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Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu!


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3 hours ago, Falcon_Black said:

No. The main, new generation titles to have all the "bells and whistles" (just like X and Y)

The remakes of former generations to be of the style of Lets Go. Im down with that formula.

Aaaah, I'd rather they tone down on some of the "extras" they've started putting in, Battle Chateau, fashion competitions and the other random stuff.

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13 minutes ago, EEVILMURRAY said:

Aaaah, I'd rather they tone down on some of the "extras" they've started putting in, Battle Chateau, fashion competitions and the other random stuff.

Ah, so it's you who convinced Game Freak to ditch the Battle Frontier. Expect a strongly worded letter.

Also, Pokestar studio is god-tier when it comes to side modes in Pokémon games.

I mean, you don't even need to do these side modes, so why get rid of them? Options are nice.

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1 hour ago, Sméagol said:

Don't give @S.C.G any reason to start posting Fresh Prince gifs in this thread.

Ahh... and on a fresh page as well! ;)




So this is a story, all about how, my life got flipped...


...turned upside down, and I'd like to take a minute,

just sit right there, I'll tell you how I bought Pokemon Let's Go! (I don't care)

In (South) West Philadelphia (Cornwall) born and raised

On the playground was where I spent most of my days


(Soon, I'll be) chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool playing some Pokemon...


...while looking like a fool. :p


Fighting against a couple of guys...

(or a guy, girl and an anthropomorphic cat


...who are up to no good, and have started making trouble in my neighbourhood.


I got in one small fight and my my mum got scared...



She said "you're movin' with your Auntie and Uncle in Bel Air"

I whistled for a cab and when it came near,

the license plate said Fresh and it had dice in the mirror

If anything I can say that this cab was rare

but I thought nah, forget it...


yo homes, to Bel Air!

I pulled, up to the house about seven or eight...


Looked at my Kingdom and I was finally there,

to sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air.


(and one for @martinist)



(sorry/notsorry at least it's in a spoiler tag)




Edited by S.C.G
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Enjoying playing this much more than I expected to.  When it was announced alongside a 'main' Pokemon game I thought we'd be getting a really watered down version.  I think the 'main' game will be the same as Let's Go but with the catching changed to include fights again (and retaining the throw your own Pokeball mechanic).  Then the Candys will be replaced with EVs again.

I do have one nitpicky Issue with the game.  The button prompts don't follow the Nintendo-standard way of showing them.  So A is named rather than it being the "right on the diamond" icon.  In a similar vein, the button prompts remain the same even when you're playing with the Pokeball (or two player).  Would it be so difficult to replace Y prompts with the Pokeball icon with wavy lines either side to show shake?  Also shake doesn't always equal Y.  For example, in battle you can't check move info.

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Man, I hate the Silph Co building. Always have and always will. Too many Team Rocket members kicking about, constant threat of being poisoned and a confusing layout makes for drawn out experience. Still, my Pikachu is around 10 levels higher than the enemy so at least I'm making short work of the battles. 

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Oh right, I've not mentioned this, but how dreadful is the Pokémon Box? It's awful to navigate and find Pokémon in. Very little customisation in it.

And I'm not sure, but couldn't you just use the Box to heal your Pokémon for free whenever you like? That might kinda remove any of semblance of challenge in any place where healing isn't readily available. (Silph Co. and the Elite 4)

I'm not keen on it. Sun and Moon did the whole convenience thing better.

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I've had no issue with it. ::shrug: Then again, I hardly use it. I generally don't faff about with such things once I have my team of six and I've only really gone into it to turn my Pokemon into candy. For that purpose it's very fast and straight forward.

I've had Friends/Comedy Central on most of the afternoon while playing this and the advert for the game has been shown a crazy amount of times.

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19 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I've had no issue with it. ::shrug: Then again, I hardly use it. I generally don't faff about with such things once I have my team of six and I've only really gone into it to turn my Pokemon into candy. For that purpose it's very fast and straight forward.

Well, say you're the kind of player who'd want to keep at least one kind of each Pokémon?

It's not unreasonable. I imagine most people do that. But because of the large amount of Pokémon you'll inevitably catch, it's very easy to lose track of the one you might actually want to keep. So you have to go back and forth between the Box screen and the Summary screen to look at the stats.

1 minute ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I love it how when the game accuses Pikachu of nearly crying he just looks at you as if to say "You what, mate?!" :D 


That's been a thing since X/Y. Every Pokémon has those reactions when you use Amie with them.

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4 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Well, say you're the kind of player who'd want to keep at least one kind of each Pokémon?

It's not unreasonable. I imagine most people do that. But because of the large amount of Pokémon you'll inevitably catch, it's very easy to lose track of the one you might actually want to keep. So you have to go back and forth between the Box screen and the Summary screen to look at the stats.

Yeah it's a pain, was doing some chaining to get a Charmander so had a bunch of Mankey to get rid of. Itwas pretty awkward to work out which one to keep.

