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Playstation 5 Console Discussion


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In my opinion, it's only backwards compatibility if you can put your old disks/cartridges in, or transfer your old digital purchases over and play that way. If you have to buy it again, it's not backwards compatible, they've just re-released an old game. Switch isn't backwards compatible therefore, and neither is PS4 (unless you can play PS3 digital purchases? I don't know).

Personally, i don't require it, as i rarely re-play older generation's games, so it wouldn't bother me if PS5 didn't have it.

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54 minutes ago, bob said:

In my opinion, it's only backwards compatibility if you can put your old disks/cartridges in, or transfer your old digital purchases over and play that way. If you have to buy it again, it's not backwards compatible, they've just re-released an old game. Switch isn't backwards compatible therefore, and neither is PS4 (unless you can play PS3 digital purchases? I don't know).

Personally, i don't require it, as i rarely re-play older generation's games, so it wouldn't bother me if PS5 didn't have it.

Yeah, that's how I'd define it too. Otherwise the games are just ports and you're buying them again. 

One thing I always thought was that Switch surely could have had backwards compatibility with SNES/NES/gameboy/GBA digital games. We bought them on Wii/Wii U and now you can't access them at all. These are the sorts of low fidelity games that are really easy to emulate, so it's a bit of a shame to see them as part of an incentive to subscribe to access now on Switch.

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Going forward, I think it's wise for the PS4 games to be playable on a PS5 or at least for the digital games to carry forward, likewise for PS5 into PS6. Do I expect PS5 to play PSOne or PS2 discs? No, not really. It's not designed for that in mind and I'm pretty sure it's not as simple as that. You can't just put the disc in and expect it to work like magic. If it was that easy, it would already be possible. It isn't, so it doesn't work that way. 

Am I bothered? No, nope really. I think the future of gaming is for games to go digital and for this to be less of a problem. If the games are tied to an account and that can be transferred between consoles, or maybe even games streamed, then that may be an idea. We're not quite there yet, but it's going towards that way of content carrying forward.

Let's not kid ourselves and forget that the reason we're buying new consoles is to play new games, new content. Having a new machine, imo, is there for newer experiences and to push things forward. Sometimes I feel that BC is like an anchor that is preventing things from going forward. We seem to be obsessing over this, yet forgetting that the whole idea is to keep pushing things forward. Newer games, newer experiences, newer ideas. I am buying a PS5 to play the next generation of games, not to relive the past. 

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10 hours ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

Let's not kid ourselves and forget that the reason we're buying new consoles is to play new games, new content.

Indeed. And that's why I'll go with the PS5 since Microsoft doesn't seem to be set on actually making their next-gen worthwhile.

10 hours ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

not to relive the past. 

Not to mention, there's a lot of options to relive video game history. May they be legal or not (depending on whether you own the original)...but for the majority of systems/games there are easy ways to play them.

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20 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Ok, Sony. Microsoft did it.

Your move :D







The true next gen experience! :p

I don't think we'll be waiting too long, I'd have to imagine we know the price and release date by TGS with so much on show there, so maybe by the end of next week? 

I would expect PlayStation to just match the Series X with the PS5 at £499/€499/$499, and throw the Digital Edition out at £399/€399/$399. 

Their console margins might be slim, but having a lower priced Digital Edition I'm sure will offset that in the long run. I don't expect them to mess around by pricing the PS5 higher than the Series X, because while I'm sure it will sell, why play to that crowd who are going to be screaming "more expensive for weaker hardware?!"

Wouldn't even be that surprised, based on their history, if they positioned PS5 at £449/€449/$449 just to undercut the Series X, but I'm not expecting it ::shrug:

Can't be long now...right? 

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1 minute ago, Julius said:

I would expect PlayStation to just match the Series X with the PS5 at £499/€499/$499, and throw the Digital Edition out at £399/€399/$399. 

While I agree with these price POINTS, has the Series X's price been confirmed? I thought it was just the Series S that got revealed.

