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1 hour ago, Glen-i said:


Octopath Traveller is the next game to get the Spirit Event treatment to celebrate its second anniversary. It starts today and goes on until the 15th.

Shout out to fellow spirit completionist, @markderoos

On my to do list for tonight!

I find it intrigueing by the way how they chose black knight for the art work. Rest of the characters are all playable and they could’ve easily chosen Ganondorf to represent instead.

Black Knight next DLC character?

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6 minutes ago, markderoos said:

On my to do list for tonight!

I find it intrigueing by the way how they chose black knight for the art work. Rest of the characters are all playable and they could’ve easily chosen Ganondorf to represent instead.

Black Knight next DLC character?

Olberic in Octopath Traveler is a crazy powerful tank, so actually, Ike seems like the obvious choice, but he's repped by Black Knight in the Spirit Fight with Bayonetta as Primrose. (Perfect choice there)

My guess is that they didn't want all the fights to be 2 against one fights. (Although the H'aanit and Ophilia adds a Wolf because H'aanit has a similar animal buddy in Octopath)

In an ideal world, we would have got music from Octopath Traveler just so Midgar can have a not dreadful music selection.

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Min Min was a rollercoaster, I started off horribly, taking over 100% damage on the first fight, and not doing much better on the second. And then fights 3-5 are battles where it's two against one and a horde battle made things even worse. Miracle of miracles, I did well on the horde battle and got to the boss with 8.9 intensity.

Luckily, Min Min's boss is Galleom, who is way easier to deal with when you have Min Min's bonkers range.

57 down, 26 to go.

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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate spirits event titled 'Octopath Traveller' is now live

But you already knew that... :p anyway, it's up on the main site. :)

The main thing this event highlights for me, is that, well... its been two years since I've purchased and not played Octopath Traveller.

I should probably fix that... but I probably won't.

It's a great spirits theme for Smash though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Animal Crossing: New Horizons spirits have just now shown up in my pool, now just gotta wait for the Trials of Mana ones.

In more important news...

The highlight video from the N-E Min Min night is done.

Features @S.C.G as default Min Min, @BowserBasher as Blue Hat Min Min, me as Green Hat Min Min, @RedShell as Kirby, Captain Falcon and Ribbon Girl Mii and @S.C.G's brother as Link.

(I ran out of space, couldn't get every moment in...)

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34 minutes ago, RedShell said:

Rocket 3528

Glen 0

:laughing: :bowdown:

You knew I was gonna post it.

That moment has me scarred for life. It's made me hyper-aware of any Hocotate Bombs around.

And yet, it still manages to blindside me in the most hilarious of ways when I let my guard down or don't notice it.

Still one of the best items in Smash!

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Hello, everyone, It is I, Mr. Sproukurai.

A couple of weeks ago I noticed on the Switch's News Channel that there was a contest to make the best screenshot in Smash using Min Min as the theme, followed by a second snapshot contest the week after with no set theme. I figured that I would give it a go and try to win me that £50 eShop credit, and spent my free time over the past couple of weeks taking a bunch of photos. I thought I would share them here too on the off chance someone might enjoy them. I took... quite a few, so apologies in advance to any mobile users. At least I restrained myself and left the descriptions tweet-sized for you!

Week One: Min Min


This snap uses Piranha Plant's side special to appear as if it's slurping on Min Min's noodle arm. A common technique I used in these snaps was to play in team battle so that attacks wouldn't hit fighters I was taking snaps with. Superspicy Curry provides Min Min's pained face.


Dragon got your Tongue?

What I originally had in mind was Yoshi's tongue and the Dragon ARM's "tongue" touching, but when taking things one frame at a time, I encountered this situation which looked far better, so I ended up using it instead.


Go! MegaPac-ARM!

I wanted to "create" an ARM, and turned to Pac-Man due to his similarity to the Megawatt ARM. Pac-Man's side taunt has a single frame where he's missing his arms and legs, which was great for the purpose of this image. Wouldn't you like to use this in ARMS, too?


Go! MegaWakkARM!

This was the originally intended version of the ARM I desired to create. Min Min is standing a little further back compared to the previous snap because she's using the Ramram ARM, which has detached and is flying off camera. Had I used the Megawatt it would appear in his mouth.


I choose you! Mechazard! I hope its power cord is long enough... 

