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Post your desktop (56k time to Panic!)


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The latter. DEFINATELY.


I agree.


I've used up the 'free' stuff, now i have to either pay, or 'contribute'.


fucking annoying!


There is a limit? Thats a bit lame...I suppose you could always register with a diferent e-mail. You probably only have to contribute one thing so it might be worth giving it a go...

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There is a limit? Thats a bit lame...I suppose you could always register with a diferent e-mail. You probably only have to contribute one thing so it might be worth giving it a go...


It logs your ip addy. *sigh*


quoted for truth.

and to stop takeo: i have a mac. and it serves as a media station. because that's all it's good for :P


on to my picture: me no like messy desktops too :)




henceforth, sonice238 shall be know, and called, shitstirer no. 2 by me.

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Guest Stefkov
There is a limit? Thats a bit lame...I suppose you could always register with a diferent e-mail. You probably only have to contribute one thing so it might be worth giving it a go...

There's a limit?!?!

I've opened up quite a few of them and not got a message saying I've gone over any limit.

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It logs your ip addy. *sigh*


Lucky I've got a desktop aswell! :heh:


There's a limit?!?!

I've opened up quite a few of them and not got a message saying I've gone over any limit.


I haven't have a problem yet...I did't think there would be a limit...:confused:

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By use the sidebar Fresh showed us, and a background Takeo posted in the Wallpaper thread, I have created this awesome desktop:




This is proof of what amazing things can happen when the GLA work together!


More people need to post in the Wallpaper thread-me and daft can't be the only wallpaper whores on here. . . .

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This is proof of what amazing things can happen when the GLA work together!


My thoughts exactly!


Here's one: I made a new icon for the dock, put how do I get the white background to be colourless/see-through.


I'm using paint, by the way, as I'm far, far too much of a Photoshop noob.

Actually, would anyone be willing to do it for me in Photoshop? Thanks in advance!

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Guest Stefkov
How the hell do I get rid of the Recycle Bin shortcut off my desktop? :confused::wtf:

I've just figured out how to do it in Vista. I can't remember how to do it on XP though.

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