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Nintendo Switch Online: SNES


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1 minute ago, Ike said:

Just finished up ALttP. Been meaning to play the game again so this was a good excuse to do so.

NOOOOO! I was 3 crystals away from being first! This is @RedShell's fault, distracting me with fun times and helping me unlock Special Cup on Super Mario Kart!

You and Paul are so getting shanked!

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5 hours ago, Ike said:

Just finished up ALttP. Been meaning to play the game again so this was a good excuse to do so.

OK, so you might have been first to see the credits on Switch, but did you get every item and heart piece, huh? HUH!?


With no deaths to boot!

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7 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Ah, I see you're a proper Zelda completionist.


Might play Breath of Fire for the first time next.

Just feels wrong not too. I kind of know them off by heart (no pun intended) at this point. I got lucky with the random ones from the digging mini-game and treasure chest game and got them really quickly.

Plus I like having the full set of hearts, nice and symmetrical. I hated in BoTW where you can't get a full set of hearts and stamina

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Great job on ALttP, guys. Personally I have completed that game in each of the last three decades, so I’m gonna wait until sometime in the next decade to do so again. It’s quite possibly my second favourite Zelda after Breath of the Wild. Maybe. Probably.

I pretty much forgot that the NES games existed on the Switch. In the last twelve months, I racked up a whopping two hours of play on that service.

The SNES library is just a million times more appealing, so I’m going to attempt to play it a lot more...if I can remember it’s there!

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Super Mario Kart is as fantastic as it's ever been. Sure the rubber banding and AI are a bit dodgy but apart from that it's everything I love about Mario Kart, and unlike modern entries, it's much more skill based, and way, way less chaotic and random. I hate the modern trend of super wide tracks with almost no challenging turns, a lightning bolt going off every 30 seconds and red shells that are piss easy to use. It's why I tend to play MK8 with items off, or shells-only, as otherwise the series has just become a party game. SMK is much more challenging, and way more rewarding to play, IMO.

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5 hours ago, Ronnie said:

Super Mario Kart is as fantastic as it's ever been. Sure the rubber banding and AI are a bit dodgy but apart from that it's everything I love about Mario Kart, and unlike modern entries, it's much more skill based, and way, way less chaotic and random. I hate the modern trend of super wide tracks with almost no challenging turns, a lightning bolt going off every 30 seconds and red shells that are piss easy to use.

Nope, not letting that one slide. Wider tracks are necessary because of the 12 racer cap. And that point becomes real apparent when you play on 200cc, where braking actually becomes necessary.

The main reason SMK seems challenging is because the CPU's are cheating bastards. On the later classes, CPU's will 90% of the time just use one of their infinite feathers to dodge anything you throw at them. Naturally they have infinite of their items (Some of which you can never get) to use whenever they like. Seriously, the best strategy for bananas and green shells is to throw them somewhere they can never hit you. Because you're the only one who ever will.

Add to that the insane rubber banding and the coin management rule that only the player has to follow and you've got a whole heaping pile of fake difficulty.

And don't even get me started on how far you barrel off of the track if a second player actually performs a miracle and hits you with a Red Shell, might as well throw the race right there and then.

I can assure you, careful item management and skill will win a MK8 single player Grand Prix 100% of the time.

I like Super Mario Kart, it's fun, and it's great playing it online. But don't pretend that it's even remotely balanced.

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15 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Wider tracks are necessary because of the 12 racer cap.

Nothing is "necessary" about the width of this track, nor many others:


And even on the slightly narrower ones, the 12 racer track is no excuse. It's so dumbed down and "accessible" which Nintendo are getting more and more guilty at. Look at the recent Mario Kart Tour footage and how braindead the driving looks. Then play any of the Mario Circuits in SMK.


The main reason SMK seems challenging is because the CPU's are cheating bastards. On the later classes, CPU's will 90% of the time just use one of their infinite feathers to dodge anything you throw at them. Naturally they have infinite of their items (Some of which you can never get) to use whenever they like. Seriously, the best strategy for bananas and green shells is to throw them somewhere they can never hit you. Because you're the only one who ever will.

Add to that the insane rubber banding and the coin management rule that only the player has to follow and you've got a whole heaping pile of fake difficulty.

And don't even get me started on how far you barrel off of the track if a second player actually performs a miracle and hits you with a Red Shell, might as well throw the race right there and then.

I can assure you, careful item management and skill will win a MK8 single player Grand Prix 100% of the time.

