyes 

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12 minutes ago, EEVILMURRAY said:

I did this last night... fuck... These spin bike things are weird. By the end I couldn't see as well because I sweat so much in my eyes 

Sweat in the eyes is the worst. I was out cycling a while ago when I got caught in some heavy rain. The rain mixed with my sweat and got in my eyes. I never knew sweat stung so much.

I've had to take a break from cycling, as I've hurt my neck. I think I overdid the weights, but its weird that it's ended up hurting my neck. Basically had a painfully stiff neck for just over a week. It's getting better though, so I'll hopefully start cycling again next week.

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27 minutes ago, Goafer said:

Sweat in the eyes is the worst. I was out cycling a while ago when I got caught in some heavy rain. The rain mixed with my sweat and got in my eyes. I never knew sweat stung so much.

I've had to take a break from cycling, as I've hurt my neck. I think I overdid the weights, but its weird that it's ended up hurting my neck. Basically had a painfully stiff neck for just over a week. It's getting better though, so I'll hopefully start cycling again next week.

I did originally plan on going to Tesco to pick up my meds afterwards but afterwards I thought "fuck it, I just wanna shower", if I ever do it again I'll wear some sort of sweatband, even if it's just on my wrists.

Luckily my legs didn't hurt too much after, the cycling I've been doing to/from work has brought my gains back to them, so was able to walk out with no wobble.

I'm so happy the last song was just a cool down stretching thing, by the end of the preceding song I was sure I was gonna throw up.

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Had my first weigh in with my PT since starting 6 weeks ago.

Lost a bit of weight (but that's not the focus) and managed to get slightly smaller around the stomach/waist and bigger in the chest, arms, legs and butt so that's some good progress. Plus I'm up to 3 sessions a week with him now and he's made some diet recommendations (less cards, more veggie protein) so hopefully the next one will be better too.

Although he did notice last week my left shoulder wasn't as responsive and yeah it turns out its quite stiff due to lack of use really (damn computers) so trying to use it more to rectify that. Had a sports massage on Sunday which I think was more painful than any gym session I've ever had! 

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First attempt at a class today of bodytone. I thought it would be a bit like the spin session where stuff would be set up, but you have to set up your bar and weights - description of the class wasn't that clear, so felt a bit awkward - then having to commit to those weight choices as a matter of pride (except on one occasion where I had to go down a weight because the larger ones couldn't be held properly) 

I enjoyed it though, now I'm more aware of what it entails I can prep a bit better before it starts and will probably book another class.

We were in one of those rooms where one wall is a mirror, and I had the amazing honour of seeing myself lift some weights and raising my elbows and seeing my Ethan Ralph style gunt protrude on display for the whole class with each rep. The moment I got home I took off the shirt and ripped like Hulk Hogan and threw it in the bin.


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Going physically back to work allowed me to start using the gym at work regularly - I bike to work (7 km) and was therefore warm so went straight for the gym to do some barbell squats, deadlifts, cleans and stuff that I can't do at home due to the lack of a proper barbell. It went really well, got used to doing some heavy lifting again and was happy. Now work has moved to home again due to a new, small, Corona-outbreak so I'll lose that good routine again, at least for 14 days. So back to training at home again.

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My exercise has had to be dialled back a bit after I pulled something on my left side, under/around my ribs, last Thursday there. I felt a crunch doing the sit ups where you only move your shoulders off of the floor and even though I manage to finish my hour circuit after, since Friday its been absolute agony. Had to actually be helped off of the floor on Saturday morning by my fiancée because I tried to sit up after doing leg lifts and got a huge pang of pain.

Icing it didn't do much and heat hadn't helped either. We're presuming its muscle related as it does seem to spread and be more painful over a larger area at times and then less so at others but being careful because I'm on long term medication for my stomach and the undiagnosed bother I get there (they've pretty much said hyperactivity, dyspepsia, heartburn, IBS but nothing I take really helps even after massively changing diet, not that my GP seems that fussed to get to an answer) as said medication can reduce calcium absorption so obviously taking supplements for that too.

Its meant that I've had to alter a lot of what I'm doing so as to let that side relax and heal up but it sucks because I feel like I'm doing less even though I managing a lot in a 40/50 minute window and more or less still managing some basic weights (being very careful with this so as not to pull, the slightest bit of pain and I stop and move on to something else). Its just trying to get my head around needing to take it easier and not feel bad for not doing as much because I'm hurt (should also say that I dedicate a portion of my circuit to body stretches before any major exertion).

Hopefully get back up to full speed soon as I'm missing not doing everything. Happy that I seem to be shifting what fat was there (which wasn't massive amounts to start with but enough to push me to get healthier) and putting on muscle as there's more definition in places which is nice. Still struggling a bit with strength in my shoulders but I think my hypermobility is at the root of thatas they've tried several times to pop out of their joints doing resistance band and weight work.

Just making sure I get enough protein and such and varying my diet to help too. Bought a steamer and have a bunch of veg and rice set for a shop delivery tomorrow so looking forward to getting use out of that.

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Felt a little unwell the week before last, so took the entire week off from any exercise. Starting up again is hard. Hit legs yesterday and they've been aching all day. My quads always take a hammering and that's the area I'm currently struggling with the most. 

Dumbbell lunges are the absolute worst. Nothing makes my quads and hamstrings feel like they're being pulled apart and stretched more than this exercise does. 