Min Min has taken a Super Mushroom for this snap, because otherwise her Dragon ARM wouldn't be able to cover Charizard's head. Charizard has grabbed a Smash Ball to make itself look more intimidating. With those flashes in Mechazard's "mouth", what do you think its true face is?


Dragon vs Dragon

This was taken within the Rayquaza spirit battle to make it easier to get photo opportunities with Rayquaza. Still, trying to take a photo whilst fending off a CPU Ridley was a pain. Strong winds are in effect in this spirit battle, which made for a nice bonus visual.


Year of the Rat 2020: A Tiny Tag Along

Did you remember about Munchie in Eight's pocket?

To get Min Min at eye level with Munchie, I had to have someone perform a footstool jump on her. The fact that she makes a face that alludes curiosity was a fortunate bonus.


Year of the Rat 2020: Resting Rodents.

Min Min is just waking up in this snap, thus explaining her expression and position. The bubbles coming from Pikachu and Pichu could just as easily be interpreted as coming from the Dragon ARM's nostrils. Don't you hate it when your arm falls asleep on you?


That's quite a reach.

This can't happen of course, but because of the stage I think it makes you believe it could for a moment. I took this in tourney mode, which allows you to have fighters that use the same outfit in the same match. That allowed me to use Min Min's dragon arm transformation here.


You're your own worst enemy.

Once again tourney mode was used so I could use Min Min's dragon arm transformation for this snap. Min Min is using her ability to use both her ARMS at once to turn around to face the Dragon ARM, and Superspicy Curry is used again to give her a shocked looking expression.


Nooo! Such range does not belong in this world!

Richter is standing on a platform to the right of the stage, whilst Min Min is positioned to the left of the stage. Thanks to Wii Fit Studio's mirrors, she looks like she's directly behind him, or perhaps a mental image. Don't feel too bad, Richter! Your range is still not bad!


Mega Man's Mega-What?!

This time, I wanted the appearance of someone other than Min Min using an ARM. Mega Man was perfect thanks to his Mega Buster and ability to use the techniques of others in his games. Min Min's pose is the result of her slipping on a Banana Peel.


Balance is the Key

When you think or martial arts, one image you may think of is that of someone balancing on a tall and thin object or structure. Thankfully Garden of Hope provided me with such a structure for this snap. I'm also glad I could include Min Min's ramen buddies Kirby and Falcon here.


The Snake that's a Rope and the Dragon that's an ARM

I thought that the Dragon ARM and Lucas' Rope Snake shared a few similarities, so figured I'd make a snap including them both. Getting the distance between Lucas and Min Min just right so I could get as much of Rope Snake in the shot as possible without Lucas' arm took some time.


Hey, name's Rope Snake. Lemme guess: Dragon Strap?

During the process of taking the previous snap, I remembered the dragon on Min Min's back, and thought Rope Snake attempting to interact with it under the impression that it too was sentient would be amusing. The fighters are giant here, allowing me to get "closer" to them.


Da na na naaa~! ...Am I doing this right?

Min Min takes on the classic pose from the Zelda series by holding a Special Flag above her head. For the chest, Kirby's down special attack was used. The chest didn't actually cover the entire Special Flag, so I had to angle the camera in such a way to hide it from view.


Da na na naaa~! Ahh, so that's how you do it.

This version has Min Min pull up some Grass to create the same pose, but with a freshly plucked Heart Container instead. Min Min's hat reminded me of Link, which was the inspiration for this and the previous snap. Naturally, I simply had to include a Link in at least one of them.


Whoa... The Sandbags in Smash are... so cute!

Upon looking at Min Min holding Sandbag, it almost looked as if she was hugging it. One portion of Superspicy Curry to make her blush and this image is the result. Sandbag is certainly cute, and if Nintendo were to release Sandbag plushies, I think I'd want to give one a hug, too.


C'mon, Mac, this distance is nothing! What is Doc even teaching you?!

This snap came about when coming up with ways to force Mac to fight from a distance whilst training with Min Min. New Donk City Hall was great not only for its long falls, but also its similarity to New York, where Little Mac can often be seen training with his coach, Doc Louis.


I want my item!

I wanted a snap involving the ARMS Drone, but my initial idea of Snake riding it didn't pan out, so strapped for time, I settled for a snap of Min Min giving it a good thwack. I guess it is what you do to the poor thing in ARMS, but I feel the snap kinda lacks creativity...