2 minutes ago, Julius said:

Can't be long now...right? 

Next week...surely...right? RIGHT?

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15 minutes ago, drahkon said:

While I agree with these price POINTS, has the Series X's price been confirmed? I thought it was just the Series S that got revealed.

Yeah, I think you're right. And seeing as I'm leaning towards this being a controlled leak by Xbox, can't help but wonder if that Series X price is bait just to get PlayStation to come out of the coffers? 

Because Xbox I'm sure are being allowed to be as competitive as they need to be going into this gen (they have no other choice), and as I've mentioned elsewhere before, they have a really bad habit of going first: at E3, the next gen reveal waaaaaaay too early, the console reveal waaaaaaay too early. 

Maybe PlayStation should wait a little bit longer. I wouldn't put something like this out of the realm of possibility for PlayStation to do (leak a price, get their competitor to match it, then undercut it), and that's the sort of edge and wit Xbox needs to start using to be competitive. 


Next week...surely...right? RIGHT?

Feel like we've been saying that since the event in June :laughing: leaving it this late is fine (though we're quickly coming up to Switch presentation-to-reveal time), so I don't think it's necessarily just price they're holding out for.

I think it might be for the games. I think they want solid release dates for at least the first three months, and want to squeeze in what they can, and have a rough schedule of what we're in for the next six months to a year (from what was already revealed). Like an MCU Phase plan:


I mean the PlayStation Studios opening animation is clearly based on something, so might as well go so the way! :p

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9 minutes ago, Julius said:

Maybe PlayStation should wait a little bit longer.

I think this week with no PS5 news will be enough. They can gauge the gaming community's reaction the the Series S price, if they really waited for Microsoft to reveal a price first, and then go from there.

9 minutes ago, Julius said:

I think it might be for the games. I think they want solid release dates for at least the first three months, and want to squeeze in what they can, and have a rough schedule of what we're in for the next six months to a year (from what was already revealed).

Agree. Sony never had great launch line-ups, but if they have some big hitters set for the first few months after release it'll be a huge plus. I mean, they're going for software before hardware and it resonates with a lot of gamers (especially those who've experienced the greatness that was PS4 exclusives).

Interesting times. Now that Microsoft showed one card of their hand this game of chicken got a lot more interesting :D

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Have GAME just resurrected themselves to be relevant again? :p

(Potential) Scoops! 

I know not to expect anything as PlayStation said no PS5 news this week, but, if the plan was to quickly go second after Xbox, I'm sure they have a strategy to get that ball rolling quickly. 

Simply Games sent this out the other day too (I remember receiving it)...

Hmm. One retailer is one thing, but two? Curious. 

If not tomorrow, or this week, then yeah, it's got to be reeeeeally soon. Entering 3D Chess territory where I'm questioning if Sony said "no PS5 news this week" as bait for Xbox and had something ready to quickly follow them up...

I need to lie down! 

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People already thinking PS5 (Digital Edition) should match the price of the Series S.

People should really lower their expectations. PS5 DE is not a lower-spec-console. It's not competing with the Series S. It's just an alternative to offer a digital only console.

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Yeah people are bonkers if they think it’s going to compete. Sony are targeting something completely different to Microsoft and a console like the Series S is not part of their plan.

Microsoft may have really played a blinder with their $250 pricing. I don’t know exact numbers but I bet the majority of people do not have a 4K TV yet. That little console could do really well over the next few years.

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58 minutes ago, will' said:

Microsoft may have really played a blinder with their $250 pricing. I don’t know exact numbers but I bet the majority of people do not have a 4K TV yet. That little console could do really well over the next few years.

Indeed it could. My only thought though is who is it targeting. It would seem to be people who like graphics, but not so much that they would want a console that would display nicely on a 4K TV (because either they don't have one, or aren't planning to get one in the next 7 years). Microsoft have also said that their titles will be compatible with the Xbox One for the next few years, so it may be less of a reason to upgrade for casual gamers.

We will see - I expect this to sell very well regardless at that price.

