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3 minutes ago, Sheikah said:
30 minutes ago, drahkon said:
Can't take credit for the picture. I just posted it here emoji14.png
I thought it was obvious that it's a joke, though emoji3.png But you never know with arrogant Sony.

I'm pretty sure they have actually said that before though at other events (that there'll be no new PS5 news).

Yeah they mentioned it last week as part of PSVR week, that's where it came from :laughing:


And as mentioned, this is all about the games. So to manage expectations, there’ll be no PS5-related news.

Am I the only one that finds it kind of funny they then dropped the PS5 Showcase date and time as early as they feasibly could on Saturday? Would've been been first thing at like 06:00 in LA :D think I even saw some journalists complaining about it, can't remember who though

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4 minutes ago, Goron_3 said:

Could be placeholder prices but there are images on resetera of a Spanish retailer having prices of €399/499 on their systems as of this morning for the DE and regular PS5 respectively.

Yeah, these prices have been rumoured for a long time now. I'm confident that this will be it.

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14 minutes ago, Goron_3 said:

Could be placeholder prices but there are images on resetera of a Spanish retailer having prices of €399/499 on their systems as of this morning for the DE and regular PS5 respectively.

I'm curious to see if it's a 1:1 across the board, or if it's going to end up being say £449 in the UK as opposed to £499, just considering how Xbox has priced their next gen consoles in the UK. 

Not convinced they need to do that to be honest, but just interested to see how it plays out :D 

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18 minutes ago, Julius said:

I'm curious to see if it's a 1:1 across the board, or if it's going to end up being say £449 in the UK as opposed to £499, just considering how Xbox has priced their next gen consoles in the UK. 

Not convinced they need to do that to be honest, but just interested to see how it plays out :D 

Tbh I doubt 1:1 with Brexit turmoils atm - this is a console launch and its very difficult to 'up' a launch price - but surely any shifts in potential GBP values and possible losses as a result will get factored in?

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There will be a few things that play into the pricing differences. Probably the biggest one will be Microsoft will work prices out with USD as a starting point whereas Sony will do it based on JPY. I don’t know what the various currencies are doing compared to each other at the moment but somebody could probably look into that and come out with a pretty decent guess as to what that likely ends up as.

Secondly they will have internal exchange rates set at the start of the year based on a rough idea of what they think each currency will do over the course of the FY, and all internal accounting will be done using that rate. Similarly someone could take a look at what the rates were around the start of the year to make an educated guess on what those look like and how they might impact it. They won’t actually move around cash until it’s advantageous for them to do so, so fluctuating rates day to day don’t make much of a difference.

Thirdly, they will be taking into account what the competition is doing. If you’re rates are all beautifully worked out but it means you have a massive price disadvantage in one country then it really is no good. Based on this alone I’d guess they will probably have similar pricing splits across regions to what Microsoft has done.

My personal thoughts on the pricing are still $399/$299, but I could easily see those both being $100 more. I think they will go with one of three ways of announcing it.

  1. If they have similar pricing to Xbox they will announce the pricing at the start of the event and the show will be to demonstrate that it’s the same money but you actually have some games to play on a PS5.
  2. If they have lower pricing they will show all the games, say how amazing it is as a console then mic drop the price right at the end of the show as the killer moment.
  3. If they have higher pricing they won’t announce any price, show how awesome the games are and then let people build hype for the console and drop the price as close to launch as possible.

More than likely I’ll be completely wrong on that, but gotta put down a guess at least!

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How much reeqlly IS the Xbox competing afainst PS5 these days compared to old tho? Are many people here weighing up a toss of either or or do they already know ecosystem they wanna be a part of? Sony have me just because Sony have me! Microsoft don't.

Re: price I thought I read build bill of mats was something akin to $450? presume for disc version? cant see it getting too crazier below the $350-500 region for US market tbh but I am guessing with very little data.

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3 minutes ago, Rummy said:

How much reeqlly IS the Xbox competing afainst PS5 these days compared to old tho? Are many people here weighing up a toss of either or or do they already know ecosystem they wanna be a part of? Sony have me just because Sony have me! Microsoft don't.


Brand loyalty is one of, if not THE biggest influencer in sales of any product. Some people may see the new generation as a chance to jump ship, but largely people will stick with whoever they're currently with.

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1 minute ago, Goafer said:


Brand loyalty is one of, if not THE biggest influencer in sales of any product. Some people may see the new generation as a chance to jump ship, but largely people will stick with whoever they're currently with.

Not even JUST that but anybody who has already previously made that brand shift have likely done it with a lot of emotion - the curious aspect that can come with this not only do they abandon something they might have been fiercely loyal to before they can transfer and even increase that further to justify their decision of moving over - actually making it even harder in reality to expect them to return to what they used before.

