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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Terry Bogard presentation Roundup

All up on the main page, with the press release roundup, a little bit of commentary and a link to the video presentation. :peace:

Phew! after all the work Sakurai has put into the game recently and with the presentations I think it's only fair to ask him in Terry Bogard fashion...

Are you OK? :D

All credit to him though, seeing him blitz through all of those character scenarios as Terry Bogard and clearing it on 9.9 with his first attempt... amazing. :smile:

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41 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

All credit to him though, seeing him blitz through all of those character scenarios as Terry Bogard and clearing it on 9.9 with his first attempt... amazing. :smile:

Good, he says it, best character confirmed!

Yeah, that Classic Route looks like one of the trickier ones. Only 150 HP to take down 3 characters with 100 is a big disadvantage.

I appreciate the Battle Arena changes, it'd make things very easy to set up any Smash tourney we might plan on doing.

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1 hour ago, Glen-i said:

I appreciate the Battle Arena changes, it'd make things very easy to set up any Smash tourney we might plan on doing.

Yeah, this is an awesome change! Finally it’s possible to easily mix things up with different rules, item combinations etc. without having to reset the arena itself. :cool: 

The new text chat feature is very nice too. 

Perhaps there’s even still the possibility of seamless spectating in a future version of Battle Arenas. The fact that they are at least updating the mode gives me some hope. :) Either way these improvements are great.

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So, first impressions of Terry.

He's not just OK, he's really fun, his Engrish, his moveset and his mechanic all make for really interesting and entertaining fights.

It's remarkable how different he feels to Ryu and Ken, despite sharing the same command input mechanic. When I play as Ryu or Ken, I seem to do better when I'm deliberate and mechanical, Terry, on the other hand, is really good at rushdown attacks. He's reliant on the player knowing his command inputs, because unlike Ryu and Ken, his two best moves can only be done with them. When I saw the more complicated inputs for Buster Wolf and Power Geyser, I was worried it might be too complicated to pull off, but it's actually quite lenient with how much time you've got to do it, I can pull it off about 75% of the time. A bit of practice and I'm sure I'll improve with him.
Also, his Final Smash is very hard to dodge. Luckily, only the closest person hit gets the full brunt of the attack, everyone else takes a bit less damage, kinda like Banjo's Final Smash.

So, yeah, much more technical but very rewarding if you get good with him. And only SNK can get away with having a character in Smash with a rubbish voice and actually be all the better for it. If his voice was actually as good as the other Smashers, I'd be disappointed.

Stage is very cool too, the walls shouldn't add that much to the fight, but it's very satisfying knocking people through it. A totally flat stage shouldn't be that unique, so props to Sakurai's team there.

I also got a 9.9 with Terry.

Yeah, there's no extra characters to fight on the Co-op version, and they still come out 1 at a time, very easy 9.9 there, thanks to @Dcubed, who played as Ness, because there's no more perfect character to co-op Terry than Young Terry.

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Terry is everything I wanted him to be. He spotdodges better, his specials come out really fast, he can actually be played as a rushdown character... It's like playing as Melee Capt. Falcon, except even better. I feared a charge attack would be too clumsy for Smash, but nope! It's actually addicting, coming up with situations to pull it off, eitherin neutral play, or as part of a combo. He's such a fun addition to the roster, it's insane. Can't wait to try him out at my next tourney, 'cause there's an excellent chance he'll be joining my cast of mains.

The KOF arena is way better than advertised. Finally, we can have proper Cage Matches! Plus, best characters King, Mary, Yuri and Yamazaki occasionally appear in the background. What's not to love?

Music is bloody great. The one I wanted the most was Pasta, and we got it (not sure why they didn't go with the most recent, upbeat version of the song, but whatever). Didn't expect Smash to suddenly create the best version of London March and Athena's Theme, either. We also got Kim and K' songs from KOF XIII, which I thought were "unlikely" tracks, but were my faves from that game. And 11th + 176th streets can now be heard in Smash after being in my personal playlists for the longest time! Life is good.

But allow me to be petty, picky and entitled for a moment: Sadly, Sakurai doesn't seem to think jazz is appropriate, because most of the smooth tracks I love from the series didn't make it. Stuff like Splendid Soldier, Secret Circumstances, Kiss of Poison... Even Iori's theme (literally named after saxophones) got a super upbeat remix, but no traditional jazzy groove. And more surprisingly, Blue Mary Blues has no presence, which is mind-boggling to me (Rugal's theme didn't make it either! That's even more surprising, since it already sounds so ready for Smash). Finally, I wanted Tranquilizer, and the fact that it didn't make the list made me pout slightly. [/spoiled mode]

I totally got the spirit fights for Team Japan, Andy Bogard, and Iori Yagami right, and I'm super proud of that. The remaining ones totally blindsided me, which is also cool, I think.