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Microsoft will wish their price for the S hadn't leaked, revealing a £250 next gen box after Sony announces their two prices would have been amazing for them. Very smart move to make a slightly lower spec next-gen console.

Let's se how close the disk-less PS5 can get, if they can do £275 or £300 for it that would be acceptable.

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The people around the net expecting a $100 difference in price between the standard and digital PS5 consoles is ridiculous. I get its probably wishful thinking and the digital console is definitely the one for Sony to push akin to how Microsoft will push the Series S, as a service console, but I just don't see the difference being that big. I'd be very surprised if it was anyway.

Its a difficult one to parse for how they'll price the different SKUs because the blu-ray drive isn't the main expense in the production cost, its like the proprietary SSD is. Perhaps they will take a loss on that piece of hardware to drive sales that will lock people into the digital infrastructure where Sony will make a larger portion of month from PSPlus and PSNow subs alongside digital sales of games (though with the latter, it'll be interesting to see if the cut for the digital store holder will be reduced from the standard 30% much like with the Epic Games Store and whether that will be something Sony looks to do to win back some favour with indie devs or if it'll be across both console manufacturers).

I don't know. I'd have said at the start of the week we'll get some form of announcement of what Sony has in store next but with them focusing on PSVR this week, I'm not so sure. If there's to be any movement, not necessarily on price but in terms of Sony's next showing, I could see an announcement late Friday for next week but again, they don't seem to be in a hurry to move on it, and rightly so as they know that they'll sell through their console allocation on launch (I know many of us here will be amongst that, myself included hopefully).

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5 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Let's se how close the disk-less PS5 can get, if they can do £275 or £300 for it that would be acceptable.

They definitely don't need to go as low as that - the discless PS5 is still a full-fat PS5, whereas the Series S is clearly a lower spec model. I don't imagine the PS5 discless model will be sold for less than 350. Maybe 330 at an absolute push. Not unless Sony are wishing to suffer a big loss, anyhow.

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14 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

They definitely don't need to go as low as that - the discless PS5 is still a full-fat PS5, whereas the Series S is clearly a lower spec model. I don't imagine the PS5 discless model will be sold for less than 350. Maybe 330 at an absolute push. Not unless Sony are wishing to suffer a big loss, anyhow.

I wasn't really sure if the disc-less PS5 was lower spec or not, people who aren't clued up on the differences will definitely compare the two.

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21 minutes ago, Ganepark32 said:

The people around the net expecting a $100 difference in price between the standard and digital PS5 consoles is ridiculous. I get its probably wishful thinking and the digital console is definitely the one for Sony to push akin to how Microsoft will push the Series S, as a service console, but I just don't see the difference being that big. I'd be very surprised if it was anyway.

Its a difficult one to parse for how they'll price the different SKUs because the blu-ray drive isn't the main expense in the production cost, its like the proprietary SSD is. Perhaps they will take a loss on that piece of hardware to drive sales that will lock people into the digital infrastructure where Sony will make a larger portion of month from PSPlus and PSNow subs alongside digital sales of games (though with the latter, it'll be interesting to see if the cut for the digital store holder will be reduced from the standard 30% much like with the Epic Games Store and whether that will be something Sony looks to do to win back some favour with indie devs or if it'll be across both console manufacturers).

It’s definitely not much of a cost difference in terms of production, I think I saw people saying around $10 to $15 when you’re buying in that sort of bulk.

But I think it totally misses the point of having a discless system, anybody that buys this version is completely locked into the PSN ecosystem. Forever. On every piece of content you buy Sony is taking 30%, for first party games it’s 100%, it very quickly adds up to gaining back the loss on console sales.

I was thinking it would be around $100 difference between the two, but Sony can afford to go for much more of a loss. Imagine if the disc-based system is $500 and they put the digital version out at $250 - all of a sudden it’s advantage Sony and a lot of people are going to go fo that digital version.

Going to be a very interesting couple of weeks as we find out more.

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