I like Super Mario Kart, it's fun, and it's great playing it online. But don't pretend that it's even remotely balanced.

I've already said the rubber banding and AI is dodgy. You're not writing anything I haven't already said here.

I stand by my point that MK8 and other more recent Mario Karts, whilst great fun, are more like party games than hardcore racers. CONSTANTLY getting hit by items, a lightning bolt every 30 seconds, blue shells 3, 4 times a race to punish those in first place, red shells that follow the bends of any track, rubber banded item collection. Then play SMK and notice how you might get hit by item once, maybe twice a race. And clever use of the feather for shortcuts in SMK trumps any item management in MK8.

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21 hours ago, Ronnie said:


And even on the slightly narrower ones, the 12 racer track is no excuse. It's so dumbed down and "accessible" which Nintendo are getting more and more guilty at. Look at the recent Mario Kart Tour footage and how braindead the driving looks. Then play any of the Mario Circuits in SMK.

That's one small segment of the track. The rest of Toad Harbour is a lot narrower than that. In fact, that course completely contradicts your point because the quicker routes are actually narrower than the average SMK track. Which provides a nice "risk, reward" aspect.

And if you're getting hit all the time, than you're playing too aggressively with items. Using them defensively is just as important as using them to attack.

Believe me, if SMK somehow supported 8 player racing, you'd be getting attacked just as often as in other games.

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Playing Snes games in handheld mode just before going to sleep is quite addictive. I've found myself playing through a number of games already since last week; Ghouls'n Ghosts, Joe and Mac, Star Fox and now Super Mario World:


Despite owning this game since it came out back in 1992 and playing through it probably 50 times in all these years, I never get tired of it. It just holds up so well and is just as enjoyable to play as it was nearly 30 years ago. I can never make my mind up on which 2D Mario game I like the best, but playing through it this time, i think it has to be SMW for me.

One difference I noticed here is it shows a star on the file select screen when you complete every level in the game, which is different to my original copy of the game, which just changed the yellow numbers to blue once you get all 96. I thought that maybe that meant this was the newer version of SMW they released on the Mario All Stars combo cartridge that changed Luigi's design, but its not. So maybe these are the US roms on this service?




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10 hours ago, Helmsly said:

One difference I noticed here is it shows a star on the file select screen when you complete every level in the game, which is different to my original copy of the game, which just changed the yellow numbers to blue once you get all 96. I thought that maybe that meant this was the newer version of SMW they released on the Mario All Stars combo cartridge that changed Luigi's design, but its not. So maybe these are the US roms on this service?

Yeah, ever since the WiiU, Nintendo have been (mostly) using the American versions. A lot of older European games run slower because 50Hz was the standard format over here in the 90's.

50Hz is no longer a thing, so they might as well use the ones with original speed.

I'm trucking along with Breath of Fire at the moment. I've only played the GBA version of the sequel, so it's nice to go back and see where it started. I do notice the lack of a run button, so it's well sloooooow. But I'm dealing with it.

One thing I really like about it (and I assume all of the titles in the series) is that your party doesn't just consist of some human blokes and girls. Capcom really goes all in on the fantasy element and sticks you with Wolf archers, Lamia sorceresses, Fish Merchants, Giant Ox Blacksmiths and Mole people (with turbans!). Even the three humans in this game have something special about them. The main character can literally transform into a dragon and totally dominate fights. And there's this other kid who can literally fuse with other party members and become a completely new character! It's sweet, even if the concept can be horrifying if you think about it. (Wolf Fish is cool and all, but who's actually in control?) Sure, you have less party members, but when he's rocking over 500 HP, you won't care.

Yeah, I'm liking it. Box art is hilariously dumb though, looks more like some Conan the Barbarian game.

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Well, I'm gonna head online and play some more Breath of Fire, so if anyone wants to jump in and play other games/watch, go right ahead. Just let me get to a place where I won't be horribly lost if I suspend the game there. These dungeons can be quite complex!

Gonna give a shout-out to @Vileplume2000 to see if he's interested in carrying on with our post-Special Mario World run. I'm sure it'll get even harder! Definitely! Totally! If I'm not online or playing with someone else, just give me a shout.

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22 hours ago, Vileplume2000 said:

Cheers for the mention @Glen-i! Unfortunately I'm busy all day today, working now and afterwards I have my evening full as well. I may have some time Saturday and Sunday though to sneak in some Super Mario Madness.

Well, I'll be playing other games today (Probably Smash), so if you become available, give me some notice and I'll swap over to the SNES app.

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