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Luigi's Mansion 3 (2019)


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59 minutes ago, Helmsly said:

The thing that makes me not want to go for it are the online mode ones. Mainly trying to capture 40 rare ghosts. From what I understand, Rare Ghosts only show up on Floor 5 of Scarescraper mode when you attempt the 10 floor challenge. Have you had any luck with that one?

I think I'm on 17 or so rare ghosts. It is a bit of a frustrating one. You need a good team to make it far into the game and the coin challenge has screwed up many a runs I've been on. There are a fair few complaints on various forums about how tight the time limit is on that challenge.

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Played up to floor 8. Loved that floor. 


It took me a while to figure it out as I had gone into door 4 first and was trying everything to open the box. Then found out about looking through the camera and started to get somewhere. But then went back through the rooms, so 3, 2, then 1 instead of going to 1 first. Loved the way it all came together though after I figured it out. And then the boss fight, if you call it that. Luigi finally got his staring film role. Loved that helping the director ghost didn’t result in having to beat him too. Hope I get to see the final cut of the film too.

then that cat stole the button, and now I’m chasing him down one floor. 

I’m really loving the game. 

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Absolutely LOVING this game. The other half usually gets bored of games fairly quickly but she's loving it so far. Just rescued the first Toad.

Oh. And I realised that the game was too bright because I had to go into the settings and change the brightness level (I ended up changing it A LOT). It's a shame the game didn't ask me to do this when I booted the game up.

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On 6.11.2019 at 8:42 PM, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

About 5 hours into this now and... I wish I was playing the original again! 

It's enjoyable, sometimes creative and the cutscenes and animations have raised a laugh, but it's definitely missing something...charm, perhaps? I'm finding in just going into rooms, hoovering, blowing, using torch etc, rinse and repeat.

It's good fun, but not at the same level as the first one or even the second on 3DS as it stands, in fact it just feels like more of the same of the second one rather than something new!

Yeah, the coin collection gets tedious rather quick, unfortunately, and I find myself also just checking rooms and sucking everything up just for the sake of it and not because I enjoy it much. Still, I do enjoy the puzzles the game offers, and I find the game really charming.

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1 hour ago, Goron_3 said:

Absolutely LOVING this game. The other half usually gets bored of games fairly quickly but she's loving it so far. Just rescued the first Toad.

Oh. And I realised that the game was too bright because I had to go into the settings and change the brightness level (I ended up changing it A LOT). It's a shame the game didn't ask me to do this when I booted the game up.

You'll enjoy the next floor I think, that was a standout to me so far, even though I've enjoyed most of them so far.

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Just got the button for Floor 8 yesterday and looking forward to exploring it - many regard this as one of the best floors.

Lately, I've been spending half an hour on the game, clearing a floor in that time. But I'm not inclined to explore another floor right away, I feel that this game is best when I don't play it too much. It IS a bit rinse and repeat on each floor in some way and it gets a bit boring in the long run. I have stumbled upon some gems that I cannot get (one in in a cage hanging in mid-air has frustrated me a lot) and I do enjoy the puzzles when they are there. 

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On 10/11/2019 at 10:17 AM, Ike said:

Cleared floor 8 last night, great level. Took me a little while to figure out what to do.

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Feel bad for capturing the Director though, I wonder if he finishes the film if you leave him long enough?



Either I didn’t finish it all then or I missed something but I didn’t capture the director. I left him in his room editing the film as the cat takes the button, I think it was that floor anyway. Either way I haven’t missed a floor. Maybe you can just capture him whilst he’s in his editing room then. But now I don’t want to do that. 


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Well, it turned out to be an absolute drag but I finally got all of the achievements. 





The whole thing was very annoying, mainly due to the fact you can't select a specific lobby. You just have to get given what the game gives you. It would have been far better to have been able to select yourself what game you would like to join. Still, it's done now and I got a good 35+ hours out of the game, with only the last few of them dragging on due to grindy achievements.

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To take a break from The Witcher 3, I picked this up this morning and have played 2 hours so far and it's fine. It looks great and has a great sense of humour. It's just oozing charm in all the cutscenes that I've gone through so far (the security guard ghost bit was fantastic) but the controls are really dragging it down for me.