I knew I did well to save this screenshot. Kim only raises good boys and girls.

On 06/11/2019 at 3:08 PM, Glen-i said:

Jonnas there, accidently predicting exactly when that T.O.P mechanic kicks in.

He also predicted three of his specials as well. What a nerd!

Sakurai showed two specials from the get-go. So, I predicted 3 out 3 unrevealed specials, when I thought there were only 2 to guess.

So that's Mr.Nerd to you!

2 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Yeah, there's no extra characters to fight on the Co-op version, and they still come out 1 at a time, very easy 9.9 there, thanks to @Dcubed, who played as Ness, because there's no more perfect character to co-op Terry than Young Terry.


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Well, this Shenanigans montage is really hectic, might take multiple watches just to catch everything!

Features me as Blue Terry, @BowserBasher as Brownish Terry, @Sprout as NeoGeo Terry for some, than Green Terry.

Also has @S.C.G as the other NeoGeo Terry, @Jonnas as... Uhhh, I can't remember if there was a third NeoGeo one. @Dcubed was Black Terry and @RedShell was the regular Terry, I believe, probably wrong on something.


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I was Neo Geo Terry as well, yeah. Then I changed to Brownish Terry at some point to stop confusing myself with Sam :heh: And that Green Terry was Sprout, then... He said he recognized me, but I didn't put together who he was. I'll see if I can PM him later on.

By the way, did you not put the Sudden Death Buster Wolf Murder-Suicide on the montage? I couldn't stop laughing after the fact!

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19 minutes ago, Jonnas said:

By the way, did you not put the Sudden Death Buster Wolf Murder-Suicide on the montage? I couldn't stop laughing after the fact!

Yeah, I only noticed that I overlooked that sudden death once I finished converting it.

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Pokémon Sword and Shield spirits are coming to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

From this Friday, the spirits and the board will be there for five days but after that you should be able to encounter them during normal play.

(That's the way in which I understand the spirits system to work anyway, I haven't really played the single player for the best part of a year)

For those of you who already have all the currently available spirits, get ready to go for the one hundred percent completion again! :D

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On 21/11/2019 at 7:41 AM, Glen-i said:

Calling it now, Zacian fight will be Duck Hunt Duo with a Beam Sword/Killing Edge.

Zamazenta will be the same, but with a Back Shield.

Aww nuts, they used Fox and Wolf instead. I was so close!

Anyway, 100% maintained! Back to actual Pokémon.

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Well, this is interesting.

General gist is that Resident Evil spirits are coming to Smash. And no, it's not part of the Fighter's Pass.

While nothing is ever certain in the crazy Smash DLC speculation train ride, the fact that that picture is of probably the most famous characters from the series most likely deconfirms that a Resi rep is getting into Smash.

If I had to make a guess though, I'd say this means there's a decent chance that fighter 5 is from a Capcom series. Monster Hunter would be my bet. Followed by Phoenix Wright.

EDIT: Found the English tweet.

Starts this Friday.

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Another Shenanigans video. This one is mostly N-E stuff from the past few weeks, but there's a few from the community centre there. If there's a timer at the top right, it's a N-E fight.

As far as I recall, @S.C.G, @RedShell, @Ugh first aid, @BowserBasher and me are the people playing in this one.

Also, gonna mention @drahkon, not because he's in this video, but the end is mostly there to teach him that THERE'S A DAMN DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO! STOP BEING DUMB!

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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate to host first anniversary spirit event

I can't believe it has been a whole year already...

While I started writing about the spirit event, it turned into an article reflecting on the year and all the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate related content on the site.

In additon to giving thanks to the development team, third parties and a certain someone from Nintendo who's sadly no longer with us.

And I'd like to say thanks to everyone in the N-Europe community, on the main forum and to my fellow staff members as well, it has certainly been quite the year...

...both for SSBU and just in general but one thing which has kept me going is our community game nights on Smash as I really do look forward to them. :D

To anyone who I've played in Smash, Thanks for Playing! And here's to hopefully many more years of Super Smash Bros. based shenanigans. :peace:

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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate goes back to the 80's for the latest tournament

An excellent idea for a tournament theme from Nintendo, it all starts this Friday and lasts for three days. :D

Plus I couldn't miss a chance to share that excellent piece of promotional artwork, the use of Mr. Game & Watch is inspired. :peace:

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Last week, I brought my Switch to a Christmas Fayre along with Smash. This resulted in 8-player Smash!

Can't tell what's going on? Neither could everyone playing. Doesn't make it any less beautiful!

Yeah, Kirby is a popular pick. Easy to get back on the stage with him.

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