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17 hours ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

Felt a little unwell the week before last, so took the entire week off from any exercise. Starting up again is hard. Hit legs yesterday and they've been aching all day. My quads always take a hammering and that's the area I'm currently struggling with the most. 

Dumbbell lunges are the absolute worst. Nothing makes my quads and hamstrings feel like they're being pulled apart and stretched more than this exercise does. 

I will live until I'm 150 and I will NEVER like lunges. I love leg day, except those, I don't know what it is. 

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55 minutes ago, nightwolf said:

I will live until I'm 150 and I will NEVER like lunges. I love leg day, except those, I don't know what it is. 

It must be the contraction that you get on the quads and I guess the fact that you're putting so much emphasis on one leg at a time. It really ruins me in a way that many exercises don't. God-tier and underrated exercise for building muscle and strength. 

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I completed my running target last night! 1,000km for the year three months early. Quite happy with that.

Going to move on to some of my time targets. I’ve been doing some HIIT on my non-running days and I’m going to try and build that into some speed at lower distances.

First Target: 5km in 20 minutes

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I completed my running target last night! 1,000km for the year three months early. Quite happy with that.
Going to move on to some of my time targets. I’ve been doing some HIIT on my non-running days and I’m going to try and build that into some speed at lower distances.
First Target: 5km in 20 minutes
Excellent news! Now you can put your feet up for three months.

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After what feels like a lifetime with 1lb to go, I've finally lost my 4th stone since the start of lockdown.

I think it's going to get a lot harder to lose weight now that it's too dark in the evenings to cycle, so if I can maintain this weight over winter, I'll be happy.

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Whenever I go visit my family, they mention how my face looks thinner, so I thought I'd take a photo and compare as I haven't noticed a difference. I think the focal distance of the 2 photos are exaggerating things a bit, but I can definitely see a difference in my cheeks:


And then did a full photo, because I'm curious (and vain). Although I don't think focal length is effecting this comparison as much, I do think either the mirror or my phone is doing something to the current photo. It looks a bit like it's been altered to me. One bonus is that I was never able to fit into the shirt in the second photo, so I put it aside for when I'd lost weight. Fits nicely now (although it is apparently see through):



One thing is obvious though, being thinner is apparently making me a miserable fucker, at least if the photos are to be believed. 


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11 minutes ago, Goafer said:

Whenever I go visit my family, they mention how my face looks thinner, so I thought I'd take a photo and compare as I haven't noticed a difference.

Not surprised they’ve mentioned it - that’s a very noticable difference. Always hard to see it yourself as you don’t get the big jumps, just very gradual transition.

19 minutes ago, Goafer said:

One thing is obvious though, being thinner is apparently making me a miserable fucker, at least if the photos are to be believed. 

So serious! You certainly deserve at least a small smile on the progress you’ve made.

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Getting more into the classes now, trying at least once a week, got myself a compression shirt (not just a pretty name, I wasn't expecting that much compression) and some of those "MULTIPLE USE" head things that you can use as a facemask and all sorts of shit, which I use as a sweatband on my head.

Squats are still not my friend, it royally fucks my knees, which I put down to my Osgood–Schlatter disease, so I sometimes have to stop and wiggle my legs a bit.

And anything core-related, which is annoying as I want to get rid of some of this flab around my midriff, but they exercises make me feel so nauseous.

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On 11/10/2020 at 8:05 PM, EEVILMURRAY said:

got myself a compression shirt (not just a pretty name, I wasn't expecting that much compression)

Compression clothes feel amazing.


And anything core-related, which is annoying as I want to get rid of some of this flab around my midriff, but they exercises make me feel so nauseous.

Keep in mind core exercises won't necessarily get rid of fat around your stomach, you can't target specific areas as your body just takes energy from where it can get it, your diet will have more affect. I'm not saying don't do the exercises though, strengthening your core will help alot.

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21 hours ago, Ike said:

Keep in mind core exercises won't necessarily get rid of fat around your stomach, you can't target specific areas as your body just takes energy from where it can get it, your diet will have more affect. I'm not saying don't do the exercises though, strengthening your core will help alot.

Good to know that, it makes me less interested in doing them now they don't have the targeted approach. Many thanks :D

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14 hours ago, EEVILMURRAY said:

Good to know that, it makes me less interested in doing them now they don't have the targeted approach. Many thanks :D

You should keep doing core exercises. It might not reduce the fat around the belly but you may be able to wear it better as your stomach will be able to hold itself in. Like if you suck in your belly but without doing it actively. Core exercises will also help you gain a good posture which again makes you seem slimmer.

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On 10/10/2020 at 4:02 PM, Goafer said:

Whenever I go visit my family, they mention how my face looks thinner, so I thought I'd take a photo and compare as I haven't noticed a difference. I think the focal distance of the 2 photos are exaggerating things a bit, but I can definitely see a difference in my cheeks:


And then did a full photo, because I'm curious (and vain). Although I don't think focal length is effecting this comparison as much, I do think either the mirror or my phone is doing something to the current photo. It looks a bit like it's been altered to me. One bonus is that I was never able to fit into the shirt in the second photo, so I put it aside for when I'd lost weight. Fits nicely now (although it is apparently see through):



One thing is obvious though, being thinner is apparently making me a miserable fucker, at least if the photos are to be believed. 


That's great progress! There's definitely a clear difference between the photographs. Well done!

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