Ah, so that's where you were all hiding.

I wanted a snap with the ARMS Mii Fighter costumes, but I wanted it to look like it was actually the fighters from ARMS. This was the solution I came up with. Min Min's head is smaller than a Mii Fighter, so I had her chow down on a Super Mushroom to minimise the difference.


The Ramen Bomber

"The Ramen Bomber" is the title given to Min Min in ARMS as well as on the Boxing Ring stage, and I wanted to create a snap that as evocative of that title. I decided on a snap with her dancing elegantly through an explosion (which was fittingly provided by a Bomber item).


Mini Min Min

The caption came before the snap for this one. The taunting Ken and Terry are both using a Max Brass spirit to make them super giant, whilst Min Min has been hit by a Lightning Bolt to make her tiny. Positioning them all just right before transformations wore off took many tries!


Week Two: Anything Goes


In the process of setting up this snap, I realised that there is a cooldown period before you're allowed to reenter a pipe (this also applies to the pipes that can appear in Pictochat 2). Kinda defeats the fun of the stage if you ask me, but I understand why it was made this way.


You wouldn't know a good game if you were in it!

We never had any of this fancy 3-D stuff! Oh no, we had to survive on what we had! And what little we did have, we were happy with!

I'm using a giant Mii Fighter (wearing a Monkey Suit and Vince's Hat) to depict Cranky Kong. Truth be told, I secretly wanted Cranky in Ultimate...


That's one cool bear, over there

I had a different version of this snap with Banjo using his polar bear alternate colours, but I felt it made for an image with too much white in it, so stuck with the bear and bird's usual look for some added colour.

Hmm... maybe the Polar Bear and Condor should team up, too...


Uwahhh! Since when did you have those?!

A leftover Sandbag idea from when I was creating snaps themed on Min Min, that makes use of Snake's unique grab. I imagine Snake has some trouble employing a chokehold on something which doesn't have a neck, but it looks like Sandbag is enjoying whatever he's doing here.


Mother's behind me? Don't be ridiculous, I've been VERY quiet. Now let me return to beating my Balloon Fight high score...

I wanted to use the Gamer stage to take a snap or two, though it was a bit of a pain trying to get a version of the stage with the game device. The Artist minigame in Game & Wario got a lot of play time with my family, but Gamer was certainly one of the standout solo minigames.


Red & Blue

I thought of using Charmander on Saffron City as well, but ultimately decided on a snap with the two Pokémon that appeared on the boxart of the first Pokémon games. Pokémon Red & Blue remain very dear to me, so I was very grateful that Pokémon Trainer returned in Ultimate.


That's a nice pot you got there. It would be a shame if something happened to it...

Another snap inspired by a classic part of The Legend of Zelda: smashing pots that clearly do not belong to you. I went through a lot of stages when trying to get Link to look as dark as possible with the shadow filter. If you can't guess, this was taken on Unova Pokémon League.


Argh! This Headache is DeDeDetestable!

...To be honest, this was actually taken in 2019, but I figured I would throw it in anyway. I remember having to be quick to hit pause, as you can't alter the camera angle of finishing blows when they initially land, so it had to be done the very moment afterwards.


Gooray! Another Goosom Buddy to Play With!

Another snap making use of a Mii Fighter without actually showing the Mii Fighter. This time it was a giant Mii Brawler with a Slime Hat. I really like the jiggling this hat can do, but, uh, more so when playing the game and less so when trying to take pictures... Stay still!


GYAAAHHH! Don't surprise me like that!

I really wanted to take a snap with a boss. I opted for Marx as he has the best facial expressions of the bosses. The extra sparkles Isabelle has is due to the Great Autoheal effect of the Celebi spirit. She's going to need it, since Marx is firing his laser one frame later!


This is Snake. I think I may have been spotted.

Another snap with 5-Volt, this time with Snake as her soon-to-be victim. If this picture made you curious, then, no, the box doesn't save Snake from her intimidating glare. Such tactics may work against professional soldiers, but never against a mother who wants you to go to bed.


The Class of Smash are quite a handful... One of them doesn't even know how to read!

