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Had an email telling me the several of the games on my wishlist on Steam were on sale and it got me wondering about one of them, Where The Water Tastes Like Wine, and whether there was any chance of it coming to consoles. Turns out, NoA's website had the game listed as coming out on Nov. 29th so I'm very pleasantly surprised if this turns out to be true as I've been wanting to play for awhile, it's just my PC is a potato.

There's no official announcement from the developers other than a tweet saying that they're working to bring it to consoles back in May. I'm hoping this turns out to be real as I'd love to finally play it. If we can get this, here's hoping Cardboard Computer and Annapurna Interactive can finally wrap up Kentucky Route Zero for release as well as that's another game I've been waiting to play (especially as it's episodic). Although, do I really need more games to play... yes, yes I do :D

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2 minutes ago, killthenet said:

The Touryst launches on November 21st for €19.99! Excited to see how it turns out, I've only played Fast RMX and Nano Assault Neo from Shin'en so it'll be interesting to see how they handle such a different genre

Looks great, might not buy it at release but will definitely get round to it assuming reviews are good

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The Touryst launches on November 21st for €19.99! Excited to see how it turns out, I've only played Fast RMX and Nano Assault Neo from Shin'en so it'll be interesting to see how they handle such a different genre

I loved the debut showing it had in the Direct. I’m a fan of Shin’en’s stuff so will be keeping an eye on this.
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  • 3 weeks later...


Space Pioneer is a twin-stick shooter developed by Vivid Games, published by QubicGames and will be available on the Nintendo eShop on December 6th for the price of £9.99


Demon Pit is a clearly Nineties-inspired, wave-based first-person shooter by Digerati and is coming to the Switch eShop on December 25th for around £8.99

Check the articles on the main page for details and trailers. :D

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28 minutes ago, Dog-amoto said:

Has anyone bought The Touryst? Getting decent reviews. I’m still on the fence over it, mainly cos I’ve got so much else to play but I’d be happy to hear people’s impressions. 

No, but I really want to buy it. :D

The only thing which is stopping me at the moment is the possibility of it getting a physical release although... it probably won't and all the other games I've got to play.

But if I end up caving in and buying it, or maybe if we end up getting a review code then either myself or another staff member will let you know what we think of it. :smile:

Personally, I love Shin'en and would love nothing more than to drop everything, get the game, play it and review it... right now. :grin:

In the meantime though, I wonder if anyone else on the forum has bought it?

Edited by S.C.G
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Picked up and started Katana Zero this afternoon and I think I'm almost finished with it but I love it. I don't know why I waited so long to pick it up but it's had me hooked from the first moment and I'm itching to get back on and see how the story unfolds. I really like the Hotline Miami games but they did try my patience from time to time with how the levels were laid out and enemies were placed but I'm getting none of that here. Everything is just perfectly paced and done. And that soundtrack is great. Superb little game and can't wait to jump in and finish it later. Very much become one of my favourite indie games of the year.

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I played through The Touryst over the last couple of days and it's definitely pretty good but I think Shin'ens talents are better suited to racing games rather than platform puzzlers. It's really impressive from a visual standpoint, runs flawlessly as well which is no surprise given the developers technical skill. There are plenty of secrets to uncover but it's definitely on the short side, think I clocked up about 6 hours on it and that was with a lot of meandering about. 

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I've spent some of the day playing Afterparty from Night School, makers of Oxenfree, and it's just not gelling with me which I'm so disappointed about. I loved Oxenfree but this just isn't what I had hoped going in. Sure, the performances from the cast are fantastic (Ashly Burch once again puts in another great performance in a game this year, definitely one of my favourite voice actresses) but I'm not caring for the main characters Milo and Lola and don't really feel anything for their desire to get out of hell in terms of the story. Maybe it'll develop a bit more as I go about trying to drink some of Satan's old friends under the table but the immediacy of the quirk and weirdness and characters that Oxenfree brought to the table isn't here this time, perhaps purposefully but I think here it maybe needed it more.

There's also a host of performance issues with a lot of stuttering which is again dragging the game down somewhat, and this is after some patches as well. Maybe they'll get patches but as I say, there's been a few patches so far and they've not managed to iron those out so I don't know if or when they'll get their.

A bit of a disappointment as I was looking forward to it and off of the back of Oxenfree, I had high hopes this would be one of my games of the year. Sadly, it doesn't look like it. Here's hoping the performance is sorted before it comes to the Switch next year but yeah, sad it's not doing anything for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, TemTem, that MMO heavily inspired by Pokémon, got a new trailer recently and has a Steam/Humble Bundle release date of January 21st 2020, with plans still apparently in place to bring it to Switch, PS4 and Xbox One. 