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I totally agree for the most part, but if you’ve got one console that is $600 before you’ve added anything to it and another that is $30 a month with a full on library it becomes a much more compelling switch, you can only push customer loyalty so far. There are also Christmas/Birthday presents, kids getting their first console and a whole host of other people that you can’t rely on having huge brand loyalty.

I haven’t had an Xbox since the 360, hadn’t even worked out Microsoft’s naming system until a few days ago, and have absolutely no interest in the Xbox but those offers tempted me to give is a look. I’m not price restricted like many others are and we’re heading into really unknown times - pricing will be important.

But yeah, I definitely agree with the loyalty thing. It will take some major fuck up from Sony for me not to get a PS5 on day one.

Edited by Will
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4 minutes ago, Will said:

I totally agree for the most part, but if you’ve got one console that is $600 before you’ve added anything to it and another that is $30 a month with a full on library it becomes a much more compelling switch, you can only push customer loyalty so far. There are also Christmas/Birthday presents, kids getting their first console and a whole host of other people that you can’t rely on having huge brand loyalty.

I haven’t had an Xbox since the 360, hadn’t even worked out Microsoft’s naming system until a few days ago, and have absolutely no interest in the Xbox but those offers tempted me to give is a look. I’m not price restricted like many others are and we’re heading into really unknown times - pricing will be important.

But yeah, I definitely agree with the loyalty thing. It will take some major fuck up from Sony for me not to get a PS5 on day one.

Yeah I get that too. I think the gaming market has shifted tho(look at all of us still here and gaming but older). I was Ninty fanboy thru and thru as a younger broke at 17 to get a ps2 slim but there just were none and we had a crystal xbox in stock and price seemed similar so I jumped to that. Fable was enough of a game along I got a 360 eventually(not on launch and not til a price cut but mine came from somewhere else). Then a few years ago I was in the pub talking about industry talking about Nintendo talking about how despite how much I disliked somy they were turning themselves around and accidentally sold myself out of nowhere into buying a ps4. Since then I've probs helped at least 3 more PS4s into new hands(tho some were facilitating 2nd hand trades) - but come back into the idea of what they can take on digital fronts this will have meant profit for Sony.


And also with that sure you mention the online stuff - but I have ps4 and the ps5 is backwards compatible(and im pretty much converting a person's intention to buy a ps4 now to buying a ps5 in a few months instead) so for me...£100 or so difference for a place I have no presence in the ecosystem and far less friends who play compared to Sony connections? Given I'm mostly a social gamer and my heavy want atm is Overwatch 2 - honestly all of that alone makes me want a ps5 NOT a ps5 OR xbox the xbox just isnt even in it for me. And I think at the moment is that no really the state of the market between the two? Sony are holding the bigger market share?

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Great post @Will, also completely agree @Rummy and @Goafer.

I haven't always been a big gamer, but I still ended up growing up in a household with a PS1 and PS2! Meanwhile my friend who loved the PS2 ended up with a 360 and has practically written off PlayStation since, and brings it up whenever I see him...no idea why (guess we were just that prime generation for Xbox vs PlayStation console war discussions), and think it's a shame if anything, because I think he'd love a lot of the stuff on the PS4. Same goes for my friends who play exclusively on PC and question why I play games on PlayStation. 

I can't empathise with that mindset, because games come first for me. I think it's the same for most of us here, though of course being a Nintendo-oriented forum most here have a Nintendo console, but still then I don't think it's this blind loyalty, even during the Wii U. I'm loyal to the games and IP's I want to play above all else, brand loyalty - and the console it ends up on - be damned. If a bunch of the games I love playing ended up on Xbox in some exclusive capacity, then I'd be there. 

My prediction on price is going to be $499/€499/£449, to match the Series X on all fronts (had said £499 before but that's because I was expecting them to have the same figure across the board, which I don't think will happen now Xbox are coming in at £449). Still wouldn't surprise me if it ended up at £499 with the same prices in the US and Europe, and that's what I'm preparing myself for the most, but honestly, I think it would still be a justified price tag.

EDIT: I forgot the Digital Edition. My bad. $399/€399/£399. 

To Will's point though, it is important to have competitive prices, but there are so many new factors this time around too with a mid-gen upgrade being available for the first time. I feel like the overwhelming majority of the install base on the PS4 doesn't have a Pro, and still require that upgrade - for me, hearing my console wanting to take off during FFVIIR, TLOU2, and Ghost of Tsushima, means I'm going to be there Day 1, even if there are only a couple of titles at launch. This is the reason I've been holding out on a Pro, and I imagine it's a similar situation for many around the world who didn't pick a mid-gen upgrade. 

What Xbox is offering is definitely enticing though, and those console and Game Pass prices have me ready to pick one up as and when that killer app arrives, and once Xbox Game Studios has kicked production into high gear. 

