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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe


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The game is starting to sell out here in the Netherlands as well. So I'm glad I ordered it, and it will arrive tonight!


Shockingly the last MK I played were the Wii and DS versions, so I can't wait to jump back into the series!

Decided to do the same following your post. Intended to get it first thing in the morning on Friday, but that didn't pan out, and I'll only be able to visit a store next weekend, but the game was already sold out at the store I usually go to. I'll get it tomorrow, eventhough I'm actually not that much in a hurry, unlike with the console and Zelda at launch. 't will be my 2nd physical game.


Was considering digitial, I can certainly see the benefits, but I'm old-fashioned.

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Started this on my journey to work this morning and got robbed on the final lap of the final race in the first GP (150cc). 2 blue shells took me down a couples places, got back into first and another blue shell before the line took me to 2nd place.


You know, I don't actually think I'm arsed about getting 3 Stars, it doesn't get you anything does it?

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Started this on my journey to work this morning and got robbed on the final lap of the final race in the first GP (150cc). 2 blue shells took me down a couples places, got back into first and another blue shell before the line took me to 2nd place.


You know, I don't actually think I'm arsed about getting 3 Stars, it doesn't get you anything does it?


I can just see you hurling abuse and various profanities at the Switch screen, all the while everyone else on the public transport shaking their head in disgust. :D

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Started this on my journey to work this morning and got robbed on the final lap of the final race in the first GP (150cc). 2 blue shells took me down a couples places, got back into first and another blue shell before the line took me to 2nd place.


You know, I don't actually think I'm arsed about getting 3 Stars, it doesn't get you anything does it?


Getting 3 stars in every cup on 200cc is the only thing that unlocks something.

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Got to spend some time on this yesterday.

1: Bloody annoying having to complete cups again. Wish you could transfer data across from Wii U

2: Played a few online battles with KingV and Dazzybee but got disconnected. Not sure if this is going to be an ongoing issue with the Switches poor wifi.

3. Can you Switch the weapons?

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2: Played a few online battles with KingV and Dazzybee but got disconnected. Not sure if this is going to be an ongoing issue with the Switches poor wifi.


This. I tried getting online earlier this evening and had no luck whatsoever. Frankly I'm not surprised as I never get more than 2 bars of Wifi reception.


When using my Switch docked and using a cabled internet connection (via a USB/Ethernet adapter), it works fine.


Wifi sucks on the Switch

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Had some fun with this this night. Played some Grand Prix and online. Didn't do too well haha, it's been a while.

Had a few connection problems, no idea if it's the wifi. I still have the Wii LAN adapter though, will see if that helps.

Can't wait to play you guys.

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Is it possible upload your saved replays anywhere for sharing like screenshots?


I don't think it's the same as it was where you could upload directly to YouTube with the Wii U version, yet... it'll probably be updated when the online goes over to being subscription based.


As for screenshots, are you using a Micro SD card? You can just put it in an adapter, read the files on your PC and just copy the screens you want and upload them from there... as for directly from the console, again not yet.


Nintendo are missing a trick and I'm sure they know it, hopefully. ;)


I'm envisioning a cloud-based system being made available - using Lakitu as the character to promote it of course - where you can upload all your game saves, screenshots and videos with ease.


Well, we can dream anyway. ::shrug:




Has anyone beaten all of the Time Trial times set by the Nintendo staff yet? I'm working my way through them and I've got about halfway so far with all of my times uploaded. :)


Oh and I tried out half the battle mode arenas last night as well, really fun, I can't wait to try them out online but I'm now thinking about getting that wired adapter... if only Nintendo would fix the Wi-Fi which apparently has been broken since the first update!

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Oh and I tried out half the battle mode arenas last night as well, really fun, I can't wait to try them out online but I'm now thinking about getting that wired adapter... if only Nintendo would fix the Wi-Fi which apparently has been broken since the first update!


They really need to address the wifi issue, especially if they expect people to eventually pay for their online service.


I still need to fire this up. I may give it a go tonight. I'm keen to see how the battle modes play.

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I played the game for a couple of hours this week. Played 2 cups on 100CC (one with driving assist on since I forgot to turn it off, one with it turned off which I like better). Of course I got bombarded with lightning/blue shells/red shells all the time, which is a bit frustrating but is also very Mario Kart!


Played some battle games as well, and especially Renegade Roundup looks like a great mode to play online! But I also need a wifi access point or wired connection since my wifi is shitty to begin with, and the Switch's wifi isn't helping.


Tried playing it with a single joy-con+strap since some reviews complain about it being uncomfortable, but plays well for me! I'll bring my Switch tomorrow and try local multiplayer with some colleagues; everyone's been bugging me to bring it since I got it. The hype is real!

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I beat the last of the staff ghosts on 150cc last night @S\.C\.G but it's going to be a long time before I beat the 200cc ones, I've only done a handful of them.


With the Wii U version me, my brother and a friend of ours had a pretty serious competition for the best time trial records and it's started again with Deluxe, Mario Kart Stadium is the most competitive track as it was on the Wii U one but my favourite is Toad Harbour.


I'm really enjoying going through the GP again and unlocking all of the vehicle parts, I don't know why I was on the fence about getting it at launch because I'm having so much fun playing it, it's the perfect game for the Switch.

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Getting 3 stars in every cup on 200cc is the only thing that unlocks something.


What is it that it unlocks? I might not bother as I don't find single player much fun really, it's all about multiplayer for me!

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Cheers dude! Totally won't bother then. Haha


Same here. I can't even three star 150cc - I keep getting screwed by CPU. Yesterday, I got 57 points (which is 2 stars) because I got bombarded by a blue and a couple of red shells just before goal on Mount Wario. Seriously, getting three stars is more luck than skill. I can't even imagine doing it in 200cc.

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Same here. I can't even three star 150cc - I keep getting screwed by CPU. Yesterday, I got 57 points (which is 2 stars) because I got bombarded by a blue and a couple of red shells just before goal on Mount Wario. Seriously, getting three stars is more luck than skill. I can't even imagine doing it in 200cc.


This is a big beef i've had with the series for years. When I was a kid I was able to put up with the random nature of the game, as well as the rubber banding AI, but as I got older these things became less tolerable.

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Same here. I can't even three star 150cc - I keep getting screwed by CPU. Yesterday, I got 57 points (which is 2 stars) because I got bombarded by a blue and a couple of red shells just before goal on Mount Wario. Seriously, getting three stars is more luck than skill. I can't even imagine doing it in 200cc.


This is a big beef i've had with the series for years. When I was a kid I was able to put up with the random nature of the game, as well as the rubber banding AI, but as I got older these things became less tolerable.


This is why I couldn't care about the single player. When you're on your own it's not that much fun... but if you're playing with mates it's hilarious (if you can chat to each other that is)!

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