It's actually looking surprisingly good, I think that -if and when it does make it's way over- a demo might be the best route for them to go. Also, remember that adorable fanmade "leaked" platypus water-type we saw doing the rounds in the early days of wild Sword/Shield rumours? Keep an eye out for it at 01:12 :p hopefully it's a case of them working with the artist and nothing shady...

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1 hour ago, Julius said:

Also, remember that adorable fanmade "leaked" platypus water-type we saw doing the rounds in the early days of wild Sword/Shield rumours? Keep an eye out for it at 01:12 :p hopefully it's a case of them working with the artist and nothing shady...

Pretty sure that artist has said that they were offered the design job by the team behind Temtem. So it's all good.

Naturally, I'm interested. Will have to see whether it actually offers stuff that is missing from Sword/Shield before I give it a shot. (No, not the MMO aspect, couldn't give a toss about that, I'm thinking more like the Battle Frontier)

I guess the battle system will be the key thing about it. If it's half as complex as Pokémon's, then there's promise there.

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Anybody here who played 20XX? That one Megaman-roguelike-game? Seems like my kind of game, just wondered if anybody could give me some of their impressions :p 

Edit: Nevermind, just watched Jim Sterling playing it and decided that I needed it :D 

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20XX is amazing. Only put 1 hour into it, but I enjoy it quite a lot. It actually is Megaman with roguelike elements and procedurally generated levels.
There are 4 characters in total. The first two are unlocked from the start; one with a sword and one with a ranged attack. No idea how to unlock the other two and what their abilities are.
You have your standard roguelike elements: permanent upgrades and unlockable items you can then find in the levels. Love it :D 

It also has online and local coop. Might give the latter a go later today with a mate :) 

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4 hours into Golf Story...and it's becoming stale. The golf mechanics are ok, but they alone can't carry the game. And then there's the humour...Golf puns here, fonts/speech bubbles that change in size there. It gets old very quickly.
The story is boring, mainly because the characters are uninspired. You have the coach who thinks you suck but apparently changes his mind, you have the shady business man and your rival who hates you for a stupid reason. And who are you, anyway? No name and your backstory is just "I wanna be the very best".
Quests are pretty much all fetch quests. Sometimes you golf, sometimes you have a checkpoint race. I've read in a review that "fetch quests aren't boring". I don't share that sentiment...

The first enjoyment faded fast. I hope it picks up again. I'm not doing any sidequests in the hopes that the main story has some kind of twist in store.

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5 hours ago, drahkon said:

I hope it picks up again.


The quests are always the same...

  • "shoot some balls into some areas" - but hey, sometimes the balls have different colours
  • "run around in a circle and hit checkpoints" - but hey, sometimes the checkpoints have different colours
  • "go around and collect shit" - but hey, you always collect different shit

It is tedious as all hell and just means to make the game longer. And while the game as a whole has a certain charm to it, the characters, setting and story don't. It sounds weird, but it's the only way I can describe it.

The only thing that keeps me going: Playing a course/tournament. It's quite relaxing just teeing up on 9 holes in a row and trying to win. I won the first real tournament and it was great. Each hole was challenging and I didn't have to run around and do mindnumbingly boring tasks.

I will sit this through, though, because my only new year's resolution is: finish games before starting a new one (except games that you can play endlessly like...YES, YOU KNOW WHICH GAME I'M TALKING ABOUT) and why not start early with this. And as I said: There are some tournaments/courses left to play, so...

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Finished Golf Story just now.

All my previous criticism still stands. Mind-numbingly tedious fetch quests en masse. Most of them literally with a different paint job. And that story, including all characters involved are forgettable at best.

The golf mechanics, however, are pretty good. The tournaments and matches against NPCs were great fun.

But in an RPG, even good a good battle system can't carry the game forever.

I'm glad I got it on sale. The reduced price pretty much reflects the reduced enjoyment I got.

I will stay cautiously optimistic for the sequel. Having other sports to help mitigate the tedium might be what makes for a great RPG. :)


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And the 5th run is a win :peace: 20XX sure is a cool game. A rogue-like Megaman clone that works surprisingly well. The randomly generated levels provide a decent challenge. At the end I was kind of able to tank my way through the last two levels. I did, however, have to play it safe during the final boss.

I consider this game finished now, but will definitely go back from time to time :) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

It looks like we'll be getting news on Kentucky Route Zero this coming within the next couple of days. The developers, Cardboard Computer, have a hotline that you could phone for development updates on the final episode and updates on the console versions but it's now apparently counting down to an announcement on Tuesday. The games publisher, Annapurna Interactive, have also tweeted to say that they have something to announce next week to start the year off so it finally looks like the stars are aligning for the game and that a release is soon approaching. Hopefully it's not just the fifth episode but the console versions as well (it's slated for Switch as well as PS4 and Xbox One).

I've been wanting to play the game for years but I've waited for the full game to jump in and it sounds like I'll soon be able to do that. I've heard so many good things about the game so I'm excited to get my hands on it.

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