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15 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Well, say you're the kind of player who'd want to keep at least one kind of each Pokémon?

It's not unreasonable. I imagine most people do that. But because of the large amount of Pokémon you'll inevitably catch, it's very easy to lose track of the one you might actually want to keep. So you have to go back and forth between the Box screen and the Summary screen to look at the stats.

That's been a thing since X/Y. Every Pokémon has those reactions when you use Amie with them.

Yeah, I never bother looking at stats so it doesn't really effect me.

Also, I've never really bothered with the stuff Amie in previous games, plus I usually knock off animations, so this is new to me. 

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I am up to the third gym and got wiped out by Lt. Surge. 

From memory, I always used to be KO’d at that stage in all the previous versions of the game, as i never have a Pokemon suited to be effective against electric types. 

Really enjoying my play through of this so far. 

I much prefer playing in handheld mode, but only because it removes the need of the god awful motion control catching when hooked up in docked mode. 

Although i do like it on the big screen. Will post my team etc later, when I’ve figured out exactly who I want to keep with me! 

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Surge kicking my a** again!

It’s the damn thunderbolt move which is basically a one hit KO on a lot of my team. 

Magnemite is also a bit of a b*tch to take down, despite having a fire and fighting Pokemon that is effective against it. 

Who said this was easy?! 

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7 minutes ago, Aneres11 said:

Surge kicking my a** again!

It’s the damn thunderbolt move which is basically a one hit KO on a lot of my team. 

Magnemite is also a bit of a b*tch to take down, despite having a fire and fighting Pokemon that is effective against it. 

Who said this was easy?! 

Who's on your team and what are your levels like compared to Surge?

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13 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Who's on your team and what are your levels like compared to Surge?


so I just taught Pikachu ‘dig’ and he took all three of them out in one hit each.


Who said this game was difficult?! :p

Team wise, they’re all level 22-ish. So lower than Surge’s, but doesn’t matter too much now really! 

It did take me a couple of hours into the game to realise that actually catching Pokemon adds probably more experience than battling does, which is a little strange. So I’m trying to catch as much as possible now. :) 

Edited by Aneres11
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Started playing this tonight. It's cute although I can't get over how appalling Pikachu's run cycle is. If I hadn't seen it in the intro I wouldn't have noticed but good lord it's awful. 

I'm also slightly confused by the changed mechanics because I never really played Go 😋

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Took my Pikachu to work in the Pokeball us today to show it off to some mates...when I got home and put it back into the game it had gained enough EXP to jump from level 18 to 29....I only just beat Misty's, at 18 I was thinking I was over powered for where I was now I have to make my Pikachu take a back seat for a bit haha




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Enjoying the game so far, got 4 gym badges. I like how it's familiar, but with lots of small changes. I think I'd be fine with the new catching mechanics, if I could use traditional controls. Motion controls suck. 

I played it on the train earlier. I wasn't planning on catching anything as using stupid motion controls in a confined space was just silly.  But first thing that popped up was a shiny Zubat. Screw it, just pretend no one is around me. Had a shiny Golbat following me round since. :grin:


All the new moves for Eevee are handy, I'm rarely having to use anything else.

I was a bit disappointed when I got to Bill. I remember him being a huge Eevee fan. Not a single mention of Eevee when I'm standing there with an Eevee sitting on my head. The computer didn't have pictures of the original Eeveelutions either.

And the sleazy old man outside the 4th gym is no longer sleazy. 


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10 minutes ago, Mandalore said:

Enjoying the game so far, got 4 gym badges. I like how it's familiar, but with lots of small changes. I think I'd be fine with the new catching mechanics, if I could use traditional controls. Motion controls suck. 

I played it on the train earlier. I wasn't planning on catching anything as using stupid motion controls in a confined space was just silly.  But first thing that popped up was a shiny Zubat. Screw it, just pretend no one is around me. Had a shiny Golbat following me round since. :grin:

  Spoilery stuff (Hide contents)

All the new moves for Eevee are handy, I'm rarely having to use anything else.

I was a bit disappointed when I got to Bill. I remember him being a huge Eevee fan. Not a single mention of Eevee when I'm standing there with an Eevee sitting on my head. The computer didn't have pictures of the original Eeveelutions either.

And the sleazy old man outside the 4th gym is no longer sleazy. 


That old man hasn't been sleazy since Gen 3.

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9 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Do you want a Mew? That's the main selling point.

It also works simlarly to the Pokéwalker that Heart Gold/Soul Silver came packaged with. You put a Pokémon in it, connect it to Pokémon GO and go for a walkabout. When you put it back in Pokemon Let's GO, it gets experience and might bring back items.

So yeah, it's a not free Pokéwalker that lacks a screen but functions as a controller for the Switch. It also can't connect with other Poké Ball Plus like the Pokéwalker did.

In that case I’ll probably get it digitally and maybe one day get the pokeball separately. Mew would be nice to have but I can live without him for now. I have a 100% IV one in Pokémon Go anyway yet he never gets used for anything. 

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