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Splatoon 2


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What if you're playing and end up on a team of just rollers (you can't see what will be in the lobby) so you think you should change to help balance your team... you can't! It's a silly decision!


That's a really good point. Before a match you should be able to pick your loadout and see what others on your team have chosen.

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I was referring simply to the current demo people are sampling... as you say, you can't wait to find out what they've done to it. I think when the game releases the lobby will fill up quickly enough - the install base of switch users will be bigger, and hopefully there will be plenty of enticing new content for those who played splatoon as well as the obvious allure for those who missed out on the original.

But this demo, aside from dual weapons, variants on specials and I presume (as I don't own a switch to see for myself) new map(s?) and a new control scheme, there isn't too much to hold people, once they've tried it out they'll likely be (for the most part) happy to wait till test part 2 or the final retail release. With the original Splatoon we were super hungry for a new game and the install base was already there, but probably numbers were already lower than what they were just after the initial retail release and the first few splatfests!


Ah I see, then yeah, the demo is pretty bare and just the platoon we all know and love. The demo definitely isn't as exciting as Splatoons first one, but like you ay it's pretty logical; that was completely new, this isn't. Still really excited for it though.


I think its fine if they want to stop you from changing way during a match but I do think being able to change in a lobby while being able to see what other team members are using for balance should be possible.


Yeah this is what I think, in private matches on the original you can see what other people have and change your weapons. Just bring this into all online, makes perfect sense!

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Did the test fire today. Online performance was great, no lag even when playing handheld far from the router.


I didn't play the first Splatoon a huge amount, this seemed identical to me but that's what I expected really. Fun in short bursts but I'm not sure I'd buy the full game, but probably would if there's split-screen local multiplayer.


Seemed a little too easy when battling someone to kill each other at the same time. Found it pretty challenging to be honest, my team lost every game!

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I was hoping to really like this having never played the original Splatoon.


Unfortunately, I hate the controls - the gyro is dire for aiming. The joy cons aren't much better as the sticks are not brilliant for FPS games.


I may give it another go in the future but only once I've got a pro controller.

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I was hoping to really like this having never played the original Splatoon.


Unfortunately, I hate the controls - the gyro is dire for aiming. The joy cons aren't much better as the sticks are not brilliant for FPS games.


I may give it another go in the future but only once I've got a pro controller.


I've not got a switch so can't speak from experience there, but with the original it's a tough learning curve for some, but using the gyro is 100% natural now. I think a few people struggled with the motion controls on the Wii U, but after a bit of practice they click into place. If there are more test fire opportunities for you I'd recommend it.

Another point is (unless the rules changed dramatically) the aim isn't to shoot others but rather to paint turf. Take out the other team when the opportunity presents itself, but that is more of a secondary objective (unless you are a sniper... in which case you cover your team while they paint!) basically if you struggle with aiming grab a weapon with great ink coverage and get painting.

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I was hoping to really like this having never played the original Splatoon.


Unfortunately, I hate the controls - the gyro is dire for aiming. The joy cons aren't much better as the sticks are not brilliant for FPS games.


I may give it another go in the future but only once I've got a pro controller.

This was how I felt after playing it too (never played original Splatoon before).

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It was like this is Splatoon, but what's the reasoning behind completely disabling the right stick for vertical movement when motion is enabled? Zelda lets you do both and that works pretty well.


It should definitely allow for both, it'd be much better!


A few adjustments added to what the first game had and this game could be great. If it stays like the first, it's just good... but for me the frustrations of the first outweighed the good, so I'd give it a miss.


I hope they do rectify them!

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I haven't been available for any of the test-fires, unfortunately, but as it all appears to be very similar to the original we all know what to expect anyway :smile:


My wife and I have been looking into buying a house recently so there's a good chance I'll wait until we move somewhere with better Internet speed before picking this up!

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No idea, didn't try. I would hope so as there's just no way anyone who wants to be good at this would have them on.


Absolutely. I played this at the event in Manchester and hated the motion controls. Sure, I wasn't used to them as I never played the original. But it completely ruined the whole thing for me.


I really hope they can be turned off or I'm out.

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As most people have been saying, the controls are fantastic once you get used to them. Gyro aiming is far more accurate than analog aiming once you've worked them out.


This is so wrong.


Good analog sticks will destroy the gyro. The operative word is good though and this means not the Joy Cons.


I've not tried the Pro yet but if it's as good as an Xbox pad then dual stick will be the way to go in order to be the best at the game possible.

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You can really tell who are the oldies when it comes to aiming these days.


Gyro controls are one of the only things I actually like about Splatoon!

Use the sticks for big dramatic movements and the gyro for fine-tuning. Simple!

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I didn't mind the motion controls in the original, but then I wasn't looking at the screen built into the control device. I can't imagine quite what it'd be like trying to do motion controls on the Switch whilst in handheld mode? Also still perplexed about how it can feel the same when you're a whole screen down with no separate map screen!


It's exactly like like Splatoon, which isn't a bad thing, but in some ways isn't a good thing... the inability to change weapons in-game or even in-lobby does not fill me with confidence.


So have you played and seen that the option isn't there like before without leaving the lobby? Or is the test-fire too bare to know that as yet? The loadout thing really bugged me between matches. Also although I wouldn't have considered it I can see the argument for mid-match changes but I'm not 100% sure if I'd quite want that. Maybe semi-changeable out of a preselection of loadouts would sit ok with me over full flexibility.

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Also although I wouldn't have considered it I can see the argument for mid-match changes but I'm not 100% sure if I'd quite want that. Maybe semi-changeable out of a preselection of loadouts would sit ok with me over full flexibility.


They have it in twin squads on the original, it works fine, there is a countdown, if you don't make your changes in time you stick with the last weapon. Although gear you're stuck with, but tbh I never really bothered with changing my gear once I got some that suited me well.


Also agreed on the motion controls, I can't imagine enjoying them so much in handheld mode. But in home console mode I do find them a lot better. When I played against my friend (who has played mainly ps/xb fps games) he insisted on using my pro controller... even after he adjusted the controls, I was much better than him - the increased accuracy just feels better. It may be because in some way it feels more like mouse controls (I was first introduced to fps games on the PC). so perhaps it depends on whether you are more of a PC gamer or more of a console one? or then again I suppose it could just be down to personal preferences? personally I hate fps games when I have to use an analogue to aim, I find the disconnect too jarring I like the speed and accuracy afforded by a mouse/motion controls. with analogue sticks I haven't developed the finer controls needed to make fine adjustments to my aim using an analogue stick. where as motion controls/mouse I just need a few minutes generally and the controls aren't getting in the way anymore.

I can definitely understand why people who are more used to analogue sticks would hate motion controls though!

Edited by Pestneb
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The same conversations were bad with the first splatoon. Not wanting motion, wanting to change, the. Everyone realised motion is by far superior.


It should allow for both though, Doesn't make sense not to. I tried handheld mode just to see how it worked, nowhere near as good without a pro (which is pretty much perfect), but still good, the movement is subtle enough that even moving he screen doesn't matter. Also friend tabeltop mode, the screen isn't as small as I expected for that actually.

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