I haven't played Luigi's Mansion since the original on the GameCube. Didn't play the sequel so there's obviously a lot of disconnect, especially coming off of the back of things like The Outer Worlds, Witcher 3 on Switch and Concrete Genie, but I just feel that the control setup doesn't feel great. Turning with the right stick feels so clunky, especially when trying to track ghosts for using the flashlight and then the poltergust. It almost feels like it needs to be inverted to feel right and that's not something I ever do with controls in games (even flying mechanics) but there's virtually no options beyond the default and one other setup. I'm just hoping that it'll all start to click with more play but it's definitely not feeling as smooth going as I'd like.

I am optimistic it'll gel on that front because everything else is pretty much there so fingers crossed. Aiming to get through it before Friday before Pokemon and perhaps Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (will depend on reviews when the embargo lifts on Friday morning, though I have faith in Respawn after Apex Legends and Titanfall 2) which seems doable without obsessively playing it.

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13 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Well, it turned out to be an absolute drag but I finally got all of the achievements. 

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The whole thing was very annoying, mainly due to the fact you can't select a specific lobby. You just have to get given what the game gives you. It would have been far better to have been able to select yourself what game you would like to join. Still, it's done now and I got a good 35+ hours out of the game, with only the last few of them dragging on due to grindy achievements.

Congrats. I am pretty close to getting all achievements as well. I'm down to the online specific ones of getting 40 rare ghosts, defeating the end boss 20 times and reviving other players 20 times. It is a grind, but on the plus side the average team is now more then capable to make to the end boss then the average team was before.

One annoying thing that seems to happen a lot now though, is that players will quit after completing floor 5, because they are only going for the 'Capture a total of 40 rare ghosts' achievement and don't want to play through to the end. I can't blame them I guess but is annoying. I really wish there was an alternative way of getting rare ghosts. Like a separate special mode or have them show up in single player.


How easy was it for you to get the 'Revive teammates a total of 20 times' achievement? I've played through 100 floors and the last time anyone fainted and needed a revive while I was playing was over a week ago lol

On a side note, supposedly this game will have paid DLC for Scarecraper and Scraeampark mode in the future, according to the official site for this game:



Edited by Helmsly
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9 hours ago, Helmsly said:

One annoying thing that seems to happen a lot now though, is that players will quit after completing floor 5, because they are only going for the 'Capture a total of 40 rare ghosts' achievement and don't want to play through to the end. I can't blame them I guess but is annoying. I really wish there was an alternative way of getting rare ghosts. Like a separate special mode or have them show up in single player.

How easy was it for you to get the 'Revive teammates a total of 20 times' achievement? I've played through 100 floors and the last time anyone fainted and needed a revive while I was playing was over a week ago lol

Yeah, that was happening a lot to me as well. As you said, I can see why they are doing it, especially if it's the last achievement that they need. What I was doing was rather than starting a fresh game I would just look for games already going on. If it was waves 1-2 or 6-7 I would just search again but a few times I manged to start at waves 4 and 9 which meant I was getting the rare ghosts and boss battles done very quickly. 

The revive teammates one was surprisingly tough due to people becoming better at the game. I eventually got it but it did take a while. A scummy tactic I seen people doing was during the boss fight they would instantly run to all 4 corners of the arena and use/steal all of the hearts. This meant that it was more likely that people would need reviving. A valid tactic but a very nasty one. :nono:

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9 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

 A scummy tactic I seen people doing was during the boss fight they would instantly run to all 4 corners of the arena and use/steal all of the hearts. This meant that it was more likely that people would need reviving. A valid tactic but a very nasty one. :nono:

I've seen people doing this but I just assumed they were being greedy. It didn't dawn on me that was their motive lol

It's like you said though, it's tough to get because the average player is good now. plus the mode isn't that hard to begin with and gives the player hearts all the time anyway.