I don't think it will be a very competitive generation if you're looking purely at the number of units sold, because I'm expecting PlayStation to run away with it, unless they shoot themselves in the face instead of the foot and do something beyond stupid: £600 launch price (I'd still get one but it wouldn't be a smart move right now), completely nuking their first party offerings (I don't even know how this would happen - pulling funding?) or conceding their relationships in Japan with companies like Square Enix, and allowing Xbox to step in. To put it blunt: anything that would get Jim Ryan sacked. 

But still, I think by other metrics - hours played is something I wish we could get accurate figures for - Xbox is going to be really competitive this gen, and I think they'll get some mindshare back, even if it doesn't mean hardware sales, thanks to Game Pass. It's clear that that's their main objective this generation, so as long as they deliver on that front, I think we can safely say it's going to be a great generation for both manufacturers. 

Can't wait until Wednesday :peace:

Edited by Julius
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One other point - what happens to old systems? Like I just thought...if my ps5 is backwards compatible with all ps4 content and hardware I own....what do do with my ps4 next?

Ofc the answer to that is I don't 'get rid' of old consoles I've owned personally - but if I don't need the ps4 maybe I'll up long term loaning/'gifting' it to someone I know? BAM. Another one joins the Sony tribe.

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We've said it before but this generation more than any other, previous digital purchases are going to be a massive factor. I've got some games on my PS4 that I'm leaving now until the PS5 comes out and I think it's great that they'll just transfer over. I don't want an Xbox for a few reasons but that is a big one.

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20 minutes ago, drahkon said:

During the last showcase it was only me and good ol' @S.C.G in the N-E Chat.

I'll be there again on Wednesday and hope to see some more :p

I tried to join last time but the site didn’t seem to play nicely with my iPad and I gave up. I think this time round the show is something like 4am here so I’m just going to watch it when I wake up in the morning.

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Just now, Rummy said:

One other point - what happens to old systems? Like I just thought...if my ps5 is backwards compatible with all ps4 content and hardware I own....what do do with my ps4 next?

Ofc the answer to that is I don't 'get rid' of old consoles I've owned personally - but if I don't need the ps4 maybe I'll up long term loaning/'gifting' it to someone I know? BAM. Another one joins the Sony tribe.

Yeah, I'm going to be passing mine on. My younger brother is going to be getting mine the weekend after the PS5 launches. 

He loves his Switch (to my annoyance it's become a Fortnite machine, but hey, it's his time :laughing:) but he barely has any friends who own one. Social gaming is much more of a thing for him growing up than it was for me (I'm introverted so I guess that would have happened either way) so if it means he doesn't feel left out, I think it's the best thing to do. Plus, assuming there are some titles that are cross-gen online NOT TITLED FORTNITE, it'd be nice to game with him now I've moved out. 

He had been thinking about getting a next-gen Xbox a few months back, so I toyed with the idea of picking him up a Series S for Christmas, as and when that got announced, but checked in with him the other day and he's fine waiting, because he's interested in playing games I already own like VII Remake and Spider-Man. 

Which gives me an excuse to post this...

...always gives me a good laugh :D the biggest downside to both sides doing well is that I think it's going to be a while before we see something like this again! 

23 minutes ago, drahkon said:

During the last showcase it was only me and good ol' @S.C.G in the N-E Chat.

I'll be there again on Wednesday and hope to see some more :p

I'll see! I'm out until 20:00/20:30, so going to be cutting it close if there's any traffic around.

I'd love to, but I also treat these live events like football matches (if it's something I have interest in, anyways), and barely look at my phone, so you'd probably get a couple of responses out of me early on - "Well that looks great", "THE UI LOOKS SO CLEAN", "AND SO IT BEGINS", "Shu has a quarantine beard?!" - before I got a bit quieter as the show went on.

Also like taking some time to digest things where I can, though if FF turns up I guarantee you'll see a "YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS" equivalent in here at least :p

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2 hours ago, Map said:

New PlayStation ad.


Using Baba O'Riley but not hearing the lyrics is such a waste. Such a strange but exciting ad. 

Eric Lempel's interview with Variety


The purpose, he says, is to “evoke some of the feelings you would get from PlayStation 5.”

For me it just evokes memories of CSI: Miami, but okay :p

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47 minutes ago, drahkon said:

During the last showcase it was only me and good ol' @S.C.G in the N-E Chat.

I'll be there again on Wednesday and hope to see some more :p

Sony have chosen 9pm on a Wednesday for this "showcase" though...

I'll likely be playing games at that time, otherwise, I'd have joined you in the chat again.

Enjoy the show though, and for anyone who does want to join the N-E chat... https://www.n-europe.com/chat

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