An idea that developed from Pit's "I never learned how to read!" line. Because I needed Robin's tomes, this is the only snap where there are five characters involved. That said, I only needed to control three simultaneously. Joker in particular was hard to position for this one.


We Dreamed of Creating the World's Strongest Pokémon... and we Succeeded.

The opening scenes of Pokémon: The First Movie was the basis of this snap. I wanted to do one last snap with some characters clipping, and who doesn't enjoy giving someone a Kirby head? Kinda reminds me of the old days when Mewtwo was depicted with unnaturally large head...


Kindred Spirits

A simple snap taken on the WarioWare, Inc. stage. Wish I could play this up by saying how I only had seconds to take the snap due to the nature of microgames, but compared to snaps that require a single frame, this was easy. But easy is good! It requires far less effort from me!


Gotcha this time

An idea that made use of Snake's butterfly-shaped C3 explosive. Not too happy with this one personally, but in the end it was the best I could think of. I sure wound up using Snake and the Animal Crossing characters a lot for week two... And speaking of characters I used a lot-


This crude image... does it depict a destroyer of worlds? Or an ally to the stars?

This is a combination of Kirby with Mr. Game & Watch's copy ability and one of Pictochat 2's transformations. Considering the stage has 20+ transformations, the night transformation has four versions, and the full moon only appears for a short moment, this took a while to take.


No one knows from whence he came, only that he has existed for aeons, unchanging and unrelenting. Perpetually roaming the cosmos, he has finally arrived. And now, he has begun to feel. To desire. To think. Within the void, there lurks… a Soul!

I tried to use Smash's shock filter here, which inverts colours. Following from the previous snap, I decided on using Game & Watch Kirby again, inspired by the final boss fight from Kirby Star Allies. Did anyone else beat him in The Ultimate Choice on Soul Melter EX difficulty? I beat him using four Ricks.


May the Goddess of Light Shine Upon You

For the final snap, Final Destination was the only fitting choice. If you're wondering how Pit is enveloped in a beam of light, the answer is that it's coming not from the Goddess of Light, but one of Crazy Hand's attacks. Pit should probably be getting out of the way of that...


...And that's it ! I didn't wind up making a winning entry in the end, but overall, I'd say I enjoyed spending time coming up with ideas for these contests. I used to take a lot of snapshots back in the Smash Bros. Brawl days, so dedicating time to do so once more felt somewhat nostalgic, and was a nice reminder that Smash can be more than just a fighting game. That said, as enjoyable as it was, it was also rather exhausting taking so many snapshots in the span of two weeks, so I probably won't be doing it again anytime soon (unless someone wants to give me fifty quid), but I hope you liked something from this collection nonetheless. Here's four more I took last year to finish off this post, based on the theme of movie posters.


Bonus: A Smashing Movie Poster

"It ain't over til it's over."


Two Brothers, Two Genres: Superhero


Two Brothers, Two Genres: Horror


"Thanks for the adventure."

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Holy smokes @Sprout those are fantastic, hadn't the slightest idea that things like this were possible with Ultimate's Photo Mode. Love the captions for each, and the descriptions of how you got the shot, and especially what was challenging on some of them. Awesome stuff :bowdown:

Personal favourite has to be Squirtle's gasp reaction to Mechazard. I can't stop laughing :laughing:

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There is an update (8.1.0) just put up for his game: 


The latest software version is needed to enjoy the following features:

◯ Stage
・ The Small Battlefield stage has been added. You can also set Small Battlefield as a Preferred Rule in Online battles.

・ You can now select any stage-specific music for the Battlefield, Small Battlefield, Big Battlefield, and Final Destination stages.

◯ Online
・ The online user experience has been adjusted.

・ The way matching is determined when using Preferred Rules has been adjusted.

・ Following a look at the current number of players eligible for Elite Smash, the threshold for entry has been recalculated to allow more players. Additionally, the way initial values for Global Smash Power are calculated has also been adjusted.

Further investigations and adjustments to Online mode are expected.

◯ General
・ Several issues have been fixed to improve gameplay experience.


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Small Battlefield is nice and all, but why has this update completely ruined my "My Music" setups?

Being able to have any song on the Smash stages is fine, but there's no way to turn this off.

What if I want the Smash stages to only play Smash music? I've painstakingly applied every song to the stage I think fits best and it doesn't matter on Battlefield/Final Destination, because the Smash music probably won't show up there now...


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