One annoying thing happened while playing last night:


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13 hours ago, Ganepark32 said:

I haven't played Luigi's Mansion since the original on the GameCube. Didn't play the sequel so there's obviously a lot of disconnect, especially coming off of the back of things like The Outer Worlds, Witcher 3 on Switch and Concrete Genie, but I just feel that the control setup doesn't feel great. Turning with the right stick feels so clunky, especially when trying to track ghosts for using the flashlight and then the poltergust. It almost feels like it needs to be inverted to feel right and that's not something I ever do with controls in games (even flying mechanics) but there's virtually no options beyond the default and one other setup. I'm just hoping that it'll all start to click with more play but it's definitely not feeling as smooth going as I'd like.

Are you using the face buttons for the Poltergust features? Because if you are, stop doing that and use the L and R buttons instead. Should make it easier to multitask. Why the game doesn't point this out is beyond me.

L is the plunger, R is the torch and both of them get you the dark light.

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23 minutes ago, Helmsly said:

I've seen people doing this but I just assumed they were being greedy. It didn't dawn on me that was their motive lol

It's like you said though, it's tough to get because the average player is good now. plus the mode isn't that hard to begin with and gives the player hearts all the time anyway.


If you are struggling to get the revives we can set up a game where I will just die over and over and you can keep reviving me. It will be a quick and easy boost. :D 

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1 hour ago, Glen-i said:

Are you using the face buttons for the Poltergust features? Because if you are, stop doing that and use the L and R buttons instead. Should make it easier to multitask. Why the game doesn't point this out is beyond me.

L is the plunger, R is the torch and both of them get you the dark light.

I didn't know that. Thanks for the tip! 

I am just on B2 boss and to be honest, I like the game but I am very up and down with how i feel about it. 

There are moments of brilliance, but then there's other times when I'm either pacing round trying to work out what to do, or it just becomes tedious. 

Every time I collect an elevator button, I'm expecting something to take it away and have to go on a chase for it, and that becomes a bit boring. 

I also think the variety of ghosts (up to now) have been a bit samey, outside of the bosses. 

I intend to get through it before pokemon, but maybe I'm just a little underwhelmed after coming straight from Yooka Laylee, which was just god tier.  

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Just now, Ronnie said:

Is there a different ending if you go through the game without dying? I've only died once so far and even then I had a golden bone, so I'm not sure if that counts.

Finished level 7 last night, great fun

Not that I know of. The only change to the ending depends on your rank/amount of coins and even then it's minimal.

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9 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Are you using the face buttons for the Poltergust features? Because if you are, stop doing that and use the L and R buttons instead. Should make it easier to multitask. Why the game doesn't point this out is beyond me.

L is the plunger, R is the torch and both of them get you the dark light.

Thanks for this. I'd figured out the flashlight but didn't realise that the plunger and the darklight could be used with the shoulder buttons. That's helped alleviate some of the issues I was having with the controls and made things smoother. Baffled that they didn't bother to make that the default and explain it as such but never mind eh.

I've just got to floor 8 in just under 5 hours. I seem to be flying through it without much bother, aside from the control niggles, but getting those down a bit more has meant it's gone from being fine to ok. It's still not leaping out and grabbing me as an amazing game but it's a solid effort. Just coming off of some of the games I have been played prior to this and even things like Return of the Obra Dinn (which is absolutely fantastic, if you love investigative games then seriously, play it!!!), this seems to be a bit lacking but I'm going to keep going and hope that that'll all change and it'll end up being the amazing game most seem to be saying it is.

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Wow floor 8 had me scratching my head for a while, when you finally figure it out, great feeling. Probably one of the best levels yet.

I will say though, I think money is a bit OTT in this game. They shower you with it so easily it becomes a bit mindless

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40 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

I will say though, I think money is a bit OTT in this game. They shower you with it so easily it becomes a bit mindless

It’s totally mindless in single player mode. I think its purpose is to give Gooigi/the second player something to do in co-op. Gooigi actually isn’t required for plenty of the rooms in the game, so would feel pretty redundant without money to collect.

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2 hours ago, Ronnie said:

Wow floor 8 had me scratching my head for a while, when you finally figure it out, great feeling. Probably one of the best levels yet.

I had to look it up in the end. And I don't think I would have come up with the solution on my own, mainly because I simply missed the first thing you had to do.

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